Role Limits in Quick Play

… nothing here, I was totally wrong joining this

practice range and bots are way too predictable. you only get better playing against real people

… nothing here, I was totally wrong joining this

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i’m not forcing anything…? I’m saying that, because you can predict enemy movement, you’re not going to get better.

… nothing here, I was totally wrong joining this

i hope they remove 1v1 completely fromt he rotation if they do this

but tbh id rather they just not mess with quick play at all and leave the 2-2-2 lock only for seasons… because they way theyve implemented it is pretty trash

WHY WOULD YOU ADD ROLE QUEUE TO QP? That is so stupid. Guess I’ll be warming up with arcade from now on. QP isn’t competitive, and that’s the point. Stop listening to the whiners Blizzard. They’re ruining the game.

I remember when they added hero limits to qp. You know, to reflect the competitive play. I’m glad I can warm up somewhere that has a similar style to comp. I’m glad I can practice in a comp style environment. Props to you Blizzard for making improvements.

Yes it has as much as any season has bearing on later seasons. They’re not gonna have a comp beta to see how things are working and give people free reign on ruining comp games as they please; it would defeat the purpose.

no one cares go whine in a corner.

28 days later