Roadhog is overtuned

He can play the game by himself. Walk up to anything, heal, tank damage with self heal, more damage and now less ult charge… WHO is in charge of game balance (if anyone)


If he’s that busted, use it to your advantage?


On Tank I do. Cant on DPS or Healer


Well this is one of those No S sherlock moments, but yea. Game balance is terrible. The ult charge reduction was stupid.


His latest buff was stupid, and maybe like 25% or 30% dmg reduction on E


His hook combo needs a hard nerf. As if it’s not enough that he can already pull anyone out of position and into his teams front line with it. It having the capability to easily 1 shot combo on top of that is absurd.

No other tank in the game has that kind of 1 shot potential. The closest thing to it is rein charge and he has to put himself at considerable risk to pull that off and still get away. Plus it’s a lot easier to dodge.


DPS: Cree, Mei, and Sombra interrupt/prevent take a breather. Tracer, Mei, and Reaper can bait hook. Pharah and Echo can out range him.
Support: Ana destroys hog. Call out sleeps and anti on him for your team to follow up. Zen’s discord and volley chomps him down as well. Brig can stun take a breather and knock him away from others.

The main hog problem is that people don’t want to talk. I hear supports and dps complaining about hog flanking in text chat when if they opened their mouth to call him out so that someone could assist immediately, he’d be an easy kill. Players don’t like to call out cooldowns, discords, flanks, or ults, but they’ll complain about a losing a 1v1 to a character who is meant to be brought down in at least a 2v1 situation. If you have a Zarya then ask for bubble while you peak him. The only bad thing about hog is hook either registering through a wall/floor or not registering at all on someone in front of him.

PS: I’ve been playing since beta and maybe have an hour on hog.


reaper, junk, pharah, echo, mcree, tracer are all viable dps counters to hog

brig, ana, bap, zen are all viable support counters to hog

git gud ggez


Those are not counters.

Ana yes.

Stop antagonizing people and grow up.


yes they are counters, learn how the game works

realize that when people give advice, its not in your snow flaky way, truth hurts i guess


I am in GM, I know how the game works. Now grow up.


of course you are, so then you would know or perhaps you bought that gm account


I don’t need to prove anything to children.

Look at you go again, trying to antagonize me, it’s very pathetic and says a lot about your character.


Nobody counters hog in dps roster, hog counter is another hog, dva, ana, brig and IF from bap, that’s it, others die to osc having no ranged cc as hog does.

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Well if its anything like Blizzard/Activation as a whole, a bunch of sexual abusers, harassers, and horrible people.

And yes Roadhog has, and is, broken. No tank should 1 shot with zero risk to themselves. Several things could fix this.

  • Roadhog can’t 1 shot anymore
  • Hook length cut by 1/2
  • Can no longer hook through ally shields
  • Hook no longer stuns
  • Hook does no damage

All you need is one of these in action and he’ll be more balanced.


They are counters, all of the dps are viable picks

Ana yes, brig yes (bash him while he tries to heal), zen makes it easier to kill him and can take like half his health with a volley, Bap…well this one idk but he can long range him and maybe not die with immortality and exo boots make him a hard target and can get to high ground.

Ya’ll overreact with hog all it takes is some basic awareness and his hook is on cooldown so realistically he’s only dangerous once every what 8 seconds.

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Roadhog at a higher rank is far less effective because of people’s game awareness increasing, they anticipate the flanking hook depending on the maps layout. Also a players ability to prevent a hook increases as you rank up, this same theory can be applied to ultimates; it is much easier to get a team kill the lower you are in rank as people aren’t as well positioned and/or aren’t utilising their heros abilities to the fullest.

As far as counters go, countering someone I would say Ana most certainly shuts hog down, you can sleep a hook if you see it coming, you can also anti the hog to prevent him healing.

I wouldn’t say the others are actual counters, more some of them are able to prevent or avoid the hook; which by that definition you could add most of the hero’s in the game to the list.


I would just add some old state for hog’s vape, which was to use it standing still, so he cant get away that simple after doing some dirt healing during movement.

Excellent mindset.

Why fix anything? Just abuse it yourself!

Well I called my congressman and he said

  • I’d like to help you kid but you’re too young to vote.