ROLE LOCK and HERO POOLS destroying the player base

So i noticed a huge decline in players when Role lock came into play .I kinda expected this but I feel like role lock kinda ruined overwatchs diversity as a game .Maybe this is why alot of players gave up on it .but now with hero pools i feel like this will be the end of overwatch .Its already taking longer to find games and i havent played overwatch in a week beause Sigma is my main and if im not allowed to even play my hero what is the point of playing the game at all .

I feel like even though there will be a few people who stick thier head in the sand and just spam ā€œThe game is great or fineā€ The majority of players do not like these changes .If there is any players left lol .


Theyā€™ll return, this is after all only for one season.

Are you sure .I thought hero pools were permanent .God i hope its only for one season or this game is 100% dead lol .

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I definitely have no desire to play overwatch with 5000 DPS and 6 tanks while 2 tanks are actually banned all the time.


problem is noone wants to tank because its the least impactful role .No matter what overwatch youtubers say i have been a tank main for 4 yrs and was one of the best at one point and i would lose heaps of games just because my soldier or mcree allies would run in front of the shield and die and this was in diamond and masters .

I found out the only way to really climb in overwatch is to play dps or support .Playing tank is way too frustrating but i just love sigma so i continue to play him .If i mained DPS i can 100% guarantee i would be gm by now .Without a single doubt .If they dont take away this role lock and hero pool crap the players base is never coming back i fear .

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Yep was said in here: Developer Update | Experimentation & Hero Pools | Overwatch - YouTube
At least if iā€™m correct, but i know for sure itā€™s a season only thing unless itā€™s recieved greatly.

Role lock is good for tank+support mains. The reason that it had such a large outcry about it is because DPS mains arenā€™t used to having their enjoyment of the game reduced for otherā€™s benefits.
Hero Pools would have worked without role queue, but at the moment theyā€™re a bandaid fix for a problem which could be solved in easier ways.


Thatā€™s not what the devs say.

Yeah additional layer system misued for timegate. They have to revert the changes or OW is the next Heroes of the storm

I despise role lock. Not being able to switch to a role thatā€™s struggling is soo frustrating. Im a jack of all trades master of none type of player and my strength was to make the weakest link in the team stronger. Now Im forced to watch people who canā€™t play their role and canā€™t do anything about it.

Most people actually enjoy role lock. Hero pools, I enjoy, because it forces people to flex more.

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Over the past 3 months, overbuff, playoverwatch, and twitch viewership have all seen what looks like a decent decline. Overall, it looks like popularity online is falling. It would be interesting to see statistics from further back to see what the trend looks like.

It definitely seems steep on Twitch, but I think that can also be attributed to big streamers like XQC more or less giving up the game. I donā€™t know if the more currently dedicated OW only streamers have declined as well. Seems like they have.

Thatā€™s just not true. Tank is the most impactful role in the game and has been for most of the gameā€™s lifespan.


Hero pools are what made me more consistent with comp :woman_shrugging:t5: I love them

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Role queue neither increase the decline nor stop the trend of decline, thatā€™s somewhat a failure when considering it being proposed as a solution to gameā€™s problems.

Jeff actually said in a recent interview he really liked hero pools, but because they lasted a week it was decimating the playerbase of one-tricks or players with limited hero pools who simply wouldnā€™t play for a week, so theyā€™re going to change the pools more frequently, possibly daily.

God forbid Blizz introduce a tech, then kill it off entirely. We know the MO, they have to double down on it first.

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If tank was the most impactful role tank mains wouldnt have to play 3-4 times more games to rank up than dps and support .Tank has never been the most impactful in the game .Or there wouldnt be genji and tracer mains getting 5-6ks and winning point for the team .Also why do you think noone wants to play tank .Because trying to rank up as tank is almost impossible and im a dam good tank .One of the best on sea to be honest .

RQ is just as good for DPS as it is for Supports and Tanks, the only downside is queue times.

i feel like hero pool literally killed alot of the player base .People dont want to be forced into certain roles .They continue to play overwatch because they like playing the hero they main .Its like having a racing game and your favorite car is the GTR but its locked for a week lol ,Noone would bother playing it .The same is for overwatch .Your not gonna get a moira main who has thier hero locked for a week wanting to play mercy or anna .

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Role lock didnā€™t ruin the player base.

Hero pools isnā€™t doing it either. Your personal instability to play your role vs. one tricking, is your own downfall and why youā€™ll be hard stuck at whatever rank youā€™re at.

Get better at your role and not one tricking.

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