RIP Ana (Really Frustrated at the neglect)

Moira is still good in brawl, just brawl is terrible, the same as ana is only really good in ult based comps like sombra pharah or genji comps which aren’t great rn

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Doesn’t matter how high your healing is if you’re dead or out of the fight.

Why do you think Zen/ Lucio works? What they offer is always available.

It’s the baseline issue that while Ana has some of the best abilities, she never can use them because she needs them ONLY for herself.

You use Sleep Dart, hit a guy, okay now you only have 2 options left if you get jumped.

What if your grenade is on cooldown too? 12-10 seconds is a long time in OW.

That last time she was Meta, every tank was stronger, and every dps was weaker. Remember, 76 did 20 damage bullets, Zarya got 50% per barrier, and Roadhog could 1-shot everyone.

She needs more PASSIVE assistance, not more loaded onto her abilities.

Which is why she has a lower win rate in pretty much every rank?
The ONLY rank where they are close to each other is Bronze.

Like, what you are saying is true, but in Bronze, ONLY.

The moment you are out of Bronze, then Moira is STRICTLY worse than Ana.


Yeah. It’s really disappointing to see Ana neglected patch after patch. Surely Blizzard can’t look at her winrate and say “that’s okay.”

What is her average win rate, and what is Moira’s?

Just wondering.


Ana was “op” for a shorter time than she has been the worst support. 6 months. Ana has been the lowest winrate of any support/ most heroes for 13 months come March.

Of course she has a higher pickrate, she is a healing support which there was only 4-5 of for that time.

She’s also the 3rd lowest Winrate in competitive, and this is before the bap buffs.

Lets agree for the sake of argument that Ana is bad.

The point is that compared to many other heroes Ana isn’t so much worse than her competition that she could be considered “in the dirt”

Ana doesn’t even know what the dirt looks like.


Ana is hero and patch after patch becoming more and more useless. She has such a high skill floor and little reward, the only thing still going on for her is the sleep dart (but you need to be a beast to actually hit someone with it) and the heal denial from the nade, but still is weak in comparison to other healers kits. Her abilities cooldown takes forever, her healing output is small after Moira and Mercy and her ult is a joke. Sooner or later Ana will need a full rework if she still can have some use on the hero roster. I really like the heal denial with her nade, but is so rare to be able to use it as a offensive mechanism because Ana needs it for her own protection and self heal. As a healer Ana is in trouble and that’s why she can’t solo heal anymore.

Ana average win rate is 50.79%
Moira is 47.70%

What ranks are you talking about?


I want to play Ana; it’s just they continue to push a character who is already in a bad spot further down. It doesn’t matter the numbers, when you can’t use them. You can’t use Grenade for offense when you need it to heal yourself, you leave yourself too open. You need to save Sleep Dart for perfect moments, 12 seconds is still one of the longest cooldowns in the game.

It does the moment you try to claim that Ana is the lowest win rate hero in support, like you tried.

Moira is, by a long way.

She is harder to win games with than Ana is.

Now, Ana may not be doing great in your rank, but for SURE, She is doing better than Moira.


If you’d use less hyperbole and instead just focus on how Bap is a better pick in basically every situation you’d get far more people taking the post seriously.

Ana isn’t useless. She isn’t in the dirt. She’s a worse pick than Bap in most situations and underperforming. There is an enormous difference between where Ana is and where the heroes truly in the dirt are. Ana seriously doesn’t know what the dirt even looks like.


I don’t see much use for Moira tbh, Bapt and Ana have the better utility. Ana for offensive play and Bapt for defensive play. The only time you need heavy heals is if your teammates are doorknobs and require large amounts of sustain to get value, but you can do that with double main heals which also have utility.

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I know it’s a team game, but no other support NEEDS a second like Ana does. They can all do their jobs, what the need to do, even without a second support. Sure they might not all put out the best healing numbers or whatever, but their is no downside to how they work on a base level. If they take damage, they all have tools to fix that;

Mercy waits for 1 second, gets healed
Zen waits for 3 seconds, shields regenerate
Lucio swaps to healing aura
Moira life steals/ Biotic orb
Brigitte attacks people/ Ults
Bap has a team wide self-heal.

Ana NEEDS to use her grenade; and using it on yourself helps only you.

THAT is my biggest problem. Ana is SO greedy for a support that at this point it’s just dumb. Maybe Ana would be in a better place if she could use her abilities for the TEAM.

Ana doesn’t want to be close, Bap wants to be in melee range. Their kits and tools don’t mesh well together.

Which is why she is as good as Moira in Bronze right?


Brigitte has the lowest win rate of any support in GM.
Moira has the lowest win rate of any support outside of GM.

And you want to use THOSE heroes as the example?

Fine, lets “buff” Ana to be as good as those heroes then.

As Toast says, you don’t know what bad even looks like.


Which is the problem

Why run Ana at all at this point? Every other support has an easier time doing what Ana does.

Zen/ Lucio
Mercy/ Zen
Moira/ Brigitte
Brigitte/ Lucio
Brigitte/ Zen
Bap/ Brig
Bap/ Zen
Bap/ Lucio

They all offer what Ana does, or more without the risk of running and Ana on your team and having to peel for her every fight.

This is the same thing people said when Mercy was nerfed; Oh Ana’s going to jump right back to being meta just you wait! No, she isn’t, because she’s still flawed baseline.

Not to mention adding Bap is ANOTHER barrier that stops EVERYTHING in Ana’s kit; so you wouldn’t play Ana into him either.

Except the ones which do worse than her right?


There really is no excuse at this point not to do something like that for Ana; Healing passive, more ammo. Give us a reason to swap around supports like the other classes can.

Also Brigitte and Zen both have semi-long ranger auto lock heals; The only map that Ana has the ranged advantage is on Junkertown.

You still aren’t understanding my point.

Compared to a hero who is truly in the dirt such as Sym, Ana is in a fantastic position even though Ana herself is struggling at the top.

She’s not “in the dirt” or “useless” and to assert that she is denies reality.

Not even close. She will be fine once Bap is scaled back a little.


But Ana is still the most popular support from silver to master.

Don’t even get me started on Moira… She has negative winrate in almost every rank. You play Moira to lose at this point, she’s bad.