RIP Widowmaker [MEGA Thread] </3

Widow needs absolutely no nerfs on consoles. She could use more bugfixes for her hook, though.

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Can confirm. He probably has no idea of what it’s like to get flick-headshot at point-blank as Tracer/Genji by a ranked Widow.

I remember having backspace bound to /kill in Quake3. Was actually used v. often, to shorten the spawn time when for example one got knocked off the map. In a game with fixed spawn though it would get frustrating, as your opponent would suicide before you got a chance to finish him. Denying you some ult points and simply being annoying.

Mei is new widowmaker.

The problem with Widow is that her SMG sucks. She can’t be viable even at closer ranges because it’s hard to kill people with the pea-gun of an SMG that she has. Hell, it’s even hard to kill RAILINGS that are still objects in the world! The spread is that awful, have you ever tried shooting at a railing from a bit further away? No? Well you should try it and you’ll see what I mean. Now try shooting at any character coming at you. I’m actually using melee to destroy railings, because it’s a better way to deal with them than trying to shoot them with her SMG.

Grappling hook bugs are insane. I can’t even count the times I’ve got killed while hook fails to pull me up on a ledge or fail to latch on to a surface. Some surfaces for example the outer rock wall in Gibraltar where the huge metallic ball is at the very start of the map doesn’t even register hook. That’s just an example of the many other surfaces that do the exact same thing and it’s infuriating. Even jump shots are something a skilled widow player depends on and when you can’t depend on being able to use your hook to ANY surface you can think of, it’s disappointing and broken by default.

Her venom mine damage is still way too low, even junkrats trap does more damage than her venom mine which also takes a few seconds to build up and isn’t instant like the trap. Also everything and anything that “blinks” past the venom mine doesn’t even trigger it. For example Tracer blinking past it or Moira blinking past it, it doesn’t trigger. Also the range from where it triggers is bad. You can’t reliably use it as a close range defend mechanism because if you shoot at it on someone right next to you, even if they are right ON TOP of the mine, it doesn’t trigger until 1-2 seconds, which is already the time you’re dead.

Those are just the few things that come off from the top of my head right now but there are many other things that Widow needs a fix for. I posted this thread yesterday about stuff counting as a missed accuracy for widow, it can be found here: Fixing the things that count as a missed shot for accuracy

So go read and try it out yourself, you’ll know that I’m right with it. That bug has been in the game for NEARLY A YEAR and they still haven’t done anything about them. Hell, add a new hero with mines on the ground that you can shoot and even those have the same bug that they lower accuracy when shot. One of Widow’s cards is accuracy, so why punish her on that sector as well?

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Citation needed.

Winston 6 seconds, cooldown starts immediately after releasing the shift button (instant)

D.Va 5 seconds, cooldown starts after the ability stops sending impulses launching you forward, which can be user canceled.

Widowmaker (at 8 seconds), cast time max distance 0.83s, reel time max distance 1.0s, cooldown waits until the reel animation has completely ended which can be user canceled (but still requires some time).

Coupled with the fact that Widow’s hook is buggy and can completely fail if you try to use it as an escape (in more ways than one), Widow’s average, in-practice cooldown can literally be over 10 seconds.

For all intents and purposes, Widow has a 10 second cooldown already, and extending it two seconds means she’ll have a 12 second cooldown.

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There’s also two other bugs that hurt her dearly that are systemic.

Misprediction - hitscan-specific, netcode’s lack of forward vector coordinate preservation/event reporting redundancy/client automatically playing a camera recoil animation without server confirmation -induced bug that literally causes your shots to miss completely randomly/at the mercy of your ISP (and the only way to compensate for it when it randomly strikes is to aim extremely below your target).

Occlusion rendering - at lower frame rates, peeking from behind a wall will leave enemies and map props invisible before popping in to view a frame later

  • 100% charge bodyshot = 120 damage
  • 30% damage boost from Mercy = +36 damage
  • 30% damage boost from Zen = +36 damage

Last I checked 120+72 isn’t 200.

Stop spreading misinformation.

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The game should always favor the shooter, in every situation. If you see something on your screen and you shoot, it should land, no exceptions. It’s the same thing that when you shoot Genji that’s not deflecting on your screen at the time when you pull the trigger, it SHOULD land, but it still gets deflected because of the server lag. This is a huge problem that gets me killed as a widow many times. This could be fixed so that Genji’s deflect would have a 0.2-0.4s initiation time. It would virtually feel the same for the player using the deflect, but it would eliminate the lag tampering with the shooting player. How can you react to something that’s instant and not even visible on your screen while you do an action? This would make it so that you’d actually have time to react to a Genji using deflect.

The other good example is a wall riding lucio, he goes so fast that you basically need to predict hitting him 1 meter before his trajectory to actually get a hit to land. If you try to pin point HS him from the sides (other than him going straight towards you or away from you) you will miss the shot 100% of the time. I used to think that it was because his model was bugged while wallriding, but it’s actually the bad netcoding that makes this happen.

All in all, there’s a lot of fundamental issues with the coding of the game that need a fix other than balancing heroes and their abilities. Fix the BASICS first, and then balance the heroes. I’m actually amazed that this game has been going on for 2 years and these things aren’t fixed while they still call this game an eSport, which is something it’s really far from.

Actually, its more like

120+36 = 156

then the 0.3 of discord affects that 156, so the discords adds 46 damage

In total 156 + 46 = 202

Its possible.


the zen damage boost is from the total damage of the shot after the mercy damage boost learn to math

You forgot Sombra is now 100% invisible and can basically run straight towards you unheard and unseen (avoid your useless mine). Then take her sweet time to aim a headshot and unload on you, killing you before you even know what’s going on. This one change actually makes me angry because at least with all the other counters to widow there is some degree of leeway to get away or fight back but no real counter to Sombra targeting you.

You could say Widow’s ult counters Sombra but that’s how often? Sombra kills you in the mean time. The only thing you can do is switch heros and frankly as a Widow main – sometimes I just want to play widow my main – the one hero I actually have fun playing. The best part not even Sombra mains like her changes… so… what is blizzard even doing??

It’s true. Some people simply have better hand-eye coordination than others. Some people are better at playing snipers than others. Just like some people are better at playing projectile heroes than others.

You can always get better. So can those naturally gifted people. They can get better as well, and become monsters on that character.

There is a difference between most people being poor at the character, and “there is no such thing as being simply good as Widow.”

Let’s not contradict ourselves.

Natural Talent is a real thing. What it took you 400 hours to achieve, there are people who can get there in 50 simply because they have a natural inclination towards aiming and tracking.

That doesn’t mean natural talent is everything. It can only take you so far.