Roadhog on live

Um… We’re not talking about her Damage orb, we’re saying not delete her HEALING orb.

How is nerfing Ana’s anti-heal going to help her? not being conceding here, honestly curious on the thought process.

The spray extension would actually be a good buff and allow her to stay at a distance better.

No one is saying she is, we’re saying in current meta her skill set make it harder for her to function than an Ana.

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You say this, as if Zen orbs, Mercy beams, and Lucio heals can be deflected.

If Orisa shields could be deflected while midair, it would break the character.

Should we start allowing Genji to deflect Dva bombs?


I mean, if she’s doing that then her orb is on CD. Letting your team eat and heal up some poke damage through the orb then punishing the enemy hard means Moira’s orb and main method of putting out a burst of healing with her normal spray is on CD.

The counter play is in the CD. Her lack of utility, and her lack of burst healing if she uses the damage orb willy nilly until it’s off CD again.

I want to be clear though, I am also fine that they can be reflected / eaten. I’m just pointing out that I think the orbs would still have counter play even if those interactions were removed.

I’m not sure whether Ana needs nerfs or not. Though I do absolutely agree, currently she outshines Moira with burst healing and shear utility. Moira is the poor man’s Ana right now. I’m not sure if it’s cause Ana is OP, or if Moira has too many down sides.

These are some pretty good ideas I would be interested in testing to see how they pan out.

He has the lethality of a damage hero but not the lack of forgiveness when his targets are able to shoot back. He should lose a shot from his scrap gun magazine to further differentiate his high damage output from Reaper’s sustained high damage output.

With a change like that, Roadhog would still feel really powerful and fun to play, but also a bit less oppressive with lower uptime on his extremely high damage output.

Just because hero reaper supposed to bet roadhog doesn’t mean reaper cannot lose to roadhog. You said how devasting a hook is on low mobility heros yet many of these heros can survive a hook shot or stop the hook from going of. Torb has 200 hp plus another 150 from his ability him have big head hit box means nothing when torb has 350 health.

Don’t do this.
Nobody on these forums use their brains when it comes to Roadhog.
Don’t do this.

Roadhog can consistently combo (ability + primary + melee = 3 actions), specific targets.

As a Roadhog One-Trick, I fully embrace the buffs.

However, here’s the thing, it’s going to feel like trash because over half the playerbase is below Diamond (this was confirmed).

Roadhog is now viable.


Some characters that Hog “should” be able to kill, don’t die.

With Ashe and Ana and Genji and Tracer, I only kill them half the time (if that), with a fully demonstrated combo.

His spread wasn’t tweaked like Reaper’s was.
He still struggles with small targets.

Yes if you play a thicc hero like Zen or McCree or Torb or Pharah, you’re basically dead- but you have the range advantage where Hog doesn’t.

He only has hook, if he misses that, he’s gotta wait 8 seconds. Therefore it is a skill-shot.

Not only that, If Roadhog flanks- a GOOD team will kill him.

Contrary to popular belief, Roadhog is NOT Tracer.
He has no mobility.
He can not flee.

Most DPS characters put out more than 150 damage PER SECOND, don’t even get me started on if you have a Mercy or a Zen for their buffs…

Most team compositions have 2 DPS, so that’s ~150x2 per second.
Roadhog will melt.

If he heals, he can’t shoot back- and then becomes a free kill if he’s got terrible positioning.

FlankHog is good against uncoordinated teams.

Keep in mind, Roadhog is a tank and is DESIGNED to make space, like D.Va or Zarya.

How do D.Va & Zarya do that?
They kill you.

Hog doesn’t feel good to die to, but it is the fault of you or your team in the end.

If your Reinhardt moves, you’re at a rank when your team is bad.

Roadhog isn’t like that for every rank.

Oh no the One Shot Crusade is starting again.

The problem most people have with a lot of one shot kill heroes like Widowmaker, Hanzo in some cases, and the new Hog is that it does feel very contradictory to the game, and in some cases those heroes can “punish” someone when they’re not doing anything wrong.

For as much as you lot might not like it, everyone has a right to a voice on these forums. No likes to see their hero get nerfed because they feel it’s fine, but you must acknowledge that those that play against a hero have the right to be heard too.

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“just stay with your teammates” 90% of the characters are meant for moving all over the place but they must stay with their teammates, get hooked one by one, because in the end, staying with your teammates will just result on Road pressuring the shields then get his confirmed kills anyway.

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As i like hog very much - i dont like playing against him.
every time he hooked me … i think i was NOT in range… on killcam it looks like i was 10 meter away from him. ( on my screen it was 30 meter ) …
I think the hook 1 sshot kill is very okey. i dont like the stupid OP healing!
Healing + walking + reduce damage … thats too much.
Revert his heal to 1.0 and stay with the hook.

I explained, a massively detailed reply on Roadhog.

What his strength is.
What his weakness is.
How he’s played.
How he can be played.

And yet, you pick the one statement, unrelated to that at all…

It’s not a case of “I don’t want MY hero nerfed”, it’s a case of- “I don’t want people who hate a hero because of a mechanic they were designed with, trying to come up with nerfs to a hero when they will clearly (and based off of past examples, evidently) be filled to the brim with bias”.

I’m not against restricting people’s opinions.
But, I am against biased balance decisions.

Roadhog, has been trash for a year and a half.
Roadhog is currently NOT overpowered.

Roadhog doesn’t possess a single one-shot, he possesses a combo.
Much like Doomfist, except that Doomfist has a combo AND a one-shot.

I do not complain about Doomfist.

People have a right to voice their opinions on a character they don’t like, but I do not believe anyone has a right to voice biased opinions on balance.

You first and foremost comments were designed to shutdown and disregard an opposing viewpoint.

Yes the points you make are valid in some regards, some I would disagree with you on, and some I find downright funny because they are clearly based in bias, but to try and simply shutdown an opposing argument without actually even remotely trying to understand what people are saying is just wrong.

Yes there are some people here decrying he is simply OP now, most are not. Most are trying to express an honest worry about how the change might be a bit much and want to bring attention to their concerns.