RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

True; but they HAVE to see the stats and KNOW that they need to step in and do something

Plus there HAS been lots of us through the year keeping Ana posts up to get some kind of word or real truth on why she has been left so poor for so long

Sombra has shown the problem with trying to fix trash tier heroes. Any time a trash tier hero is buffed, everyone complains because they are used to rolling that hero. If Ana was buffed so she was even close to what Moira can do now, everyone would hate her.


Yes, there has been a lot of us making posts, but there are a LOT more nerf Genji/Tracer/Moira/D.Va posts & buff Mercy/Mei/Sombra/Symmetra posts that have also gone on.

It’s very easy for Ana posts to get drowned out when there bigger communities with similar/bigger issues.

What I’m really saddened by is that we had to get info about Ana through a Q&A that was supposed to be about Brigitte.

I’d have to say that Sombra inclusion/eventual changes have shown more about people being resistant towards new characters shaking things up in terms of “meta”.

  • People hated Ana, some still do.
  • People hated Sombra, some still do.
  • Orisa has SOMEHOW managed to find a place after being ignored.
  • People hated Doomfist, a LOT still do.
  • People hate Moira.

Humans just don’t really adapt to change all that well and it’s something that has been shown repeatedly in terms of the Overwatch community.

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Well the problem with Sombra is that she would never have been a “real” counter to the meta because she can fit right into dive because of how good she is against nonmobile targets. It’s the same issues Mei has, if they make them better to deal with mobility, they also deal with nonmobile targets even easier.

Making sombra’s hack better hurt slow tanks and supports WAY more than mobile characters.

Same with Doomfist; he can crap all over slow, nonmobile targets, and slow targets are the ones who are struggling the most in the game.

Orisa found a spot because she’s gotten how many buffs? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The weird thing is it’s only for trash heroes being pulled up. I know there are lots of nerf Moira threads, but in general the forums quickly shoot those down. Moira is obviously much stronger than Sombra and everyone turned to “Sombra is fine with nerfs” but they aren’t ok nerfing a much much stronger new hero Moira.


Kind of a pain how Brig’s ult heals through Anti…

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This might actually be the best point in this entire thread full of good points about why Ana needs buffs. Moira is crazy overpowered and that’s ok. Make Ana regularly usable? Verboten.

The one thing that actually made her overpowered has been nerfed for over a year. Her one, singular, saving skill shot(also potentially the hardest shot in the game to land) has too long of a cooldown and Moira can simply fade away on a 6 second cooldown. Fade even stops tick damage mid-tick, means escaping any ult, and is very overpowered. Give Ana anything close and bring her up to speed? WHAT you want to ruin/change the meta?


These types of potential changes are literally what the PTR is supposed to be for. Use it right.


I wouldn’t say CRAZY overpowered

But the fact that she can heal MORE than 3 Tank Meta Ana regularly yet Ana can’t get a buff is VERY insane to me


Moira can heal through shields, which is supposedly a bug(though I think Blizzard is ignoring their calling it a bug and pretending it’s on purpose at this point), the orbs hurt and heal too much, and fade is ridiculous. She’s pretty overpowered.

e: And yeah, the healing amount. Man, to even be close to as powerful as Moira.

e2: Aaand don’t forget she can do full damage from 21 meters away that requires very basic tracking at best and locks on as soon as you get close to an enemy.

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Well Moira is strong, it’s only because of the weak spot of Ana, and people being sick of Mercy

Mercy is used more than Moira outside of ladder.

Agreed. The devs said she is in bad state simply because she doesn’t fit well in the dive meta. Yeah, she doesn’t, but that’s not the problem. The problem is the significant weaknesses she’s forced to put up with that no other support has to endure. And for a while, those weaknesses made sense. But not anymore. They need to be tuned down in order for her to catch up to the rest of the support cast.

She doesn’t need all of these, but a few things would really help:

  1. A way to heal herself without wasting Biotic Grenade.
  2. An upgraded ultimate that offers some kind of personal buff, because she is the only support whose ultimate gives her no survivability. At the very least, they should add the movement speed back to set it further apart from Supercharger and Valkyrie.
  3. A way to lesson the amount of times her teammates can mess her up by accidentally blocking her sightlines and healing. No other support really has to deal with that.
  4. Some kind of Sleep Dart buff, so that it’s less punishing if you miss (like lowering the cooldown by 2 seconds).
  5. More ammo.

Lack of survivability and mobility are her weaknesses, and that shouldn’t change. But she currently has those weaknesses and more, and they either need to get rid of her extra weaknesses or lessen the intentional ones.

She’s a support sniper, so her strength is her range and utility. But the current state of her kit is counterintuitive in regards to those strengths. To heal herself, she requires wasting her most important utility tool on herself, sacrificing her utility, OR it requires getting up close to the fight, sacrificing her range. That simply doesn’t make sense. They need to either change that, or buff her some other way to compensate.

They don’t seem to understand that now, but they will eventually (e.g. when the dive meta is over and they see her still struggling, or when they’re no longer afraid of a tank meta return). Until then, I’ll be playing Brigitte.


100% sums it up.

But the problem is what they said in the Q&A for Brigitte

Because of Moira’s numbers, being mixed with the heal bonus on Ana’s grenade, the two plus a “Tank meta” with a buffed Ana would be super powerful.

They pretty much ran themselves into a corner with balance.

Dive is super strong, mobility is king.
Non mobile targets are struggling SUPER hard
Defense heroes are WAY too niche

By making Defense heroes stronger against mobility, they also hurt the nonmobile heroes. By making the nonmobile heroes stronger, they hurt the Defensive roster of characters.

Making Mei stronger against mobility makes nonmoblie characters even weaker
Making Ana stronger means a more Tanky meta meaning weaker DPS characters

I made a post about removing the heal bonus on her biotic grenade, but boosting her baseline healing and adding a heal passive to make up the missing numbers WITHOUT making Ana plus another support TOO good together.

That sounds more like Moira needs a nerf to me. But they’re not going to help Ana out until they see that dive meta isn’t her only problem or that Ana shouldn’t suffer so much from a tank meta phobia. Also, I really hope they don’t get rid of the increased healing mechanic on Ana. It’s one of things that make her unique imo.

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On the contrary, Biotic Grenade has been holding her kit hostage with no chance of ever being improved upon.

Every time people point out Ana’s inconsistent style of play, her detractors or Anti-Buff/Re-work defenders always point out her potential.

Which would be a good thing if her potential could be attained consistently.


Blizzard: we hear you and thats why we are buffing tracer and genji. We feel the community needs this. ok bye! Till next year.
Ana is the last thing on the to do list sadly. They think she is fine lol


the Triple tank meta happened due to a number of factors , not just ana , moria has better tank healing than ana had pre nerf. Roadhog zarya and reaper were all in a better spot becuse…

Dive had not happened yet . dive killed triple tank , not the nerf to ana.

this is proof that nerfing a hero because of the meta is not healthy in the long run.

I’m aware of Triple-Tank being caused by multiple factors (D.Va’s bulkiness, Roadhog’s lethality, Lucio’s 30m aura, Soldier: 76’s dominance, and Reinhardt being a lot more stable than he used to be).

That said…

…Dive did, in fact, exist before/Triple-Tank meta. However, it became more prominent due to Winston getting a buff in the form of his Barrier Projector going on cooldown upon activation instead of when it was broken, greatly increasing its uptime.

Combine Winston’s buffs with the addition of Orisa, the gradual power creep of the game, and you have Ana’s current state.

While it is very nice it’s now become Ana’s BIGGEST problem

They KNOW Ana is struggling; but by making Ana better, you make the combo of Ana/ Moira stronger as well.

On their own, they both offer something only they can do, but TOGETHER is when things become an issue. This issue is currently avoided BECAUSE Ana is in such a weak spot.

By giving Ana a real buff and making her more viable, it breaks the two characters interactions together. Ana covers Moira’s range issues, Moira covers Ana’s AOE issues, and they can BOTH benefit from Biotic Grenade’s healing bonus. No other support combo could come anywhere NEAR the healing output of the two of them.

It’s not a problem currently BECAUSE Ana is so weak.

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Yep, lots of times her biotic grenade isn’t readily available for anti heal use or for team use because it’s for herself most of the time. Sleep dart is a good ability, but 12 second cooldown is an eternity, if I hear sleep dart used we just call it out and dive her for an easy pick. Her heal can be blocked by friendlies, which is often annoying, and nano boost is maybe the worst support Ult out right now.

That’s my biggest issue; Ana is super greedy with her abilities.

Every other support has utility that is for the team or themselves but not stuff that really overlaps.

The closest thing is Biotic Orb but that AOE heals around and is generally the better option to use anyways.

Ah well, maybe with these recent balance changes on PTR we will hear more news on Ana soon!

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