RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

“Hello, can anyone here go Symmetra? I would like to be able to play Ana if that’s alright…”



Ana should be the least impacted support by Brigette, you should be far away from the fight if you aren’t using that advantage you defeat the whole purpose of using Ana over Moira or Mercy.

Maybe that’s more viable now, but still kinda crappy since there’s shields galore, when this thread was made there’s no way you could stay back and heal from a distance even though that’s what Ana’s whole playstyle was intended to be. But tracer and genji and Winston would prevent Ana’s to play that far away. It was better to be in the middle of the fight and hope people ignored you for others.


Also Geoff saying stuff like: We don’t want to remove Ana’s weakness so we’re not giving her mobility.

While buffing Hanzos mobility to lower his weakness…

This makes as much sense as my ex girlfriends reasoning.


That’s what bugs me the most - Hanzo already had the mobility necessary to perform his job, but they still gave him the jump on a low cooldown aside from the increased projectile speed, lowered ability cooldown and fricken machine-gun. But Ana? Nah, it would be terrible if she could actually do stuff like being viable.


Hanzo was already a mobile character. At least be honest in your complainings.

Butbut Tripletank meta :roll_eyes:

Everything that should’ve been said, was said countless times already.

I appreciate the fact that they’re finally looking at Ana but those buffs won’t do much I’m afraid.

Removing his Scatter increased his weakness in close quarters. So they gave him something that is even better than Scatter was.

And yes of course, his mobility was better than Anas ever was, that’s why it is even more insulting for Ana players who constantly ask for some kind of mobility.

Especially insulting after seeing her highlight intro where she clearly makes a big leap.

No clue why you think there was something dishonest in my complains.

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Hopefully listening to the casters at OWL, seeing all the forums posts, even the pros

They’ll actually open their eyes and see that Ana DOES need more than what they’re giving her currently

Like when I hear “They need to swap the Ana, she’s worthless” as a legit thing that someone at the highest levels of play can say, there really needs to be more done to fix that.

People say “Oh it’s just not the right meta” even though we’re almost in a mirror copy of what 3 Tank used to be, yet Ana is no-where to be seen


It’s already was a long time. They needed two years to notice and rework Hanzo, Symm and Torb. I am afraid that they will need one or two years to see that Ana is worst in all points than other healers.
Aim required character is no rewarded and being a trash, that not right.


Well I mean with not just the forums saying; “These Ana buffs aren’t enough” now maybe they’ll actually open their eyes for a second and actually notice Ana IS in a terrible spot and more ammo is NOT going to help

Like someone at the show last night had a “Buff Ana” sign

People KNOW she’s in desperate need of a REAL buff; and it’s so simple to me it makes me feel ill knowing how much better Ana would be with a healing passive.

Like it’s just crazy to me to know; that Ana would see so much more team value, if she didn’t always have to use her grenade on herself.

It would actually boost her damage done, ult charge, healing done. Actually make her a solid main healer option.

Like Mercy and Moira

Who require a 3rd of the effort to play compared to Ana


It makes certain pairing of heroes mandatory. Who wants that? I think we all would rather have some freedom of choice when it comes to being somewhat self sufficient.

It’s like they want granny to have a nanny.

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Last night was pretty sad to watch.

I mean, Sleepy was trying his hardest to make Ana work, but as Monte & Doa said Nano Boost was useless and couldn’t really do much of anything.

That was painful to hear…“Ana isn’t working, they need to swap to Mercy”.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t part of the draw in Overwatch is being able to create diverse team comps instead of being restricted to a specific strategy?


Even at the highest levels, Ana isn’t being played right. Her positioning shouldn’t always be to the rear of her team. Yes there are barriers, so how do you navigate them? Yes she’s a main healer, but how do leverage her kit to make an aoe off healer even better?

Sleep dart for initiation
Biotic grenade the scrum to both boost healing (Brig and Lucio auras or make Moira into a mega-healer for 4 secs while you dps and sleep) and prevent enemy healing of triple support (all that healing means nothing if it’s turned off and they’re all 200 hp, Brig 250)
And she’s doing this all from a comfortably safe distance, possibly even in or near cover.

Ppl are seriously sleeping on Ana’s very real value in this current meta in her current state.

Because of Hanzo and all the Armour

Ana’s damage isn’t instant, so every tick of damage is lowered because of armour

Hanzo is able to spam a huge number of arrows and any that graze Ana leaves her super weak to follow up and having to again waste her biggest utility

Also if you burn Sleep Dart that again leaves you open to being focused down if you’re not further away because it’s her only last line tool.

Ana is bad because she lacks a healing passive to make up for these weaknesses that are way too big to ignore at this point.

Ana’s value is 100% lost just trying to keep her alive to do the same work as Mercy or Moira.

People aren’t unaware that Ana could be good; it’s just the devs who are refusing to actually help her where she needs it to actually DO these things without the sudden “Oh I dared to help my team with my abilities, guess I’m going to die now”


I don’t see healing as being enough. She’s still too static against the game having so many dive heroes. It’s a good chunk of the roster already that can easily get to and kill her before anyone notices to peel.

Worse yet other player’s ability to peel is a frustrating factor all its own not wholly in her control to do. It makes Ana at times feel utterly helpless. She’s not really the keeper of her own safety and that’s kind of sad.

I really wish they had opted for better mobility, positioning and wall climb for her. Then at least she’d have some options to better care for herself.


Ana has to be more independent. Or at least have a skill that makes her more independent around teammates (Mercy has such an ability for example).

You can’t just deploy a whole player doing nothing else but guarding Ana anymore because Lucios Auras aren’t that big now.

She either has to get better self peel in form of mobility or selfhealing or WAY more output to justify the risk of picking her!

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They already stated that they don’t want to improve her self defense; only what she does. They also stated that every hero should have a glaring weakness for the enemy to exploit.

As such being an easy hero to kill is Ana’s glaring weakness. Unless you know someone who’s an expert at baby sitting and peeling do be prepared to die a lot.

I could be fine with her glaring weakness against anything with a barrier, movement abilities or chipdamage as long as she is rewarded for being played well. Something like a high risk/high reward hero.

She isn’t though. She is just straight trash.

That’s why I already wrote here: Either increase the reward or make her less risky.

That is such a silly thing

Like… Off the top of your head, what weaknesses do Mercy and Moira have that Ana doesn’t as well plus more.

Self Defense? Mercy does more DPS than Ana and her projectiles are WAY bigger; Moira also life steals

Barriers? Mercy can ignore them totally; Moira can currently ignore them too, and if they ever fix that “bug” of her healing through them she still has option with her orb. Ana is shut down by barriers

Their ults? At least Valk and Coalescence give Mercy and Moira even more survivability and mobility; Nanoboost does literally NOTHING for Ana.

Like I would understand if Ana was putting out more healing than Mercy and Moira; or doing more damage than Zen or Brigitte

But she’s middle of the pack on both

Even her CC is pointless with Lucio and Brigitte having lower cooldowns with 0 costs

The only thing Ana has is her anti-heal

Which is stuck being tied up keeping Ana alive. So her ONLY real value is lost most of the time.

If I need a huge number of heals? I pick Moira because she always has access to her full kit

If I need someone who can survive a long time? We got Mercy who can zip around and ignore most damage

If I needed Utility I SHOULD have the option to use Ana; but because her survivability is stuck being tied to her utility I cannot use her for that.

I totally recommend trying to play Ana with a Sym who has a shield Generator. You’ll notice just how much more free you feel knowing that 75 of your health is going to come back if you play smart. You’re actually able to use Ana’s kit without the full fear of “Well I dared to help my team, guess I have to die for it”