🐖 [Roadhog] Changes I want

Lol… Put normal letters.


My point was just that no hog realistically has 70% hook accuracy, if they did they are either top500 for sure, or are just not throwing enough hooks, and just going for the easier ones.

Armor is only problem if it is on enemy has shield health like zarya and zen, other heroes is easy to counter because any damage will remove it and it also can’t regenerate, moira dmg orb can remove most of the armor provided by brig ult.

Well maybe you’re right about not enough hooks.

For instance on Junkrat I land 1 out of every 3 shots.

Or maybe it’s weirdly not my aim holding me back and my game sense sucks.

That said, I used to be able to hold High Plat without even trying hard.

So I looked up my numbers for Roadhog, here they are:

That sounds much more accurate.

Still puts me in the 95% percentile accuracy according to Overbuff :stuck_out_tongue:

I find those stats pretty pointless on overbuff, if it gave stats like that but only comparing to your own rank, then sure. But comparing to every1 doesnt really matter. Many plats and diamonds will have higher accuracy and such to top500 players, but they are shooting at people with much worse positioning, awareness etc. Hell, overbuff says im the best tracer in qp… which totally isnt true.

also tracer and winston arent borderline troll picks. they get picked by the pros all the time. can’t say that about hog and reaper

Yeah, I guess that’s what we really mean when we say RNG.

Half a month later, and this is more relevant than ever.

People always say Hog is super inconsistent, and vs most heroes I agree, but playing Sym a lot, most decent Roadhogs will oneshot me without a combo consistently. Just hook and shoot.

maybe just fewer pellets with more damage, but this would have to be done with the spread changes or it would exacerbate the rng shot problem.

Yay another Bastion counter. Well I guess a harder Bastion counter than now.

Wasn’t Roadhog always a Bastion counter?

If they wanna nerf secondary fire then put that power to another ability. I agree with putting it on hook. As long as it doesn’t revert him I love seeing hog ideas

I corrected it and said an even harder counter. Also the alt fire damage increase would basically 2 shot Bastion along with the armor piercing.