Roadhog on live

Btw, any ideas on how to buff Moira? Aside from the obvious “heal more” and “heal through shields”?

I was thinking something like make her primary attack do a minor antiheal.

Or maybe make fade better suited to jump around like GA somehow.

Ooh or a big one, Dva/Genji can’t block heal orbs.

I’m fine with it. I was fine with original hog as well.

He effectively punishes poor positioning and poor situational awareness again. His kit was extremely lacking without further emphasis or displacement or the ability to heavily punish someone for their positioning. He can do that again now, which is a good thing.

Hog has one of the biggest hit boxes in the game, lacks armor, and his healing is east to cut off between stuns, hacks, anti heal, etc. He is not effective as a tank to soak damage as soaking damage as hog gives your enemy ult charge and you lack a barrier to block imoortant abilities like self destruct or earthshatter.

So the trade off to these downsides is that he needs to be a credible threat. That’s a good thing.

If hog gives you troubles currently, stick with your team. Try to use walls as further cover / quickly round a corner to avoid a hook (so even if it does hit, it’ll break). Punish him after he misses a hook.

If he is flanking, call it out. Your team should handle him. Punish him for his poor positoning. Turn that fight into a 6v5 and then push in.


I dunno if a GA jump would help moira. She’s nearly there I think…perhaps…granting her more charge for healing so she doesn’t run down as quick?

Also tidying up the animations because I swear it’s still bardas hell to tell if you’re actually hitting your team mate.

I still dont like the low dmg/fast gun/fast hook Hog, the high dmg/slow gun Hog made me buy this game ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Yeah just tacked on the most important one I forgot.

Making it so Dva/Genji can’t block heal orbs.

In all honesty she’s fairly balanced right now, but as a main healer she’s a little lackluster utility wise and her orbs can be a little tricky to get right. I still have trouble where I throw her orb at something, it will hit a little nick somewhere instead of where I want it to go and go flying off into the aether never to be seen again.

So if I had a suggestion at all that doesn’t involve a flat healing boost or reverting her hotfix, it’d be change the way her orb works. Make it like a yo-yo or something, where it goes out in a straight line for x-distance unless it hits something then comes back to her, and she can control where the orb is going by moving or something.

Edit: I somehow managed to respond to myself, not my intended person… @GreyFalcon, this was meant for you.

Any thoughts about making it so that Dva/Genji can’t block heal orbs?

I’d say stop deflect of orbs full stop. They’re slow projectile why should it be deflected, there’s no skill behind it. It just sucks.

I’m fine with deflecting damage orbs.

But deflecting heal orbs really limits Moira’s ranged heals and self heals.

He cannot be melted. He has one of the highest survival rates of any tank, and tanks are generally more survivable than any other hero.

Roadhog needs his compensation buffs removed if he’s going back to his original design so that he actually does melt if he goes out of position to get a hook.

I think Moira’s problem isn’t that she is actually bad, but rather an issue with her design versus the design of most other heroes in this game.

Moira rewards healing when the team is clumped up. You would think in Goats she would be really strong.

The problem is, even amongst tanks, most characters in the game are more mobile than she is. If you aren’t running goats, there’s also a good chance your team will simply be spread out too much to make effective use of her healing.

Tack on the lack of utility, and you have this great healer who isn’t used.


They nerfed baiting hooks.

Good. Hog never was a tank, he is brusier/off-tank. Currently only Rein, Orisa and Zarya fits tank rolę the most.

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It has been like a day, you cannot use pickrate as a measure of his balance yet. There is no reliable information available on new Hog, people are instead just discussing gut instincts based on playing as and against him.

As a Lucio main, glad to see Roadhog back up to snuff. Always have a good time fighting beside, and against, him.

Unfortunately it’s only a matter of time before the no swap aimbros start up a “deletehog” campaign and get him nerfed. They’ve been emboldened by the success of the anti-Brig campaign. Sad really.


Agreed, I say the don’t let dva chomp on healing orbs too. Again it’s a slow projectile unlike anas nade.

That and most of her range ability can be canceled out or negated but D.Va and Genji. It’s rather frustrating to throw out a healing orb and have it get eaten.

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Abilities have to have counterplay. Making the orbs immune to everything just breaks consistency and allows moira to shoot around damage orbs during downtime willy nilly.

What Moira needs is Ana’s anti-heal to get nerfed, so Moira can get back to her niche of having the most burst heals without being completely and utterly shut down. Currently Ana just does Moira’s job better than her, better than all the other healers plus makes every other healer useless.

Moira’s spray could be made a bit longer so you can position better and still keep healing and her orbs should honestly be faster. If she needs to toss a heal orb to some ranged teammate, her orb is far too slow to help them in a timely manner.

Moira is not honestly a bad healer, all the utility just outshines her. But mostly just ana.


I’m not using pickrate, I’m using the fact that DrRiku, Harbleau, and my own observations see that Roadhog has some major weaknesses that prevent him from being top tier.

Those terms are based on pickrates though. It is impossible to place him in a specific tier without data. If you want to state he’s balanced because of x, y, z that is fine. But to give him a tier and state that Blizzard won’t do something because of it is way too early.