Roadhog unbelievably broken

Zarya bubble (Project onto hooked teammate)
Sigma Barrier (push onto hooked teammate)
Sigma grasp (Body block)
Sigma Rock (Stun hog)
Rein barrier
Winston Barrier
Orisa barrier (Most difficult of all the barriers)
Dva Matrix (Project over team-mate, use thrusters to close distance)
Any form of boop or CC (Wrecking ball, Lucio, Phara conc blast, Brig whipshot or stun, mcree flash of close enough)
Bap lamp
Ana sleep (Ana counters hog really hard)

Just to name a few. Another hog hook too. Hook is one of the fairest abilities in terms of team play, it isn’t instant in any regard, its loud, it gives time for your team to react and has plenty of counters and counter play. Is it unfair in a 1v1 fight? Actually yeah, it is. Is the game balanced around 1v1? No. Should you be fighting Hog 1v1? No.

And, actually, on that note - ult charge is based on damage done right? If Hog walks in, kills one 200hp character and gets away but takes 500hp’s worth of damage, your team gets a lot more ult charge than his does. Considering lots of people say ults are fight winners, does that not make Hog much weaker in the long run?

This hog hating is expected, but honestly terrible. This community is never happy, ever.


Well, if you dont know how to use him its not the hero problem, he was a shield buster, and he has self sustain and high damage what do you want from him more ??

I Didnt say anything about ocounter but any of it will prevent kill from hook. People act like you always hook and kill. You can do a lot of things agaisnt it.


Its loud ?? It taks less than a second to latch

Yeah, i play him a lot, i know his strengths and i REALLY know his weaknesses, its a shame you don’t.

Also, what kind of person goes snooping on another on a forum to try and discredit them? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time?


So then he cant have solid counters ?

There’s a difference between unbelievably broken & actually good for the first time in over a year.

We’re experiencing the latter.


he can one shot zarya if you make things up and lie about hog

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He can. Someone made a video a video to prove it on and posted it on the forums. I’m trying to find it again.

It’s a pretty unrealistic scenario but he’s still outputting 400 damage

that is the thing about hog, he has so many weaknesses that people can exploit, yes he has area’s where he is very powerful but on the flipside he has many area’s where he is extremely weak but according to these kind of topics those area’s do not exist


Here you go, Zarya one shot

Ana is solid counter, echo too, hitscans in general. He probably doesnt have direct counter but almost nobody has since blizzard is balancing heroes to be usefull anywhere and agaisnt anything.


but the broadcaster has indicated that this channel is intended for mature audiences, so how did you manage to see the clip?


Yeah I saw that video, it will work only against brain dead zarya. And it is not one shot either. It is hook walking shoot, 3 actions. I was playing agaisnt zarya yesterday and never accomplished to kill her like that.


I too, use target dummies and non responsive opponents to demonstrate how powerful a character is and apply that notion to proper games. OH WAIT. That would be stupid.


Just log into Twitch and watch it. If you don’t have Twitch i don’t know how you can see it.

its a good plan, i am about to use target dummies to prove how broken mercy is, i am going to stick my heal on one of the ally bots and they wont die and that will prove that mercy is broken and needs to be nerfed


no i mean how did you specifically see it considering you are not very mature

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I know it’s an unrealistic scenario but it’s to show the potential output damage and how much pressure you can put on other players with 250+ hp.

I explained already before somewhere else, his hooking kills are fine. What is overturned is his ability to one shot without hook right now.