Roadhog can one shot hooked target again

Do we talk about the fact that Roadhog can one shot after a hook? he used to not be able to do that anymore, and it was fine, it forced teamplay. The hook is already a very powerful tool to disrupt the enemy’s formation, and if you call it to your team, it already results in a kill, Roadhog shouldn’t be able to one shot heroes on his own.

The problem comes from the fact that people discovered that you can take a step in the direction of the hooked target before they can start moving again. And by moving closer you can easily one shot 250 hp targets.

His rework was supposed to make him more fun to play and more fun to play against. But now he’s just an improved version of Roadhog 1.0 with the same frustration for the enemy.

Please Blizzard fix the fact that Roadhog can move before the hooked target.

EDIT: Apparently people are fine with characters that don’t require teamplay. I guess I’m the only one that doesn’t like one shot mechanics. Now I know what the community think of this, thank you for your responses.


Complaining about Roadhog in 2018.
What a time to be alive.


My experience has been that it’s not always a sure thing given his weapon spread. If you’re hooked I don’t think it’s an automatic one-shot kill, although it is very likely.


Um no, it’s already hard enough for us Roadhog users to get the one shot as it is.


He’s always been able to. It’s just less consistent. Of all the ridiculous things people complain about on these forums, how has it come full circle to hogs hook again…


He has always been able to one-shot, but it is inconsistent which is what Blizzard wants. He can one shot them from time to time, but not all the time. It’s been this way for months.


Sometimes, just sometimes, I can get value out of the hero.

It’s time to fix this problem.



Not my fault if you can’t just tell the other 5 people on your team that you hooked someone so you guys can focus the target down :^)

ez kill

IKR… wtf… and he is supposed to be deadly… why do people complain incessantly about characters working as intended… honestly, perfectly happy with Bacon Boy and his little one-trick shot…

“Hooked Wid-oh, nevermind. She’s gone now”


Roadhog has ALWAYS been able to do this? You’re a bit late to the party OP, he doesn’t need any nerfs right now


If your a ZARYA main complaining about Roadhog then git gud

Roadhog is countered by coordinated teams who are smart


It didn’t the animation and stun duration is way too low for it that the next donald would shoot at it. And more than often you are in positions where your hook isn’t in the range of the team so stop with that bs that it forces teamplay, it can be good and especially dangerous if you get hooked into a team but roadhog has to do the job of killing not your busy dps

Not the Roadhog’s fault you were able to get hooked by him by not being around your team or behind a Tank.

ez kill v2.0


First, lol 2018 roady complaints

Second, seems you don’t understand overwatch very well. because unless your playing comp, and your team has an under-a-second reaction time, you will never have people who can help you confirm kills.

Also roady should be a counter flank, reliable oneshot hero. Not a team huddle ult battery.

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Roadhog is nothing more than an ult battery right now, IMO.

He needs all the umffff he can get…


Op is the reason this forums is getting ignored by devs.


How to counter Roadhog Hook 101: Step slightly to the left or right as he activates it


Oh no, you have a hard time one shotting people ? How else are you supposed to contend with everyone else one shotting ?


Good question, given that he has some of the lowest kill counts in the game, being under:

Every DPS
Half the tanks
A support

It’s okay though, once you hit GM that changes, and he eclipses such balanced juggernauts such as Symmetra, Torbjorn, and even Junkrat!

But it’s okay, because Doomfist, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Reaper, and Tracer totally get comparable solo kill statistics (hint: they don’t).

EDIT: And if you really want to add insult to injury, Reinhardt gets twice as many charge kills as Roadhog gets solo kills. Ooh, big scary one-shot.