Rise of battle Mercy's?

Yeah, this has always been the case.

Players aren’t bots. Nice try though.

Very poor attempt at justifying your obvious troll.

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Maybe if Mercy were the only healer, but she is far from being the only healer.
If you have a battle Mercy, there are other options you can chose.
If you have a boostio, there are other options you can chose.
Her not playing the character the way YOU think she should be played is not disrupting the team, it’s disrupting you.


It’s a revert not a buff and only to Valkyrie. They are still falling very short of doing right by Mercy Mains.

Battle on Mercy, want healing? Find a health pack or stand very still for the Ana in the back…


It doesn’t matter if she’s the only healer or not. Why should my whole team have to work around 1 selfish player deciding they are going to take Mercy, but just go DPS? That is throwing. It’s like playing DPS but not shooting the enemies.

And what do you mean the way I think she should be played? For heaven’s sake she’s a Support hero. If she was supposed to be played like a DPS she’d be in the DPS category. Don’t play dumb with me. Mercy is intended to be a healer.


Ahem. I already made a thread about this called shoot then valkyrie.

Still, it proves I’m right.

Cue the nerf to ult charge gain through shooting…

I stopped reading here. I get it wasn’t the buff most people wanted. But none the less, it was a BUFF. Let me ask you 1 simple question. Is she better now than she was in her previous state?

The answer is yes. Therefore, making it a buff.


So they are going to go battle mercy so they can get the ult that they don’t like more often so they can complain about it more?!

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So that Rein who keeps making bad pushes in and the Tracer who is way on the other side of the map are both throwing as well?

So you’re saying they’re… playing the character poorly by not playing how she is “intended” to be played?

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totally agree with you on that point.

It might be a revert, but it is also a buff.
They made her character better.
It doesn’t matter if her character was like that at one point, they still made her better
So it’s a buff.

mercy’s pistol is very powerful and fun in her ult.
the problem is that the ult won’t be used as intended (chainhealing)

You’re missing the point, and making a terrible argument to justify yourself. That Tracer and Reinhardt are ‘playing poorly’. When a Mercy refuses to heal, she isn’t ‘playing poorly’ she is purposely disrupting her team. Aka - Throwing.

If you can’t see the difference then there’s no point in me talking to you.

Mercy is intended to be a healer. If she refuses to heal anyone, that is gameplay sabotage. Reinhardt is a tank, it’s harder to not play the role of a tank. Why do you think Mercy is in the support category? To be a DPS? No! It’s like me going Roadhog but hey I want to play ‘Support Hog’ so I only heal myself and don’t do any damage. God I can’t believe I’m having to explain this.

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In order to be “bad at healing” (comparing it to your bad at pushing and bad at flanking scenarios) you actually have to… y’know… heal.

If a support isn’t healing at all that isn’t being bad at it. That’s not doing your intended job for the class you picked.

Even in games like Final Fantasy you can get reported for picking a healer class and only DPSing.

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Different games have different rules.

Also, I said bad at playing the character, because they’re not playing how you think they should be played.

As long as they are trying their best to win, it’s not throwing.

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Does that mean that way back when Sombra gained ult charge from healing through hacked health packs… the people who were running her in the support slot were throwing? No. No they weren’t.

Or looking a different way… is a Moira who is sorta focusing on DPS throwing? No because they are trying to win, they are effecting the enemy team, they aren’t actively hindering you. I’m less annoyed by that then say a Reinhardt who decides that he wanted to be “friendly” this game.

If we extend the Moira analogy to Mercy and compare their healing vs damage… Moira has 50 DPS vs 80 HPS or with ball on both, 100 DPS vs 135 HPS. Just looking at numbers indicate that Moira is better off healing as much as possible. Now Mercy. 100 DPS vs 50 HPS. Huh… that’s not even including head shots. People look at those numbers discrepancies and go “Y’know… maybe Mercy is better off using her blaster more often.”

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It is the same concept.

Again, in order to be bad at something you actually have to do it. Why are you making me repeat myself? If you aren’t healing at all as a healer and your primary function is to heal then you aren’t being bad, you’re sabotaging regardless of intent.

Trying your best to win includes using the primary function of your class. That’s like a soldier only healing when he is supposed to DPS. Your intentions only go so far.

Now if you were to tell me hey I’ma go boopio only. Or battle mercy only. At hero selection, I’d be less inclined to report for throwing bc then at least you are telling your team what your intentions are and giving them a choice to leave.

“I’m throwing a tantrum and trying to promote team sabotage because I don’t like the mercy changes”

If you want to play DPS than just pick a DPS character. Stop trying to sabotage people’s games because you’re unhappy with Mercy.
Stop trying to start your little movement.


There are only two bots to really heal compared to the 10 or so bots you can actually shoot, and land headshots on, in my opinion you’ve always been able to charge her ult fastest by shooting bots in the training room.

Ugh man people are really stretching with this nonsense!

That is such a bad argument. Seriously. If the team were all on the same page and knew Mercy was going to heal them LESS (keyword) then that’s not throwing since it’s helping Sombra gain ult charge. Going Battle Mercy does nothing for your team other than letting them die. Also, despite all that. You’re talking about a previous feature that is no longer in the game. I’m talking present.

Love your wording. I’ve already said, there’s nothing wrong with dealing damage and getting kills as a healer. Unless you are literally refusing to heal anyone and letting your teammate die all because you want to get kills. The Moira is not throwing because like you said, she is ‘sorta’ focusing on DPS. Implying that she is still healing as well. You basically set yourself right up for that one.

Again, you’re missing the point. It doesn’t matter how much damage they do. If their base kit is to heal, they should heal. Brigitte’s base kit is to deal damage, as is Zen’s. But they also heal. Mercy’s base kit is to heal. It doesn’t matter what the numbers are. Your Moira analogy is terrible as it only proves my point even more.


They she better go soldier, mercy pistol is intended to be a defensive weapon nothing else, mercy that only use her pistol is throwing.

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It does matter though. If for some crazy reason blaster got buffed to do 40 damage a shot… people are gonna go ham with the blaster because it is obviously better regardless of how she’s “supposed to be used”. I mean that already happened on the PTR when the rework first launched with crazy attack helicopter Mercy.