RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

I’ve been thinking, maybe Nano Boost should be reworked into an ability instead? Like, put it on a 10-12 second cooldown and only let it grant 30% damage mitigation. And then we can think of a new ultimate for her that could work both offensively and defensively (like Coalescence and Valkyrie).

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I would say make her less easily shut down as a support hero first. There are too many downsides to her survivability.

  • She has too many hard counters — D.VA, Winston, Tracer, Genji, Doomfist and Sombra.

  • She has a sleep dart that’s significantly hard to land. Worse hit ratio than her own primary shots.

  • She has no mobility.

  • Her self heal is on a 10 second cooldown and can only heal her for half of her total hit points.

  • her primary fire is designed for long range snipe accuracy and subsequently is ill suited for up close combat.

  • All her hard counters have high mobility, very low to hit requirements and higher DPS than her.

All told even with the disengage she has she’s designed to lose the self defense battle almost every time unless she’s lucky, a smurf or has a dedicated peel following her around.


I would love for Ana to either have better mobility or self-sustain, but apparently that is asking for all her weaknesses to be removed. Hence the suggested ult rework, I was kinda hoping she could be given the choice of using the damage mitigation on herself so she could use her nade on her enemies or allies.

I fail to understand the reasoning of having so much weakness at the expense of so little uptime and reward. Honestly, there are good reasons why so many people (who despite liking the concept of her) refuse to pick her up. As heroes go they made her far far less desirable to play than not.

I’m possibly sleep deprived, but here are my ideas for the supports.


1.) 20% of damage/healing goes to self-heal. (It’s like 18hps if you hit 100%).

2.) Rifle damage to 75. (2 shotting Tracers should be a thing).


1.) GA, Res, Hover, all on 1 meter of resource.

Res requires 60%, Hover would be 2% a second or something, GA would be 10%.
10 healing = 1%.

Feel free to mess with the numbers. Would make Mercy more interesting and keep her from being tethered to Phara all the time. Would also mean Res is not available after death.

2.) Reduce her healing hitbox things to the 20% mark on her options screen. This brings it in line with Ana’s hitbox.

Doesn’t change much. Just makes it a tad harder to click on someone to heal. Hell, it makes it easier to choose closely grouped targets.


1.) Reduce the damage hitbox of her right-click to between the normal hitboxes and Ana’s healing hitboxes.

2.) Up the damage of Moira’s right click. Maybe 5 more dps?

3.) I think Moira should heal through shields.


1.) Reduce cast time of his ult, 50% or so.

Poor dude needs to be quicker on the draw to defend his team.

2.) Up his healing/speed radius by like 2 yards. (4 yards in diameter)


1.) Reduce Discord to 20%.

Guy puts out too much extra damage for his team, making him a must pick.

2.) I don’t know that I’d touch him further.


1.) Swap the stun and knock back effects.

2.) Stun doesn’t go through shields!

This makes it so she would boop Reins out of place and not outright stun them. Making her less frustrating to play against.

This also changes her stun to more of a skill shot. Making her more interesting to play with and against.

It’s a lot to change at once. I’m not at all sure if it would be balanced with the current given numbers. I just know that it addresses all my current complaints about the supports I play.

Why did you resurrect this thread?

Because it’s sadly still a reasonable discussion?

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A lot of good ideas and conversation in this thread. Ana needs some attention so she can picked again without Ana mains being called trolls.

I still play a lot of Ana, but I wish they would revert the penetration shot while it still causes problems with Ana’s accuracy and her ability to keep teammates pre-healed.

If they revoked that one thing, I think I would be absolutely fine with her. I’ve been forcing myself to play a lot of difficult situations with just Ana (like deathmatch and the like) and it has made me a better overall player and Ana main.

Ana really isn’t bad, she’s just extremely optional compared to a lot of the supports and it’s tragic. Blizzard didn’t even bother to buff her until the Junkenstein event revealed how trash she was at doing damage.

I’m not even kidding, anyone else remember that? Ana only got buffed because people realized how bad she really was by playing Junkenstein.

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I think she got changed because you shouldn’t need to land 4 shots to kill a 200 HP hero. She can actually deal with Pharah now.

How often do you even see Pharah anymore :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In gold and plat, regularly. Average ones can still carry unless hard countered.

Ana is not offering too little after her recent buffs.
Other supports are offering too much.
Especially Mercy is STILL too good for what it takes to play her decently.

There was Seagull’s stream with Jeff Goodman and Scott Mercer, so they answered some questions and there was about Ana too:
“- Ana don’t need buff yet. If we add mobility and selfheal too her, she will become much more stronger then another supports”.

This is so wrong, imo. Moira has tons of no aim heal, damage and mobility, why not to nerf her then?

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Despite being an Ana main, I find it difficult when playing second support to an Ana. She needs so much babysitting for her to be viable that I end up having to take a lot of focus off the rest of the team.

Which makes my own job even more difficult because I need to work extra to fill in the nooks and crannies that Ana will inevitably miss out on because she is constantly being suppressed and distracted by other issues.

That is the main issue I feel. Ana right now demands too much attention from the second support in addition to being relatively weak. As such when she is picked you are basically having a team with 2 weak supports, which isnt going to work.

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I don’t think they even play the same game as us anymore

Like hello?

The ONLY way they would make Ana stronger than the other supports was if they reverted the grenade nerf.

Ana has been power crept by the Mercy rework and the launch of Moira

It’s so crazy how out of touch they are with Ana.

It makes me feel sick how simple of a buff “Ana now heals herself 15% of healing down to a friendly target with her rifle”

Boom; Ana can now actually impact the game with her grenade more often and be an actual option to play.

Mercy is about to be the BEST support in the game for a YEAR soon.

They just nerfed Moira; Lucio has been power crept; Ana is STILL dumpster tier.

Suck up your pride, admit you’re wrong, and fix Ana.

You can do it to Hanzo the patch after you say you don’t want to remove weaknesses, you can do it to Ana

She has the MOST weaknesses of the supports, even most of the cast. If you can do it to Hanzo, you can do it for Ana


I feel like I’m gonna go crazy

People saying buff her mobility
People saying she’s fine
People blaming just Mercy

It’s like

What is going on

Ana needs a healing passive that isn’t attached to her key utility tool for the team

That is it, that is all. She will be a VIABLE option after that.


I’m surprised this thread is still active since it was made in February.

'Cause they haven’t fixed anything :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They give Ana bandaids, then leave her until she drops back down to the bottom again, baindaid, she goes up a bit, then drops back down to the bottom

The biggest problem is that to really fix Ana it’s such a SIMPLE SOLUTION that it’s crazy they don’t even at least TRY it out on the PTR or something

Ana heals herself for 15% of healing done by Biotic Rifle (Cannot be buffed)

That way you avoid her healing way too much after a grenade; or if she’s in a a silly more with other Ana’s

Or if they don’t want that; 100 of her health swapped for shields. Still a weak form of self sustain, but at least it’s SOMETHING


I think a 15 HPS passive would be fine. I love Ana and I wish she was more viable.