Role Limits in Quick Play

It will be enforced on 1 September.

Some modes have them, but QP classic will literally just be DPSWatch and nobody endorses DPS players.


Ty for the update. How about give us an update on brigs nerfs.


can confirm that you will get role locked when you fill in a game in QP.
if that’s worth anything to the devs.

Nope right now the Role Queue Beta will help the development team figure out the patterns in the hidden matchmaker ratings for Competitive and Quick Play. I do strongly encourage you to play the Role Queue Beta as much as possible as this will help out everyone!

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Bug or not it’s utter garbage, I won’t be kissing the devs butt on this. OK it’s a bug but you plan to role this out at a later date? sure this wasn’t deliberate to ‘test’ the waters?

as long as they dont throw you in a match 30 seconds from being finished or traveling to defeat i dont mind

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that’s what happened to me :stuck_out_tongue:
i got locked out of every role except tank and i picked sigma and then we lost like 20-10 seconds later :stuck_out_tongue:

I know, but I got endorsed from No Limits. Which was surprising.

yeah im surprised why blizz havent done anything to fix this?
id rather play 5v6 in a game where people cant backfill and lose it than be thrown to a lost game.

You might want to pin this thread for the next few days. If you haven’t already. Valuable info

i think atleast some kind of time limit so you can actually do something when you do fill. but honestly, hey if i don’t want to fill i’d play comp i suppose :stuck_out_tongue:

As a forum MVP, I am a player just like all of you, and do not have moderator privileges. So I cannot pin this topic myself.

… and its Pinned right as I posted… lolz


The official blog post never gave specifics for what happens August 13th.

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yeah exactly, i dont mind joining a game with 60 seconds left but for the love of god stop throwing me to a defeat screen where i cant even pick my hero fast enough.


Mystery Heroes has it as well.

ask that to “no limits” mode

Pretty sure you could always endorse in MH. Just No Limits is new.

The funny thing is that with this “bug” there was not a single widow hanzo instalock in my games as I expected. Everyone waited for the others to choose first. Team comps where really good. As I said before, never had this much fun in quickplay before. Great work by the devs, thank you blizzard!