RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

So just spam the forums?

I don’t understand what the point of that would be?

isn’t it better to have everything contained in one thread instead of makign 39854293 new ones? Ana is still in a bad place and it’s still a problem, we’re just adding stuff as we think of them, i don’t see what the problem is?


I love Ana. Will always main Ana. Her kit is so much fun and can be used in game changing ways (anti healing during team fights, sleeping an ulting hero, giving pharah hell). That being said she definitely feels weaker than other support heroes because of the skill level it takes to heal 30%+ team damage and because she has no reliable way to disengage unless she lands a skill shot sleep.

I have offered a few suggestions over the last year in this forum but here are some things to consider (obviously, I am not suggesting all of these applied):

  • Ana is sniper. Why doesn’t she have an ability to get some elevation and simple deny flankers the ability to get to her?

-Should Ana even need to reload - why? Nothing more frustrating than watching a teammate die while you reload. Also, you have to make sure you have 5 in the clip to get max use of your grenade - I HATE reloading so I can get value out of nade. Maybe nade can reload her gun?

-Barriers. Your team rushed a point and get’s behind an Orisa shield. So sorry. No healing from Ana until new position can be established (elevation would also help fix this).

-If bliz won’t give Ana the ability to get elevation, then she needs a more reliable disengage. I don’t even care if it’s on a 30 second cooldown. Miss your sleep (or it’s on cooldown) and you are usually dead.

-Passive healing. Even super slow would be helpful. Nothing worse than using your big healing cooldown to partially heal yourself which means your team can’t get it.

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I’m extremely disappointed by any Mercy main trying to make Ana out as fine and Mercy worse, it just shows you lack perspective and I have a hard time taking anything they say seriously after that. I made my feelings on this very clear in the mega thread, and I can only hope some take it to heart.

Supports should support each other.

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Yeah that really burns me the wrong way

No-one was championing for Ana except the people who actually played her

Until Mercy got reworked and brought into line; THEN people started to say
'Oh BOTH Ana and Mercy are in a bad spot" etc.

Even though Mercy is WAY better than Ana.

Like Ana isn’t even top 10 picked in GM; let that sink in. The BEST players in ladder can’t even find the risk to use Ana over Mercy


You and I both.

It’s hard for me to stand up for Mercy-Mains nowadays when I see a lot of them (not all) consider Mercy to be in the same situation as Ana if not, worse and then call Ana-Mains crybabies for (reasonably) voicing their concerns about Ana’s current state when most of the playerbase find her lackluster.

I don’t WANT to hate Mercy-Mains and I really don’t want to be dismissive towards them, especially when I’ve been supportive of their issues in the past despite how nasty a lot of them have been on the forums concerning Ana…

…but this short-sighted concern for themselves is maddening!

The worst part is that not ALL Mercy-Mains are like this at all. In fact, I’m even willing to say that majority of them are pretty chill (I’d even say the same for Genji-Mains but I’m weird like that) but the forums attract the worst of the bunch and just SOURS everyone’s opinions of Mercy-Mains as a whole.

If anything, I believe there’s a good population of the forums that are still hanging onto Ana’s dominance on PC during Season 3 and they just won’t let it go.

For anyone who’s reading this, we Ana-Mains don’t want other Supports to be nerfed to “fix” Ana, we don’t want a buff to our healing or another buff to Biotic Grenade…

All we want are fixes that allow Ana to be more survivable and less inconsistent.

If it appears that such things cannot be given with her current kit and what not, then I’ll relent to the fact that she may need a rework.

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I swear most are not like that, there are just some who I think very much lack in perspective…

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Oh I know, but you know that all it takes to sour people’s perception is a few bad seeds.

Again, look at Genji & Tracer-Mains.

I know, and that’s why it… wanted to use a bad word there, let’s just say that’s what makes me super angry when I see it.

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Ana is very strong but you have to be so super skillful with her it is just not worth for ME. Why aiming for heal, why timing your nade cooldown, why timing and hitting your sleepdart, when you can just play Mercy, no need for aim and you can observe your environment and flee with a 2 (!) seconds CD shift press. But to each one his own.

This is the main point of contention most people bring up when it comes to Ana.

When it all boils down to it, Ana does not have a defined niche where she can show out and actually thrive like she once did before.

Right now, she’s just a needlessly difficult hero that does everything the hard way with little to no returns.

Why ride your bicycle to work when you have a car?


At this point I would accept even simple QoL things:

  • hit past full hp allies
  • better starting weapon hitbox so that I don’t heal allies behind me (really frustrating)
  • better nade hitbox so it doesn’t explode in front of me because of a tank next to me

I would be too happy if:

  • passive healing when hitting allies
  • rope to get to high places

Let’s hope for a bit of Grandma love from Blizzard!

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Just give her ANY kind of self heal. It’s so annoying getting hit by random stuff like Junk nades and be left with 50 HP. Heal nade is too precious to waste on yourself.

Or reduce nade and dart CD by 1s.

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My least favorite thing in the game probably has to be Biotic Orbs.

I can live with Moira being in the game, but as long as she keeps spamming those Damage Biotic Orbs I will forever hate her.

Oh lord it’s so annoying to take chip damage and then be left screwed

Even if Moira’s balanced it’s just Ana being screwed by chip damage

I hate that moment where you’re like “It would be so nice to use this nade for myself… nope, that tank over there is going to need it more than I!” and then you just pray you won’t be surprised by a Tracer/Genji/Winston while it’s on cooldown and you’re already running lower than you’d like.


That’s one of the worst feelings

And when I play someone like Zen/ Lucio/ Brigitte it also effects my gameplay to make sure the Ana is always topped off to get more value

If Ana was as self reliant as Zen it would be a HUGE boost

Yeah Overwatch is ***ing broken, Jeff has made a half-mad bastard child of this game. I have 200+ hours on ana and can say with some authority that she stands literally zero chance of competing with brigette. If both players hit all their abilities, I’m almost positive at this point that it’s literally impossible for ana to win that duel. Which should not be a thing.

ALSO Jeff let me nano myself in FFA you cuck

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lower cooldowns. That’s all she needs.

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So no more Shield Generator? D:

I loved having one as Ana because it gave me at least a little room to not get chip damaged to death and actually made Ana feel good

All this effort they’re putting into Hanzo and Symmetra


They still wont give Ana a healing passive and 5 more ammo??? >_>