I would have to guess they had Roadhog in mind when they increased FtH damage.
Try playing a low mobility hero against a roadhog and Watch him never miss a hook…
raises eyebrow
Low mobility heroes have to play around shields, and watch their flanks.
That, and the low mobility heroes are easy to hook, but they’re not the normal priority targets: it’s way better to hook a Genji, a Tracer, or a Pharah.
You didn’t even acknowledge my answer, by the way.
Plus, even the best Roadhogs in the world only have ~55% hook accuracy.
Even the most potato aim Ana isn’t going to have trouble landing a sleep dart on Roadhog.
Hahahahaha. Hog is still underpowered in this meta.
low mobility heros;
Mcree; flashbang stops the hook.
mei; ice block can block hook or heal though damage;
reaper; can bait the hook with wraith;
torb; torb secondary ability increase his health by 150 hp
I hope so, he’s so much fun right now.
Matrix does not block hook. For some reason the game does not treat it as a projectile and it goes straight through Matrix.
Not saying DM isn’t useful against hook, it’s good to prevent the follow-up damage on the hooked target, assuming 1. The target wasn’t D.Va herself, and 2. She’s within range (15m), but that’s not what you were saying, you were saying Matrix blocks the hook itself. it doesn’t.
I was listing things that can be done aftera hook lands.
Roadhog’s hook isn’t a simple projectile, it’s an entity that’s linked to Roadhog.
Junkrat’s tire is an entity, such as Torb’s turret and Brigitte’s Whip shot.
D.Va’s matrix can’t delete entities.
Here we go again.
Back to square one I guess huh ?
The problem is the game offers you no time to react anymore unless the Hog somehow doesn’t right click fast enough because the stun effect seems to last longer than it takes the hook to recoil.
My apologies for not responding your argument.
Stepping foot on a control point shouldn’t be considered “out in the open” prime example here is Ilios well where Hog can hook from across the other side of the point. Before it was either an environmental death, potential headshot death or maybe a lucky escape. Now no matter what it’s instant death for alot of the roster.
I didn’t say delete his damage reduction, I suggested a reduction. It’s a key part of his kit, designed to facilitate an escape for him to follow-up on kills if he didn’t land the hook, shot + melee. If he can secure kills much easier now then does he need this much leeway?
Again. Only a suggestion. You could compare it to scatter which if memory serves was dubbed “The free kill every 8- 10 seconds” ability. Hog is going that way with this change.
Yes he’s loud if he’s close but the audio adjustments made a few patches back mean it’s a bit harder to pin point enemies because audio is played from further away. Even so I’m not going to hear roadhog footsteps from 20M away.
Thank you for bringing up the customary “Git Gud” defense too. My points are being made with all ranks and abilities in mind. With consideration there are also smurfs littered about waiting to take advantage too.

The problem is the game offers you no time to react anymore unless the Hog somehow doesn’t right click fast enough because the stun effect seems to last longer than it takes the hook to recoil.
Not quite sure what you mean by this?
Yeah no, he was not fine before and he doesn’t need a nerf to compensate.

Not quite sure what you mean by this?
It used to be when the hook retracted the entire way and dropped the player, the player was released from stun and allowed to act almost instantly allowing for those hooked to be able to use a defensive like the ones you mentioned to get out of the damage. There seems to be a discrepancy with the stun cooldown and hook’s recoil now where the stun lasts longer than the hook thus making it hard for those abilities to do any good.
But as I’ve already admitted to in another thread, This conclusion is from about 20 or so games I played myself last night and some similar feelings from people I’ve talked to in game and friends. It might just be a lag issue that needs to be fixed as that’s the common consensus among the people on very threads, but it’s still something I would like to see addressed.

You expect people in comms?
Lol I play on console, comms are dead 90% of the time!!
I mostly play on console, and I’d put that number closer to 100% dead.
This is a team game, as much as console players just play it like TDM around a truck and are all vying for the title of Worst Ever Overwatch Player, it’s a game that requires good coms to do well at. That means Hog just gets to run over your team until people start plugging in their mics and joining voice channel, or you find friends to group up with that have mics. In the 5 DPS + Brig console meta, Hog is going to be a murder machine. Most players on console don’t even join voice at all, even without mics, because the chances are that if someone IS talking it’s just a 12 year old screaming racial slurs.
Example: with the 0% com usage, Sombra is basically unstoppable on console. She runs around murdering supports and the rest of the team usually doesn’t even notice, they just spam ‘need healing’ because they don’t ever even look at the killfeed to realize their supports are all dead, assuming there were any supports to begin with.
the only acceptable nerf would be making the 50% damage reduction 30% so hook is riskier but overall hes fine
Personally I find that 70% of my competitive games I get a team in comms on Xbox.
McCree has to be in the danger zone to land that FB and if he’s been hooked it’s too late. Also:
- FB takes 0.5 seconds to cast
- Hook now takes 0.3.
Who wins?
You didn’t finish your comment on sym?
Mei has an instant self cast heal, a freeze primary fire that slows, 250hp and a wall. She immediately is at an advantage. The issue I have is the instant delete of 200hp hero’s.
Reaper can only wraith once, has a minor self heal, 250hp. Even so people are saying Roadhog can still win and Reaper is supposed to counter roadhog!
Torb? Torb has a headshot hitbox the size of a planet. He’s not doing anything against roadhog.