RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

I understand your frustration about current Ana’s situation, however it’s not Ana’s fault, but more likely current meta.

Look at it from the future perspective…
Torb and Symmetra are going to be reworked. What it might mean?
Depending on the rework, Torb will be able to put this time a valuable sentry next to the long range healers, providing them protection.
Imagine Ana on defence on the back lines constantly beeing protected by ex. (i repeat, EXAMPLE) Sentry that will deal 50 % more dammage, and allowing Ana to constantly pump out those heals. Or She being protected by symmetra turrets that slow the flankers to such degree Ana can easily connect all their shots.

Current meta, her incredible high skill ceiling. Those are the fault. Just imagine what would happen if they changed Widow so she can hit hradshots more consistently, there is a reason she has such a high experience requirement. Ana is no different.

I want her to stay a hard hero to play, not another spectator mode hero like Mercy

Fine keep her a hard hero; but also give her the tools she needs to get out of an engagement. That she lacks. It feels at times you’re at the behest of your own team that completely ignores you yet demands that you pay attention to them.

Despite everyone saying “Teamplay! Teamplay! Teamplay!”, the reality is that more oft than not it’s “MePlay! MePlay! MePlay!” and the support contingent is left out to dry.

At least give the hero a better something than she has. It can’t be that difficult to give Ana a few good tools to use for her own defense without compromising her difficulty OR her power curve. We’re not asking to be OP just a tad less UP than we are now. That’s it! That’s essentially what ALL these complaints have in common regardless of which complaint you’re reading here.

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People have been blaming the meta for the last year since she became the worst support


Yes they can work amazing together; but ONLY Ana constantly NEEDS another character to make her even WORK.

That is a huge flaw.

You could be the best of the best at Ana (Like say Gale or Ryujehong) and STILL get very little reward for all that extra work. It’s why they’ve stopped playing Ana.

You practise on Widowmaker; you get better and better; the effort you put in is rewarded by being able to get huge important plats and impact on the game

Same with other higher skill cap heroes.

Only Ana and Sombra (Now) do not follow that. Easier characters are WAY better than them, and even if you’re working at 100% you STILL fall short.

There’s no reward to the risk


Unfortunately, today’s patch does little in the way of fixing this. Her positioning can be a bit more varied and she doesn’t need to go out of position as much to heal, but she still has the same fundamental issues you pointed at.

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Yeah. It sucks to admit, but I really don’t think the new buffs are going to change anything. The extra ammo will be nice, and I guess the new bullet type is fine (its a pretty nice “buff”, theoretically, but also a functional debuff too since you can’t preheal anymore either), but neither of those things was the reason she gets creamed every game.

I like the philosophy of buffing strengths rather than mitigating weaknesses, but the problem with Ana is that her weaknesses are so profound, it doesn’t matter what her strengths are; she’s dead before she gets to use them. Quality of life buffs to what Ana wants to do don’t matter because Ana never gets to do what she wants - she gets bullied out of it nine tenths of the time.


With the buff of her shot being able to pierce full health teammates and attack an enemy, I consider it very nice if she gets some small self-hp regen like 30 hp if she hits her enemy.

Everyone seems to think that chip damage is what’s keeping Ana from advancing and subsequently advocating for a regen to her of some sort. It’s nice but won’t save her.

I think the direct cause for her NOT surviving to be at all meta is dive and her absolute openness to fall prey to it. Without movement or mitigation she practically has no chance at all.

Even if they buffed her to have a self regen or heal it won’t be enough. Think about it. She’s a squishy with NO mobility, LOW self heal, LOW damage output and a high requirement to be pinpoint accurate. Her adversaries have none of these limitations — none. They’re highly mobile and can strafe or spray their targets to kill them.

What’s healing a bit of chip damage going to do against that!! It’s putting a bandaid on an amputated limb. That’s NOT going to cut it — not when you look at it directly with a pragmatist’s eye. It just won’t and all these request for “just a light heal to deal with the chip damage” is but fanciful thinking.

I see where you’re coming from, but from my point of view, Ana is a fighter with her sleep dart and nades. if she can have some hp regen back, she can give the diver a tough fight.

Well I mean that’s kind of the point right?

Other than Ana, what support is as easy to dive on and kill?

Zen can fight back; Mercy is usually attached to people; Lucio has boop and mobility; Moira and Brigitte are made to 1v1

For Ana to duel a flanker; not only does she need BOTH cooldowns up; she needs to land sleep dart as WELL as make sure the timing is spot on before attacking. You mess up that window and you’re open to being killed. Someone else attacks your sleeping target messes up the timing, you’re dead.

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does every healer HAVE to have health regen? I get most of them do in some form but…

most lucios (me being one of them) cant just rely on the heal aura to sustain ourselves, when we become slow af and speed boost cant heal (Edit: not to mention our self heal is reduced from the main amount of heals).

zen requires a grace period out of combat before the shields can come back. there is also sombra who can just talk to him about useless propaganda and delete him.

moira has to do damage in order to heal herself which requires her to NOT heal her team. her orb also goes on a ten second cooldown, so if she uses that to heal herself she loses it for a pretty substantial period (Edit: especially if she doesn’t bounce it in a useful way and just bounces it off the ground out of panic of needing heals)

Brigitte also requires damage delt in order to heal and we cant even properly pinpoint her place right now because she could still get nerfed.

mercy is literally the only healer who actually has one for one proper health regen on a constant and even then it still requires a second of no damage taken before it activates. (Edit: and she isn’t even that much of a utility healer. the only utility she has is her damage boost, other than that she has no non-heal/buff support abilities)

the point of overwatch is for characters to stay as unique as possible and just simply saying ana should have health regen like mercy isn’t very in line with that philosophy. she can burst heal herself with her ability, that’s already a good self heal. I could argue that a reduced cooldown when she herself is the only heal target in the radius of the grenade could work. other than that the only thing that would work for you would be if she had a movement ability.

No, they don’t. However in the case of Ana if they opt to strike her mobility and ability to get to a health pack; If they opt to strike her mobility and ability to run from an engagement; If they opt to strike her mobility and ability to find decent positioning then they should at least allow her to heal herself in place. Afterall, she has all the healing supply in the world to heal everyone else but cannot use the darn rifle to shoot herself.

Plus her grenade only heals her for just half of her hit points on a 10 second cool down. That’s actually a handicap.

I understand, but how would you even implement a unique self heal mechanic that isn’t already someone elses form of self sustain? I already stated that it would also be nice if her nade went on reduced cooldown if she only used it on herself. not to mention that she can sleep a number of targets and walk towards her team or a health pack while that reduced cooldown takes place.

There are many proposals. My favorite is simply allowing her to heal herself a bit with each reload. Each time she charges her gun some of the biotic solution should go to her too.

that is pretty creative. that’s not bad actually.

I also thank you for the civil discussion my dude :hugs:


The only problem is; as we have seen; if a support DOESN’T have at least some kind of self regeneration that isn’t locked to their abilities the hero just doesn’t work.

Ana USED to work because of Lucio’s aura size; he could heal her from 30 metres away; on TOP of her doing 80 damage a shot.

She had the best of both worlds; HOWEVER both were nerfed without compensation to her baseline

Ana has lost a lot without much to catch up. Her utility is tied to her survival; this is a huge detriment when characters like Mercy, Moira, and Brigitte exist who can do SO much for the team WITHOUT taking away their best tools.


Ana’s grenade used to also heal her for full hp’s. When they halved its bonus they also reduced it to healing her half her own hit points.

Just another brick in the wall…

It only ever healed for 100

It felt like more because it would also boost the healing from Lucio across the map :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The bonus healing also applied to the potion itself too.

what about increasing her reload and projectile speed, and maybe allowing headshots? I think the tools that she has is pretty good, but needs some tweaking.