Roadhog is overtuned

They’re probably not all hard counters but they’re good characters to use against him some of them counter pretty well I’d say brig counters in pretty well too. Just because I play brig a lot and I have a lot of success cancelling his healing ability.

Admittedly this doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ll be the one to kill hog but it really screws him over and then everybody else kills him lol.


as is you saying reaper doesnt counter hog LOL ggez n00b

go buy a t500 account next


I mean honestly its not the survivability that makes him busted. He’s a tank, he should have some of that. The problem is his damage output. Needs a major reduction. No tank has his damage output from the get go. Only one close is Zarya but she needs to, once again, put herself in danger to do it by shielding and exposing herself. Hog just needs to turn a corner, hook you, kill you, and run.

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To be fair, reaper vs. hog is more of a skill match-up.

DireRaven#219xxxx has never placed in competitive before.

So it’s likely

Is correct, I’m afraid.

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I want to play tank not dps

Basically any hero with a stun counters him.

And all long range heroes.

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Nah hog is very bad
Slow immobile hero with no high ground access. If you get hooked and die it’s usually your own fault

overwatch is a skill matchup though, is it not?



Play ana and make their hog rage.

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Reaper really doesn’t counter hog. Hog counters reaper if anything.

everyone is entitled to an opinion


Sure but if you look at both of their kits, reaper is a flanker and hog is kitted out to be an anti-flanker. Self heal on top of huge health pool and a strong cc with heavy 1-shot potential. Reaper on the other hand does less dmg than hog and can…get away….?

Doesn’t really counter hog so much as escapes with his life maybe. Unless the reaper is just that much better mechanically speaking, hog comes out on top every time.

3 shots, which takes approximately same time as a hog gets 2, so its a hard counter because reaper has quicker shots, life steal, and escape as you mentioned, so again, how does reaper not counter hog? 16 straight shots reaper can get under 14 seconds, that includes wraithing in and out, if you cant kill a hog with that, perhaps you are doing it wrong.


Yeah 3 shots if he has his muzzle planted squarely point blank in hogs face and every pellet hits. Not a lot of reapers are going to be able to pull that off with any kind of consistency.

The quicker shots doesn’t do a whole lot while hog is using take a breather and life steal (which isn’t very great tbh) won’t do much good when hog one hook combos you to death.

The hog is shooting the whole time too and it takes him significantly less hits to kill reaper than it takes reaper to kill him.

Look I love reaper, he’s one of my favorite dps, but he’s not in the greatest spot rn and he’s not a great matchup against hog. Honestly I got kinda ticked losing to hog so I started playing hog instead and annihilating any reapers I go against. It’s not a fair matchup.

thats called aim



Very good slow clap that’s exactly what I said. Glad you ignored the rest.

You aren’t doing any damage while reloading. Again, nice job ignoring most of my post and cherry picking the hell out of it.

Also very nice level 1 endorsement on a private profile. Banned recently?

not a problem specific to reaper bro. you are in a losing battle here.

thanks! no, i just rarely play this acct. i get maybe 3 games a week on it


Foolish mortal. You think if i call out a hog being slept that my teammates will capitalize on that major call out.

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Hog is in a weird spot because he is the strongest tank in the game at low elo and the worst tank in the game at high elo. Can’t nerf him or he would be even more useless at high rank than he already is and can’t buff him or he terrorizes low rank players.