Road Hog's Hook Range is 20m; D.Va's DM will be 10m

I had no idea the matrix range was so long. When you are using it you have no idea how far it goes visually. Then when the other person is using it, you can’t even see it anyways.

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Exactly. You explained how it works nicely, thank you. Not to mention her having to be closer to hog, but not too close means he can right click fire on her massive crit box. You are right, it’s a dangerous place for D.Va to stand.

Oh I see… but… again, she doesn’t need to be exactly close to hog, she needs to be close to Hog’s target which is, as you said harder but not overtly so

I don’t think that dva’s were able to react in less than 0.83 seconds you said yourself, that edge case where they did is now ironed out, however, Dva’s position should always be in front of the backline while still IN the backline, which means that feasibly your effective range is more than enough to eat the damage that concerns you, it’s not easy by any means and Dva players will have to modify their playstyle of course but nothing too insane

Old dva used to be able to point the matrix at unfortunate hog victims because it was long enough and hog had just enough cast time and they had enough fat hitboxes that dva usually had to only walk couple meters to dm and boosting instantly got them matrixed at the very least.

New dm distance means if you don’t have full matrix plus boosters, your teammate is screwed if they get hooked. You won’t be able to instantly react with dm and point at them and save them, you have to save your cooldown for it too. And they will get hooked a ton because hog is meta and orisa is meta and halt-hook is a common tactic that bypasses shields. Full matrix because just blocking the initial hookshot damage isn’t enough, they have to be safeguarded so they can run away.

It just won’t be feasible anymore and only puts dva into VERY bad position when her teammates die anyway because matrix doesn’t mean they are safe or dva is safe. Idk why dva is the only tank who has to safeguard teammates so very unsafely, while Zarya gets 30 meter barriers and personal bubble on separate cd, rein gets big rectangle shield and orisa can throw hers far.

Dva has become a tank with the second shortest peel in the game. Even mercy can peel with healing at 15 meter range. Brigitte peels with 30 meter range. Only one with shorter range is Lucio boop at 8 meters.

Why honestly bring Dva to peel anymore?

Yeah. This change seems really strange to me, because generally the problem with 2CP IMO is that point A is too attack friendly and point B is too defense friendly… but this change seems to make point B more defense friendly while not really making point A any different. It seems bad on paper, and yeah, we’ll probably see an uptick in cheese comps focused on stalling because of it.

They’ve made stalling worse with the addition to wrecking ball and people will just keep spamming dva, mei, tracer, ball, lucio and doomfist on the point till enemy team dies. I’ve seen one fight stalls last up 1,5minutes, it’s ridiculous.

They said they are concerned about the “time” a 2cp game takes up, but I never really saw that as the issue. Like you have already put, it’s the stall factor that makes 2cp the problem.

I have this feeling that a lot of games are going to be full held on point B. I hope they monitor the stats closely on this one, because I have a strong feeling they aren’t thinking of the unintended consequences from this change.

She needs to be within 10 meters of where hog hooked the victim to

I am a happy camper.

Now idiots who go in front of their tanks whom I hook randomly can’t be saved by McEatsItAll. I’m okay with this. I’m REALLY okay with this.

But not really. was ‘fine’- this change just makes that particular moveset more doable.

The orisa buff is the only change that actually makes any sense.

I am kinda glad the devs are tweaking with’s versatility as her Lucio and Zenyatta has been apart of the meta for quite some time now.

But then again, they are monopoly type of heroes since they offer something that no one else can at free will.

Most likely because healing is ridiculously strong. If they were to nerf anti heal, they’d need to nerf most sources of healing.

DPS numbers are triple more than healing number so it will not be a problem if they nerfed anti heal.

I’ve always thought Hogs hook range way a little to long.

I’m still more bothered by the fact that it will hook me up on a ledge and you see the chain going though the ground before it starts to pull me. Somehow it still able to.

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This is the main thing that pisses me off about the hook.

I actually can’t wait to tinker with this change. It has been one of the clunkiest features in the game, so I really wanna see how smoothly it helps me operate with Orisa.