RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

Then again, why play Ana when Moira does Ana’s job more efficiently and less effort?
Both are burst healers, difference is Ana is affected by barriers (which are over abundant at this point) and depends on aim while Moira isn’t and her heal goes through multiple targets, is faster, higher and she barely needs to aim it.
Not to mention Ana is the only support hero which does not get a passive health regen. People claim is becausenof the nade, ok then ¿Why Moira has vampirism if she has her healing orb?

Ana does not currently rewards the skill celling she ask (like Zen) a subpar Moira outperforms a decent Ana.

Only medal I want when I play Moira, is the gold medal for healing. I feel ashamed for any attack Moira that neglects their team, when she is the worst DPS in the game (Even Brigitte deals more damage) and some of the best healing.

Well with the Reaper and Mei buffs on the way shortly, as well as Brigitte being around

Hopefully we get news on Ana very soon. We’re almost at the two year anniversary of the game, and Ana has been left in such a bad state for most of the game’s history now.

Does anybody know if Ana will be getting a buff in the near future? It’s very hard to be competitive with her when you can play Moira or other better healers.

Brig can’t do anything useful to Ana if she is doing things that are useful to her team.

Ana needs a passive ability of some kind. I really think that if she uses her healing grenade on 2 targets or less (like in a situation where she just heals herself) the cooldown should either not trigger, or be halved.

Or she should get a wallclimb ability like the other sniper type characters -_-

Blizzard is more worried about Ana bringing back tank meta like Moira didn’t even exist. They are for some reason more worried about preventing a meta than toning the current meta that’s been meta forever.


No. Nothing. No word other than they’re going to wait on how the meta will pan out with the addition Brigette before deciding on her fate. That kinda implies that if Brigette is what they hope she’ll be then Ana’s likely going to stay as is. Maybe they meant more. Still, it reads that it’s going to be a while yet before they even pick up her case.

Pros: Base abilities stronger than ultimates.
Cons: She is not independent.

Nade is stonger than Trancendence.
Sleep is stronger than nano blade.

But granny needs help from her children.

Your options:
1 - Tilt.
2 - Ask for help. (Brigitte bodyguard)
3 - Git gud.
4 - Switch to an independent healer.

My advice: Don’t pick 1.

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There’s a few abilities that are stronger than ultimates or totally shut them down

Deflect and Defense Matrix can both negate or rebound almost every ult in the game except Support ults, and a few portions of transformation ones. McCree, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier, Tracer, Bastion, Hanzo, Mei, Torb, Roadhog, and Zarya

Like Reinhardt’s barrier can shut down Soldier, Pharah, Reaper, McCree, Tracer, Torb, and Bastion’s ultimates.

Biogrenade can shut down Zen, Mercy, and Moira

Sleep is like any CC though? You still need team support to negate an ult, be that not shooting them OR focus firing them

You’re “git good” argument is flawed in that not even the pro’s are wont to play her. She’s that bad off right now.

First she was hard nerfed to break her contribution to the Tank meta.

Then the Tanks were nerfed for the same reason. That killed their abilities to peal for her.

Then dive movement ranges were increased to allow them to cross the tank line.

Then two extra dive heroes were introduced (Sombra and Doomfist) which gave her more hard counters than she needed.

Then shields were either added to the game or shored up to deal with all the added burst damages. Right here her burst healing stopped keeping pace.

All in all the game increment by increment kept moving forward but she stayed mostly the same — nerfed.

Now if the opposing team has just one Winston or just one D.VA or two of any other dive hero (one to absorb the sleep and the other to take you out) you’re hard countered as Ana and NO amount of “gittin’ Good” will save you.

Today’s Ana is a hero with too many hard counters. Today’s Ana pretty much amounts to throwing. Sorry, yours is a strawman’s argument of an Ana that hasn’t been in play for about a year now.

I bet next year when it’s even more obvious that she has some serious flaws you’ll still selfishly or ignorantly argue the same.

Pisses me off, this kick them while they’re down attitude some people have. ‘ Just pisses me off.


Sombra and Ana are only low pick rates because they’re so poorly outfitted. If they weren’t so useless they’d be a lot more popular than they are. That’s sort of a “tail wag the dog” scenario if you ask me.

So still waiting I guess for news on Ana

Sad days

Brigitte is on the way to comp and we’ll never see Ana again :c

I feel like they will probably look into Ana after the Symmetra rework.

Yeah I can see Ana in the lineup of the 4th Quarter for reworks/improvements with Rein, Mei, and Bastion.

That’s terrible :confused:

Ana has been bottom of the barrel for so long, that if Hanzo/ Sombra weren’t around Ana would be the worst character to play to win in the game.

Like with the weird bug/ buff to Hanzo’s scatter being on 8 seconds, Ana has dropped again to the second lowest winrate.

I understand she has a higher pickrate (Being one of currently 5 healing supports in comp) but even then her winrates are so bad there’s almost no point

Ana doesn’t really shine in anything anymore; he damage is low, her healing is low, her survivability is low

The utility she offers is usually spent on her taking away from the rest of the team.

They just need to listen to all these suggestions to help her out.

They can go so many ways to make her feel better and STILL have that unique flavour.


Ana needs some love! I’m here for you! :smiley: As long as you can vouch for me that Mercy’s On Fire rate isn’t calculating correctly after the nerf. They adjusted it to compensate for how many Resurrects she used to get and adjusted how much she got for assists. Now that Resurrect isn’t the main focus Mercy needs more On Fire Rate to her assists once again.

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Well the thing there too is if Ana is a stronger pick again, Ana can really shut down Brigitte who is giving Reinhardt the most issues at the moment

Buffing Reinhardt is VERY dangerous as he can be rather difficult to keep in check (As we saw back in Tank Meta)

Plus we can’t take anything away from Orisa’s niche to make Reinhardt better; Orisa is the more anti-cc tank; giving Rein anything anti-cc takes a LOT away from Orisa as well :c

I honestly never pay attention to that stat >w>

If it’s broken totally should be fixed though, always feels nice to hear the little flare the characters have for doing a good job.

Or standing on the cart all game :stuck_out_tongue:

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2 months and no response.