Roadhog unbelievably broken

Huh? What specifically did i say that’s immature? Are you offended that someone disagrees with the current status of your main hero.


no i am annoyed that you are not coming up with constructive solutions to the hog problem(as you see it), people just complain and expect him to get nerfed into the ground but never come up with actual solutions on how to make him a better tank

honestly i do apologise for the personal attack while i disagree with you it was unwarranted but i wish people would provide constructive negative feedback to hog instead of a lot of people just demanding him be send back to the meta slaughterhouse


Almost no one have ?? Widowmaker vs supports, sombra vs doomfist, tracer, genji, brig vs genji, tracr, genji vs bastion, Hitscans vs pharah, echo, that isnt enough for you ?? Dont make generalized claims again …

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Please keep in mind that even player who main hog has right to have opinion about him.

By your own admission then, Hanzo is absolutely insane, because he can drop a 250hp target once every second, at any range and and focus down higher health targets at any range right? His damage potential across the map is absolutely bonkers. The numbers doesn’t lie!

Its almost like… and bear with me on this because its a tough one… there are more ways to balance a character than just hp and damage… shocking I know.

Look, not to talk down to you - I know Hog’s numbers are big, he has a huge HP pool and his potential damage on his scrap gun is technically huge, but it doesn’t work like that in game. If all my opponents stood still, i’d be right clicking them, not hooking them. Its a bad argument dude. I get that hog can be frustrating, but I honestly think the game is better for having him, not worse. There are plenty of times where DPS players have outplayed me and made me look like a fool playing Hog, he is not the immortal beast you make him out to be.


Yeah, opinions, not facts thats for sure,

Hanzo takes a lot of skill to make headshots consistent, its not like he can just press e and have it grab the target …


I’ve already explained the problem with Roadhog in my original post. I think the problem is having a TANK do that much damage in general and his 1 shot ability. Especially when he also heals a lot every 8 seconds.


But he can kill 4 players a lot faster than hog. Hog has to wait for Cooldown or be very close to one shot.

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that is true but what would your solution to the issue be? because sounds like you just want straight nerfs, for me i am happy for a damage reduction if he can get some of his changes from 1-3-2 card earlier in the year so he can provide healing and damage resist to his team for a reduction in damage

Please dont compare roadhog and hanzo, they are nothing alike and i dont even like hanzo, and its not like that every other hanzo player is aim god ,

roadhog punishis bad positioning and i understand that, but he cant have huge health pool plus free get out of jail card, he can not postion himself and still get away with it.

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Nerf his output damage obviously. Don’t make him do 400+ damage, he’s a tank for crying out loud.

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He should do 130 damage with no headshots (just gun ) and it would be fine but oneshot isnt great with this lack of barriers

If you positioning as hog is bad you will feed a lot and be eliminate pretty fast because Ana is in almost every game.

It’s too easy for you to speak on this because you have almost 500 hours on Roadhog.

If you played dps you’d understand how useless you’d feel playing certain heroes, it’s incredible frustrating.
And yes it works exactly like that in game, if you can learn to use his 3 combo “one shot” ability, you can do some serious damage.

but nerfing his damage leaves him exactly where he was before the buff in the trash, so pretty much you just want to trash him again with no compensating buffs like the healing/damage resist for his teammates? got it

in the trash you go again hog, you might as well live there now

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If he has 500 hours on hog he probably understand him better than you.


Yeah sure he will feed , but he will feed himself some free ult charge i have seen a lot of hogs get damaged 300 only to charge themselves

Probably? Most definitely. Still doesn’t justify a tank doing 400+ damage though.

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Thats a biased view thats roadhog is balanced you cant main someone and insist that he is balanced , its human nature.

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