RIP Ana (Really Frustrated at the neglect)

Ok, lets make her as good as Moira is.

What are we going to nerf on her to do so?



Moira and Brigitte offer the healing and utility

Easier than Ana.

Even Mercy who people say is “dead” sees more playtime than Ana at this point. She’s the least picked healing support in the game as is, adding another who is super powerful and can fit amazing with the other supports isn’t going to help Ana.

Also BAP DOES NOT HELP ANA; Bap needs to be in melee/ close range to be effective, his bursty heal ability is targeted and affects 5 people. Ana is medium range, where Bap offers nothing. Ana already takes enough focus away from other supports to be topped up, this is no different

You are joking right?

Moira doesn’t HAVE utility to offer.

Seriously, I think you are just trolling.


There’s not much point in continuing if you’re going to ignore what I say and keep repeatedly posting how the kits of the supports compare. That has nothing at all do to with what I said.

That’s the major buff I want for Ana. Just let her use her abilities for the TEAM.

Brigette mixed with another support offers enough healing that even Ana’s number aren’t really going to be too much importance. Same issue as right now on live with Moira’s healing numbers.

The problem here though is that Bap add’s another barrier to have to worry about, not to mention his ult is damage creep and thus isn’t even affected by Ana’s grenade.

The next issue here is that you COULD do that with Ana, but the risk of Ana is still there, easy to jump, or do chip damage and then dive. Bap works WAY better with the other supports as they can all stay together in the same ranges, Ana is the only odd one out.

We’ll have to see, but I don’t doubt Ana is going to see a lot less play

Being the only one that can anti heal and nano for teamwipes is enough by itself. The power of her utility begs the question on why she has such good healing in the first place, before her other characters had to sacrifice something.


Such an easy fix and it drives me up the wall that you don’t do it.


Like, Nade?

Anti ABSOLUELY works well with Baps ult.

I guess you haven’t heard of a hero called Zen then.

So, she will have REGULAR amounts of play after this?

They ARE Trolling.

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Like I said

Ana gets healed by healing injured teammates; Doesn’t make her stronger in 1v1 duels; gives the Ana player the choice to either only try and heal herself in combat by healing her team, or attacking.

Give you at least ROOM to survive.

Then you lose some utility for it.

If you think Ana is getting neglected you should look at Sym, Junk and Bastion lol.


She’s not sadly

Even in GM she is among the lowest winrates

And no, she doesn’t need infinite ammo, that would be insane on her numbers. There would never be a reason not to hold down mouse 1.

15 is a good number. Gives her a little more wiggle room for error and less punishing on the player

Imagine a character being on Meta 2 years with zero “Nerfs” when the community was asking with desperation for ANA-GRENADE nerf.

So dev team just bufff other healers and not even “Nerf her” and her fans still coming to complain really if you have some kind of “Honor” and “Dignity” just remove your post.

Problem is they don’t work at the same ranges.

If Ana is further away, the only way Bap could then heal her is using his op team wide self heal cooldown ability. Something that is already an issue with Ana being greedy with abilities.

They just don’t mesh together because of where they are effective. They CAN work, but the effort to make it work isn’t worth it, when you could run a super dive-y team with Bap and Lucio, or an unkillable onslaught with Moira and Bap.

I really DO wish they would work, but just how their playstyles don’t mesh, I don’t really have high hopes

You are just trolling. Ignore flag for you.

Anti heal makes moria worthless? You do know this right?

Ana already has the third lowest healing numbers; even though on paper she can heal the most.

Simple fact, not everyone can hit every shot. She doesn’t need her numbers changed.

FIRST she needs a solid way of self healing

THEN we can see if she’s in a better place. With 12 ammo we KNOW she can work, even if it is tough, but being able to live would be a HUGE boost.

We dont balance for people who cant hit shots. This is simply a git gud scenario


You could play Moira/ Brigitte and do the same without the risk of having to defend the Ana from the dive

That’s the issue, Ana just doesn’t combo with any other support as well anymore because she needs to take healing away from the single target healers, or be in bad positions with the AOE healers.

She needs a healing passive to stick at her Medium range WITHOUT making her stronger in 1v1 situations (IE. healing herself by healing an injured teammate meaning if you abuse it in a fight, you’re not attacking the person attacking you giving them more room/ time to fight BUT not letting you be a free kill unless your team is literally BUILT for you)

Masters and below bap has a 49% and lower win rate he is also middle of the pack as far as picks.

Ana is the number 1 picked support at every rank almost.

Like I fail to see the numbers to support the hate on bap. Which is per usual for the forums when regarding bap since the soldier does less damage then bap movement. Which also had no actual numbers to support that claim.