Rise of battle Mercy's?

but what if i had 3K healing at the end of the match?

did i fulfill my job as mercy or did i throw? :thinking:

That wasn’t their original argument though. The original statement was if you aren’t healing AT ALL. It wasn’t oh, if you choose to dps over heal in a moment of x play.

That’s great! :smiley: Do you know who the artist is?

EDIT: I found them!

But you did. You disagreed when I said ‘Mercy is intended to be a healer. If she refuses to heal anyone, that is gameplay sabotage’. So you did said she’d never heal. You sparked the conversation with me, which before that I was talking about her completely refusing to heal. Which you also replied too.

You’ve changed your story now. I agree with this, not what you said before.

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I was thinking the same thing

Technically, support does not equal healing. Support just means they can give buffs, debuffs, utility, and/or healing. Damage boost is a buff, and rez is utility so she is still a support.

Also, since we are saying we can’t play Mercy as a DPS, I am going to start playing Soldier as a Support. Nothing but Biotic Field baby!

Okay, technically yes it is a buff. The reason why Mercy players aren’t happy with it is because they’ve had Valk at 60 HP/s before. They were complaining about Valk at that point and since they already know how it feels, they know this isn’t going to help her and isn’t addressing the issues she has.

Under that analogy, then Mercy would still be a support because she has her passive self heal. If Hog’s self heal makes him Support Hog, then Mercy is a Support by default because of her self heal.

And like, why are you getting mad when people go Battle Mercy? They are still able to get value from her. Just not in the way people expect. And I doubt a lot of people would want to play Mercy so they won’t get to. Because Mercy isn’t fun for a lot of players. So they can just play Mercy and they can run two other supports, two tanks, and one DPS. That can be a solid comp if they have the right synergy.

I’ve gone Battle Mercy plenty of times, and the only time I really healed was during downtimes, in between fights. Did my team get annoyed? Eh. Sometimes, one of them would get annoyed. There was even one game where a Hog told me to heal more, but it was only because I had gold elims at the time (it was like, 37 or 31, somewhere in that range). Did we win? Most of the time, yeah. Hell yeah we did. Because the team was able to work around the playstyle and make it work.

Going Battle Mercy can work. You just need a team that lets you try it, and helps with picks that can make it work.

The fact of the matter is, we are likely to see more offensive Mercy because what she was intended to be used for - her healing - is primo garbo and feels like molasses.

I doubt we will see Mercy players who never heal. Because one, her self heal, and two, downtime. If they’ve mained Mercy at any point, they’re going to heal. Because why wouldn’t you? But as it stands right now, with how her healing is at the moment, to quote OP:


There’s the problem. Your heals sucks so much that you have better chance to keep that teammate alive by boosting him (in order to make him kill his opponent before he dies).

Not in all situations, but 50 hps… Even on 60, you couldn’t heal through focused damage. Ou well.

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Next PTR update:

Mercy: Pistol Removed

Developer Comments: We noticed that recently, Mercy players have been using a playstyle that was not intended and she should be healing. So we took away her gun so she would only be healing her team.

Im joking ofc, but honestly, Blizzard brought this on themselves.


Haha, idk but I pictured the song more like this

Incoming slingshot Mercy.

If you want to be technical, no Support does not equal healing. But it does in Overwatch. Why else do you think Symmetra was taken out of the Support category? In Overwatch, for a support to be a support and to actually be played they have to have a healing ability.

Where did I say that? If you solely play Mercy as a DPS while refusing to heal anyone then yes you are throwing. But if you go DPS Mercy every now and then but also still heal when your team needs you too that’s fine.

Just don’t. Trying to play smart doesn’t make help your case. Because you’re failing at it. All because you’re healing yourself, doesn’t mean you’re helping your team. sigh

I’m not. But if I am critical and have a Mercy way behind enemy lines by herself, or behind me with her pistol out shooting everyone and blatantly ignoring me then yes I will be mad. That is throwing.

No, because DPS are getting value out of killing. Not her. If someone wanted to be effective by getting kills, they should play DPS not a Healer.

No… it wouldn’t. Because you’re filling 1 of the DPS slots with a terrible DPS. Mercy might have a gun, but picking her over a DPS hero is just stupid. You’re also taking away a healer from your other support mains which they could be playing more effectively.

When a team has to work around the fact someone picked a Support hero to only play DPS, that is called being selfish.

Battle Mercy is fine as long as you also do your fair share of healing.

It may be terrible, but she can still heal. And still should heal. Zen’s healing is terrible, you think when I play Zen I simply don’t heal? No. Mercy’s healing is still better than a lot of Supports. There is no justification for a Mercy not healing at all.

I’ve seen them in-game whining over nerfs and somehow proving a point by throwing. And I’ve also seen players on here claim they never heal because ‘what’s the point?’. I get Mercy players don’t like the nerfs, but throwing games only makes them look worse.

Stop bringing this up because every time you do I lose respect for you.

Just not true though is it? If I’ve got a Widowmaker on 20HP, and there is a Winston attacking her the best thing to do is heal her. I don’t believe Mercy can outheal Winston, however is still gives Widow more time to kill the Winston.

I am too, but, uhhh… it could happen. Maybe not removing her pistol entirely, but if Battle Mercy becomes too common, they could actually justify a pistol nerf to have Mercy focus on heals again.

Here’s to hoping.

Battle mercys are not going to become more common. If that was going to happen, it would have happened when mercys healing got nerfed and her pistol became a better ult charging tool.

Her ult is better now, but it’s still no transcendence and it still won’t make any sense for a mercy player to neglect her team for the sake of building up more ult charge.

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You’ve essentially said that Battle Mercy is throwing which is basically “don’t play Battle Mercy” even though they can still get value out of them.

But, using your analogy, playing Hog and just healing himself makes him Support Hog Hog…Hog… (gotta get that echo in). So if that makes him a support, shouldn’t Mercy healing herself make her a support? She is still getting numbers for the healing stat.

It’s really not. If they are AFK in spawn, then yeah, sure. If they are jumping off the map over and over, definitely. But picking a hero and choosing a different way to play them but still getting value? That’s fine. I do that all the time.

Killing is killing, my dude. Tanks get values out of killing. DPS get value out of killing. Supports get value out of killing. It means it’s one less enemy they have to deal with. So yes, Mercy can get value out of killing.

I mean, if need be, I am sure one of the tanks can essentially play as a DPS. D.Va and Hog do tons of damage. And it wouldn’t be the first time a comp only ran one DPS. S3 Triple Tank saw Soldier as the sole DPS. It won’t be optimal for Mercy, but she can still get value. She can still contribute to the team. She can still get stuff done.

Again. Who really wants to play Mercy? The people that don’t like her won’t pick her in the first place if they don’t have to. And the people that do like her have had less and less fun over the series of nerfs. The people that I do see play Mercy, have either mained her since they got the game, or they are finding something new to do with her, or some other way to get value from her. I seldom see Mercy in my games, but if I see one in my games and they go Battle Mercy, am I going to say they’re throwing and report them and criticize them? Probably not. In fact, with the Hog changes coming in, I just might help them get those kills and hook whoever they’re shooting at. You do you, Battle Mercy. You do you.

When someone picks anyone that is not meta, the team has to work around it. If the team needs a Reinhardt, but their tank can only play Orisa, they can work around that. If they need a Zarya, but their off-tank can only play D.Va, the team can work around that. Shouldn’t the same apply here? They would be dealing with a playstyle/hero that is not commonly seen, so it’d make sense that they would be willing to work around it.

Zen’s healing is also kind of a ‘fire and forget’ kind of healing, and you can heal and do damage at the same time. You can’t with Mercy. Yes, most Mercy players will probably heal in between fights. I have never seen Mercy players who have never healed. They all do. They exist.

I mean, her self heal is really good. Her self heal contributes to her healing. Have I mentioned her self heal? Because her self heal can be really useful. Did I also mention Hog has a self heal? And that if he does nothing but self heal, he reaches his final form and becomes Support Hog Hog Hog… Back to Mercy, though, she has a really solid self heal and it can get her out of tough situations, especially if she uses Valk since that gives her a constant self heal.

Have I mentioned self heal enough?

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Erm, fyi, Valkyrie makes her have infinite ammo and previously her projectille speed was faster.

Im pretty sure they at least had Battle Mercy in mind when it came to Valkyrie :stuck_out_tongue:


Yup. When they first announced her rework in the Dev Update, they even said that the changes would allow Battle Mercy players to have a chance to shine. I think the biggest part was the faster firing speed, and that eventually got removed. But now that part is coming back to fruition.

Ill say it and Ill keep saying it again.

Blizzard brought this on themselves, players are just making use of what they have.


No, I said only playing Battle Mercy is throwing. Doing absolutely no healing is throwing.

Fine, how about ‘Healer Hog’.

If you take a support hero and don’t heal with them at all especially when their primary function is to heal, then yes it’s throwing. You’re disrupting your team.

Of course she can, but she gets more value out of doing something like hmmm. I don’t know, healing? Which is what she’s supposed to be doing. Also, Mercy is not a better DPS than the DPS heroes themselves. So you’re getting less value out of a DPS Mercy than just a DPS.

Again. Selfish. You’re expecting your team to work around the fact you want to only play Battle Mercy and refuse to heal them.

Not an excuse to throw a game.

Not really. When someone picks a hero and they don’t do their job, the team has to work around it.

Yes because they are still doing their job as Orisa. However, if you refuse to heal as Mercy you’re not doing your job. sigh Again I can’t believe I am having to explain this, and the fact you think it’s okay for someone to pick Mercy and do absolutely no healing.

Neither can Ana. Do you see her being selfish and refusing to heal? A main healer shouldn’t be able to do damage at the same time as healing.

The problem with the pistol-first play style is that it exposes Mercy to enemy fire. Her survivability is entirely built around the idea that she should avoid line of sight with the enemy at all times if possible, and being too aggressive is a great way to get Mercy domed by the red Widowmaker.

The other healers who are designed to fight have constant near-uninterruptible self healing (Lucio, Moira, Brigitte), extreme range and hitscan (Ana), or extreme damage output (Zenyatta). All of them can seek out fights because they have the right tools to stay alive either through self sustain or effective pressure. Mercy does not.

In order for battle Mercy to become a viable strategy instead of a meme, Mercy needs serious buffs to her pistol and/or her in-combat survivability. For the moment, you’re just plain better off running Zenyatta for that instead.