RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

Actually not even that much >_>

It’s 15 PERCENT of healing done

Meaning it’s 11.25 health per 75 healing done and lowers from there if the amount is lower

So max self HPS from someone you can heal more than once or twice would be 13.5hps

So say you heal someone for 75 and then 30 and they’re full; Ana would heal herself for 15.75hp

LOWER than any other support self heal in the game other than a non amped Lucio (Though the baseline number is still lower)

Some more interesting things; If Ana heals someone who is grenaded, she will only self heal for 16.88hp so if you somehow manage to hit someone with all 4 shots during the duration of the grenade with the full 112 value of each shot, she would heal herself for 67.52

To compare; Mercy would heal for 80 hp in the same timeframe WITHOUT using any abilities :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The change to allow anas bullets to travel through fully healed teammates has been huge for her. I would call that a big change

It’s still more QOL than anything that makes her any better

Decent Ana players could already do what they’ve always done, it’s just easier for everyone now.

I am not gonna discredit it though; it really was a welcome change after getting used to it on Live

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I think her biggest downside is you get teammates who don’t know how to play with an Ana. Such as not staying LOS or not coming back for flankers even when notified.
It takes a team effort to make her stand out.

Dead Ana’s don’t heal.

Try being a squishy with no mobility, a 10 second cooldown self heal that only restores half your health, an escape panic tool that’s harder to use than even your basic shot and a requirement to be pinpoint accurate against an entire dive comp with a low to hit requirement who each do more damage than you. Hope that gives you a bit of feeling on why she’s having a hard time. She’s a hero that doesn’t even begin to be fun to play unless you’re plat or above.


When holding a spot, you have to tell your teammates how far back they need in order for you to get LoS for healing. I often have to do this for dorado.

people don’t play ana just because of her story. lol
and Ana and Brig are worlds apart in every conceivable way

Story or not I think as a character she’s cool — both in style and design. That’s why I “try” to main her. “Try” being the active verb.

Well the thing is they’re also more used to hardier support who have different options to avoid dying while also healing the team.

I cannot tell you how many games I play where I have to tell the other support to also heal me from time to time since I have no way to undo every point of damage

Then I play a support with some level of self sustain and it becomes a nonissue

No kidding. I play in the 2700 range, and I almost never get healed by the other healer.
Also, for your passive suggestion, it might be best to allow the same effect when shooting enemies so that Ana doesn’t need her team to take damage to heal herself.

I rather be healed some for each unspent ammo in the gun when I reload specifically for that reason — it separates my ability to heal myself from having a damaged target that needs healing. Plus it makes reloading useful. Right now reloading only serves to get some other guy killed.

“Sorry mate, I ran outa mojo juice.”

Still want it to have a huge flaw since the Devs want Ana to give up so much just to be level with the other supports

Plus it promotes spreading heals, as well as rewarding you for hitting those smaller targets. A healthy team is a happy team :stuck_out_tongue:

I love how much the devs were like

“But ana needs a weakness!!!”

Looks at Brig
Looks at Mercy
Looks at Moira


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I am incredibly frustrated at just how far above the other supports an Ana has to play to be remotely viable in any team comp.

I am spinning around constantly to keep people healed. Then there’s the other support on the team just sitting the holding LMB and swapping to RMB every once in a while.

Ana’s position has to be near perfect at every moment. Ana’s calls need to be on point to keep her team aware of the LOS they are about to break.

Something like 24 out of 28 characters in the game have some form of movement ability. Whether it be GA or Zarya using her RMB to boost herself up higher. The amount of characters flying around while Ana waddles to the next position is obscene.

1 shot characters have been given obscene levels of movement to make them even more powerful. Once Ana has been spotted they know exactly where you will be. Ana can only move so far before hook is back up.

The game has changed while Ana has stayed the same. Ana is a relic of a bygone era. So much needs to change for Ana to be a reasonable pick.


i literally only swap to her now when i think sleep dart would be useful, usually to deal with bastion or something, and then i swap when the enemy team comp switches up cause usually i’m more useful as zen or moira, sadly…not to mention, this piercing ammo is still messing me up, i’m so used to the sound cue when hitting enemies between fights that i just get so confused for some reason lol [not to mention i don’t even feel its there cause everyone usually takes some chip dmg so it’s useful about 2% of the time]

Ana does need something to help her, as of right now she’s nearly the only one who has to work twice as hard to be as viable as the other supports.

600 message on this tread and no news from the dev ! It is the same thing every time:

Wait instead of buffing we will add brigitte a new hero that will help ana (but bring even more shield in this game) .

Ok wait we will add a new tank that will have no shield so you have less tank with shield IG (ok but this tank can dive the F out of ana )

Every time we wait …so what now ? will we have to wait for the next hero, see that it doesn’t change a thing (or make it worst )? and maybe after one year we will have a buff ?

Ana will be better once they finally nerf Rez, and Mercy+Zen’s damage boosts.

Ana is designe to be played long range but currently with all the shield you can’t do that.

Compare ana to moira that had a barrier nerf. It is ok for moira not to heal past barrier. If she want to heal someone past a rein or orisa or even winston shield she can walk in heal and swoop away if targeted.
However If you play Ana at close range and go past a shield to heal then you are an easy target since you have no mobility .

So to me the buff that i am waiting for is really to heal past shield as the dev said they don’t want to make her weakness her strengh so i don’t mind her having no mobility . If she is suppose to play in the back line ans make her strong at what she does then make her able to heal past shield.

Positioning is both the most important, and hardest thing to do as Ana. Streamer/Youtuber ML_7 has a lot of positioning guides, if you’re interested.

She can be played at any range, if they don’t run dive you can play mid/closer ranges. Long range is the best, but you need to master unscoped shots, as scoped shots give away your position.

Ana is VERY close to being viable, since she is currently useable. She will be played more in all ranks after a mercy and zen nerf. Even slight.