RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

You know… just an idea that I had because of a thread where people brought up the idea for a game mode where you can swap hero abilities between kits.

And I think that something like discord orb might be good on Ana, maybe not exactly like discord but kinda like a mark mechanic which could be like discord orb where you deal more damage against a marked target, but it could also be something like like shooting a marked target heals you and unlike discord orb it’ll be on a cooldown.

I think a mechanic like this would suit a sniper class more, this would make Ana a support sniper who marks enemies for her team and I kinda like that a bit more than the alchemist concept turned into a sniper hero that we have right now.

Blizz is so scared of another triple tank meta. I think that’s the main reason they won’t buff Rein or Ana.

At the very least, they could throw her some QoL changes. Shooting through full health allies is a good place to start.

Well I mean; They buffed Mei and Reaper to combat the 3 Tank meta

Then the Hanzo rework makes his Storm Arrows super good at dishing huge damage to barriers

And it sound like the Sym rework is going to as well

Then there’s Bastion who still needs a big update

Plus the Sombra changes would actually be decent in a 3 Tank meta since things are slower and she can keep up easier

It’s just so insane to me that the “possibility” of a meta shift is so much worse than the current meta that has lasted TWICE as long as 3 Tank; leaving Ana in such a bad spot.

Yea, there’s no excuse.

The least they could do is give us SOMETHING

Let us know what they’re doing

I hate this silence on Ana

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I like how all these naysayers are the same… they simply read us back a bullet list of her abilities/kit, as if that even means anything to this discussion or why she wouldn’t need a buff.

Yes guys we know what Ana does since she came out. Thank you for explaining it to us.

In other news Reinhardt has an ability called Hammer Down. He can shield and protect his team. Plus he has a lot of health.

So uhh…

Just saw the news on Syms new ult

Guess they REALLY hate Ana?

Like seriously guys?

“Hmm Ana is struggling really hard; lets not buff her because of the ghost of a chance of a meta. Oh and lets give a character an entire map covering barrier that Ana can’t do anything to help her team through, even though she was supposed to be a sniper :)”

Like I get it only has 5000 hp, but still adding yet ANOTHER way to stop Ana? Like holy crap, what even is the point of having her in the game if they hate her this much.

If we don’t get word on Ana next week I am seriously going to be upset


At this point man…I wouldn’t waste anymore energy being angry about it.

If it happens then great, but until then I’m not going to hold my breath over it.

It just feels like disrespect at this point

I get they’re busy; working on balance, new maps, new heroes and stuff

But is it really that hard to be like; “Yes Ana is in a bad spot, we’ll be looking at her next”

At least then there’s still SOME kind of hope or chance.

And they better not give that cop out answer of “tank meta” or “another hero changing the meta”

Since ya know; they’ve done that every time there’s a big change and literally nothing happens for Ana

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At this point I’m just resigning to the fact that I might as well just spend my QP time practicing Moira instead - I don’t find her as fun at all, but at least she’s not Mercy and seems to have a knack for avoiding the nerf-bat.

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Ana is in a bad spot. Even in the Retribution even,t she is the worst healer.

We’re not obligated to receive an answer like that just like everyone else.

We can only sit and be patient, annoying as it is.

Again, I would not have had much of an issue if she did not get nerfed on Console.

Why nerf a hero who is FAR from being OP?

Why make blanket nerfs across platforms like this?

…and unlike other heroes, Ana doesn’t have a large fanbase as not everyone can play her or finds her difficulty appealing.

She’s not young and despite being the Second-in-Command of Overwatch she’s more of a martyr if anything.

There just isn’t a lot to care about with her.

Well I mean it’s been more than a solid year since they actually said anything about Ana; the damage buff didn’t do anything to help (Like a lot of us were saying, though it WAS a needed buff)

Like the only other character who has had this long of radio silence now is Bastion. They let us know about the Reaper, Mei, and Hanzo changes ages before they happened; same with the Torb and Sym stuff.

Shouldn’t matter how big or small a fanbase of a character is; if they are underpreforming at every rank, why not boost them up to make them as welcome as these other characters?

5/6 support heroes have lock-on mechanics or AoE auras that make healing very reliable. Some of those supports even have comparable healing outputs to Ana. Meanwhile Ana suffers the drawbacks attributed to a projectile, shields blocking it and the exclusive ability to miss. This is the real issue with Ana imo, not lack of mobility, self-healing or access to high ground.

You Forgot that the fact that all of her kit, 100% of it can be eaten up by Defense Matrix. Sleep, Nade, Damage shots, Healing Shots, just takes the enemy D.Va looking at you and your completely useless for DM’s duration

Pair that with someone with a shield and Ana is completely useless as long as their alive…

At the very least her Grenade and Sleep should bypass DM, otherwise that one character is a 100% counter to her. Paired again with how common D.Va is played…

I love Ana, but every time I play my team just freaks out… Makes me so Sad

I had an idea (as seen here)

Where I want them to move power away from her grenade to make each normal shot do more healing. Take some power from healing tanks, but spread it around her kit to make her more well rounded.

Ana’s that land their shots on “squishy” targets will have the biggest rewards; as well as still being a strong pick to heal up big characters too. It would promote more support diversity as well and actually let the Ana/ Brigitte combo work better than it currently does.

As an Ana main, I definitely feel like if I play her in comp right now, I am sabotaging my team, simply because the other supports can get so much more value so much easier.

At this point, Ana needs a complete rework and an ultimate she can benefit from as well as her target.

I think we’ve been given clues that they are at least looking into her. That’s something of a hopeful sound.

I’d like her to borrow a pair of wrist rockets from her daughter just to give her a boost up onto a ledge above. They can make it weak and it’ll be better. However I hope they go all out on it and allow her to use it as an escape too for when she’s dived.

My second wish is that they allow her rifle to heal her a little for each unspent dart in the chamber. It changes nothing on her output (so nothing to worry about) but also gives immense utility to herself with each weapon reload.

That’s it. If they do just these two things I’ll be back in business as an Ana main again. This is my hope.

I know they read these forums every now and then. Just hope some DEV guy reads this and at least forwards the recommend.

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Bought the golden weapon for Ana yesterday. I played at her so many times and I really LOVE this character. I practiced so much with her and trained my aim too. I think I am really trained HARD, because I wanna start playing Ana at competitive. (I wanna make so many hours in QP at her as I can, because in comp my team think that Ana is a troll pick and starting to pick Hanzo, Widowmaker instead of tanks until I switch Ana). And after I bought gold weapon I went to QP and here we go… All matches, Moira, Brigitte and Tracer easily kills me. I really tried hard, but unsuccessfully. Then I picked Brigitte AND LIFE BECOME MUCH MORE EASIER. Devs please, buff my granny :disappointed:

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