Now most people are likely pissed at the new roadhog “fix” (nerf) but honestly I’m kind of glad. It will likely bring attention to him (as he is currently the worst tank in the game) and I’m sure this whole ordeal will end up with road hog being better off than he started with.
So let’s get straight into buff ideas. I think the most agreed upon buff is a damage buff. Whether it be to his hook, melee or primary a damage buff is definitely needed.
Personally I’d go with an increase of his melee damage to 50 so he can actually kill his hooked targets. This may seem OP but I really do not believe it would be. And if it is, they can simply compensate by making his melee slower. So that he can still use it for finishing hooked targets but it wouldn’t be spammable
(Oh yes and of course, fixing hook and it’s bugs for the 5th time would be nice)
I just want to feed less. And keep my right click the way it is, of course.
I don’t think he needs a damage buff per say, but he needs a damage consistency buff. Hog can put down 150 damage per shot before headshots, which is huge, but the RNG on his gun is very bad so you’ll rarely do that unless your target is pretty fat or really close. Honestly, it may even be the case that making Hog more consistent means his damage may need a reduction.
Other changes I’d like to see:
- Less (but not no) damage reduction from armor
- Passive that reduces enemy ult gain from Hog
- Bug fixes to Hook
- Ult converted to transformation rather than channeled
- Some forgiveness on the hook for missed shots (i.e. 5-6 second cooldown if he misses, but full 8 second cooldown if he hits)
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Honestly that’s just the way the character is. Pre-RoadDamageNerf he was a lot more of a feeder than he was today and yet he was still way better than he is now
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Not true, people were scared, which means they didnt nobrain farm him for ult charge
They changed Hogs playstyle to be more aggressive and heal more, I’d assume he feeds more now, especially because he is less threatening.
Feeding less would allow me to do more with Hog, hurt my team less, and both without buffing his actual kit like it’s damage.
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Then why not buff his damage again so people are scared? 
Exactly, Hog should be more threatening. And to be honest, I wouldn’t mind if they decreased the ult charge gained from hog but
A. Blizzard likely wouldn’t do that as it would be too specific and
B. It is against Blizzards new “Balancing Strategy” where they focus on buffing strengths rather than helping weaknesses.
So I believe the best way for Hog mains would be to actually make him scary again and make landing a hook actually meaningful
They gave Junkrat double mines, Genji a dash reset, and let Doomfist keep a bug that give him a lock style cc; but Hog feeding less is ridiculous?
Also, Blizzard didn’t say that they’re new policy is buffing strengths, and Moira’s recent buff debunks that. It’s just that the didn’t want to give Ana less weaknesses.
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They called it their “balancing philosophy”.
the Moira “nerf” has been listed as a bug since Moria first came out in PTR. Meanwhile this Hog one has been in the game for 2 years without any mention of it being a “bug”.
Maybe, in the post though Jeff did say that it was their “balance philosophy” and how they “balanced heroes in general”
I said moira buff, as in the buff to her resource regen. The devs said that they like to use both styles: buffing weakness or strengths. Like pretty much every modern dev team.
Peeps got so hung up on the Ana thing that they didn’t notice the devs say that they like to use both styles.
True I did mistake the nerf for a buff. Still it was a very minor one It didn’t really make much of a difference but sure.
Feeding is a weakness but it’s just how the character is played. Imo supplementing damage for less feeding would be better.
It’s like saying that Roadhog needs a vertical movement ability, it’s true that he doesn’t have one and it would benefit him. But that is just how the character works and that’s fine
Better example: Lucio got a buff to his strength: sound wave and his weakness: short aura, in the same patch.
It’s not like saying roadhog needs more mobility. The buff to vaping and nerfs to his damage (as well as Brigitte taking his backline tank role) have provoked a less passive Hog playstyle, but he feeds too much to embrace it. Non of the other tanks feed this much either, it’s almost like a passive on Roadhog.
The hooks bugs are priority to me, giving a CD reduction on hook, more damage, one extra shot in his clip or anything else comes after this.
For god’s sake, it’s CONSISTENT that if you hook a Doomfist after he uppercuts you, he would be placed where is more convenient for him, rather than you.
Honestly you can just watch this to see what I mean. Honestly I think making it so you can actually kill people with hook rather than feeding a bit less would be a better idea and so does this guy. But I guess if you want to push for a buff that blizzard will likely never do, sure.
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I might have seen that video already. People usually go for the obvious “gimme back mah damage” solution but I find that to be the least likely considering how long it took the devs to concede that Lucio needed a bigger aura. Buff after buff with people saying the same thing.
People act like Blizzard won’t go outside of the box but what Blizz really won’t do is back peddle.
Btw, feeding less = more aggressive Hog plays = more damage being put out.