Road Hog's Hook Range is 20m; D.Va's DM will be 10m

Oooookay. As someone who has been playing a lot of Hog lately; thanks?

Seriously, that’s one more counter to the hook I have to worry less about.

Also Orisa buffed too?
Looks like I picked a good time to drop Reinhardt.

Apart from the D.Va nerf and Torb nerf (his right click damage is being reduced). I’m pretty much okay with these changes.

Hog and Orisa players, how do you feel about these buffs?
And yeah, Hog was pretty much indirectly buffed, there is no denying it.


Really excited for the Orisa change

D.Va only needed the visual update but she won’t be trash

As someone who has been playing a lot of Ana lately, i think this is a bad move.
Dva needs to exist to keep Bionade in check.


Bionade’s anti-heal component is busted and I can’t fathom why it’s allowed to Do That.


As an part Hog Main. This DM nerf suits very nice to me. But it should of been decreased to 12 or 13 though. From 15 to 10 is a bit to steep on the barrel.


Its funny that you asked:

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I don’t think Ana would be very viable if she didn’t have anti heal on her nade.
Though, i can definitely see them lowering the healing from 100% denial to 75% after this defense matrix nerf.

I got a question about this:



  • Time awarded for capturing Point A on all Assault maps has been reduced from 4 minutes to 3 minutes.

Wouldn’t this force out more cheesy comps? I mean, you have less time, so if you cheese you will burn more time off the clock, right?

Even HotS had to lower the duration of her anti-heal, iirc.

I think the problem is that if the anti-heal is even applied, that means the hero took 60 damage. This locks 200-HP heroes at less than Tracer HP, at best. And it lasts a decade. Something has to give on the reduction, either %, damage, or duration. It should have been clear from the moment she wrote Moira out of a meta that was basically made for her.

Sorry if I’m missing something here but how does the difference in ranges affect Hog exactly? yes she won’t be able to eat a hook directed at someone else as easily but if she is in 10m range she will still be able to do it, I honestly doubt that a diving dva was eating your hook from behind the enemy line lol

You don’t eat the hook you eat the follow up damage


If she is within 10m of an Orisa + Hog her crit box is going to right in their face. Putting D.Va closer means she is a bigger target, bigger target means easier to take her down.

It’s certainly a nerf anyway you look at it.

yup, and now you’re gonna have to choose between being on the front line or staying near your healers and keeping them alive since the range will be too short to play in the middle


not saying it’s not a nerf, just trying to understand your logic here, she doesn’t need to be within 10m of hog to eat the hook… she needs to be 10m away from the hook’s endpoint to eat it, meaning that if you fire it from 20m straight into her face she will still be able to eat it by pressing DM

Good D.Vas are supposed to be bouncing back and forth, though :confused:

I only played HotS for about 2 hours, so i can’t really give an educated opinion of that game or how it’s balanced.

If we were to completely remove the anti heal effect, we’d have an immobile healer with too little burst damage to have any hope of fending off anyone with any healing whatsoever. Zen alone would invalidate her existence, as she’d simply lack the damage to deal with semi competent flankers at that point. Though, that could be fixed with a simple cooldown reduction on Sleep in exchange.

As for meta’s designed for Moira, i really don’t know about that.
First of, Ana was already played in tanky compositions in the past, so it’s not like Ana should have been written off in the first place, but Moira also lacks utility.
You only realistically need so much healing. Moira has a LOT of healing, but 9/10 times it’s way overkill. And Ana has hit a better sweet spot with hers, so there was still room for utility.

But also, no disrespect, but… Moira has a very low skill ceiling, and drops off because there’s only so many things you can get better at.
I’d love it if they raised her skill ceiling personally.

actually good dvas stay mostly on the back and jump in when the opportunity is ripe

I don’t think the reduction should be removed completely. I just think something has to give in regards to it.
I’d posit OG GOATS was basically perfect for Moira–she dropped off because she lacks utility and raw healing–her niche–was negated by antinade. The “”"“bugfix”""" didn’t help though.

I think Moira needs utility, but they’d have to completely rework her to do so.

When you look at GOATS, where is all the raw healing power?
It’s literally just 3 off healers. Moira meatball (if anyone still remembers) was the GOATS predecessor. Few things had changed, but the biggest change was Moira being swapped out for Brig.

Let that sink in for a moment.
Either way, i agree that having barriers block Moira’s healing was a mistake.
I don’t think Moira necessarily needs a rework if we want to integrate utility into her kit. Not a big one anyway. But i do think we should have to reconsider some numbers. Because 80hp’s in an AoE has the potential to be very broken when paired with utility.

You really don’t understand how this works.

You won’t be able to eat the hook itself, but the damage that follows a hook.

Hook has 20 meter range, DM only has 10 meter range, it means even with boosters dva has to stay far closer to roadhog in order to eat the hook damage that happens right in front of hog as he drags the target in front of him within 20 meter distance.

Dva’s booster move speed is 12 meters per second and old dm was 15 meters, so old dva if she stayed at max hook range could get into dm distance of roadhog in roughly 0.41 seconds, whereas new dva takes 0.83 seconds to be in correct distance. That’s twice as long it takes. Roadhog’s hook has a cast time of 0.3 seconds.

I do not have accurate frame data here nor hitbox size data that’ll prolly give it few meter leeway, but this is making it look very much like if you don’t actually stand in roadhog’s hook range or very close to it, you won’t be there on time to defence matrix your teammate anymore, taking account reaction speed, cast times, travel speed and whatnot. Not with the nerfed dm range.

Even the best dva’s barely have enough time to point matrix at roadhog who’s hooked somebody, now to do so you have to play far too close to roadhog and that’s just not feasible for dva, she cannot facetank at her own optimal range. You never want to play dva that close to roadhog.

This isn’t even taking account the fact that dva has to take high ground often and she has to protect the backline too. This change is honestly just bad.

It makes shield tanks even more mandatory than they were. It makes peeling from brigitte and zarya even more mandatory to have. It makes characters who are deterred by dva’s peeling even stronger, like tracer and sombra.