RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

That’s both hilarious and horribly depressing.

I believe Console Ana was the only hero who’s managed to have a win-rate under 40% at one point.

…I’m still angry that she got nerfed back in Season 3.


Beetle chill out I’m going to ROFL so hard I puke

%40 win rates JKap be like “supports are impactful and powerful also we’re changing how ults work this week. Be sure to buff genji so he doesn’t have an animation and loose his ult.”


I feel like Ana would be much better with an automatic rifle

“oh but hurr she’s a sniper”

Her playstyle is much closer to S76 than Hanzo or Widow.

  • No dashes or vertical mobility

  • Okay-ish self sustain

  • Gets destroyed by divers if she’s alone

  • Spends a lot of time in medium-short range with her rifle up someone’s behind


I think sleep dart should go thru diva defense matrix. Some form of health regen for her with either shields or same regen like mercy. Also for nano boost I think it should be a complete refresh on its target with full health ,ammo reloaded , and cooldowns reset. Also nano boost should somehow affect Ana maybe increase healing or something defensive instead.

What would be cool is if instead on giving ana a debuff on her abilities or something like like that with nano… What if they made her Invulnerable for 2 seconds…

So if a genji wants to blade directly on top of you, you can throw nano and run for cover

“I really want this other support nerfed but don’t want to come off as being butt-hurt because they killed me, so I’ll just say it’s unfair that they are better than poor Ana and I’ll look like a hero!”.

5 minutes later on the forums

Hey, if all supports sucked people would finally pick Ana! That’s the most fair and balanced way of solving her issues, so Blizzard please nerf all supports!

Ana is underpower before Sombra buff and Brigitte release, she is killed by Dive even in 4 tanks comp Moira outclass Ana


Uhm. No.

Ana is probably the hero with the highest skill floor in the entire game IMHO.

Her effort:reward ratio is way off. There is literally no reason to pick her despite her insane utility which should be way enough of a reason to buff her.


Same here man.

Imo she never should have been nerfed. Ever.

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It’s funny that Ana got a self heal in the last HotS patch, but in OW she still got no self heal. Hopefully this is just a prototype for a possible OW change.


Probably not in the entire game but definately of all supports

And so we’re going to wait another year before anything’s done for Ana. Funny thing even if another year goes by with naught people will still call her over powered despite the game stats saying otherwise.

Frankly I’m burnt out. I love the concept of Ana but can’t for the life of me play her any more as is. There are more efficacious supports out there to pick. Until something’s done for her (specifically her ability to defend herself) she’s not going to be used by me.

I’ve got people to heal and keep alive. A dead Ana can’t do that. To me no news simply means nothing’s going to happen. If nothing’s going to happen then my expectations for the hero is exactly that — none.

Let the wind blow her around as it wills. I’m moving on.


I agree and have been banging this drum forever. Here are the main issues with ana vs all other healers.

  1. She has the only ult in the whole game that the person using the ult gains no value. Her ult is solely based on the skill of who gets nano boosted. It ends up wasted more than not. Depending on your team comp they players can do very little with the ult no matter what their skill set.

I suggest ana get a little taste of nano herself when used either faster fire rate, lower cool down on abilities, movement speed increase, self heal. Please give her something!

  1. On consoles sleep dart is the hardest ability to use on the game so cool down needs to be decreased.

  2. On console ana is the hardest hero to use on game so she needs to be rebalanced.

  3. Change her normal fire to hitscan make make her operate more like mccree. She is the only support that has to aim to heal.

  4. I would gladly trade her ads ability for some other ability. Rapid fire, slow dart, nano injection for herself.


100% this

The worst thing is people are going to think Brigitte is going to help Ana (lolol) and say that Ana doesn’t need change because of Brigitte being added.

Why is Ana not allowed to be viable on her own like every other support? Why does Ana NEED a team to be built around her, rather than her being able to fit into any team. Like you can even run Moira in dive and she’s a close range healer :confused:


Personally I think they do know. They have access to all the numbers. They also see us complaining and our arguments are solid and support the facts. That’s two parts of Jeff’s triangle.

It comes down then to solely on what the DEVs perceive the truth to be. Even if they’re on towe with us that Ana’s gimped they might not have the man hours yet to address her.

I don’t know their timelines or how loud of a scream we’d have to put out for them to take action.

Futher the “fix” they put in might not end up being entirely what Ana mains want. They’ve done that before … many times.

I fought the fight since the days people were screaming to kill her as the cause of the tank meta. I’m burnt out dying on her to some dive wannabe who thinks killing her is some skill.

Until Ana’s got the chops to fend for herself I don’t see any need to pick her up. I’m sure that’ll show in their numbers. If enough of us simply opt out for the obvious reasons then they’ll either address her or retire her.

At this point I kinda lost my ability to care. I currently feel jaded in the same way all those Widowmaker players were jaded back in the day they screamed on getting their hero repaired to deaf ears.

I welcome any news that she might see work but at the same time my expectations are dead low on it.

What else is there to do? Keep on complaining? I tried that. No sense in playing a dead hero. Kinda looking forward to Brigette now.

Just p*ssed off they they’re taking forever and a day here.


I’m pretty sure there would be a lot of people who hated Ana because of the Triple-Tank Meta in Season 3 would LOVE to hear that Ana has been retired.

People can say that at least Ana’s fun but there’s no fun in having this false sense of contributing to the team or being one of the least-winningest heroes in the game.

Most of the Ana players nowadays are people who have played her since her release as most first-time Ana players quickly realize that her impact is mostly based on her utility and nothing else.

…and that’s terrible.

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She has 250 hp, 60 dps and brought a flail to a gunfight. She will not be overpowered.

Any words Devs? Still radio silent as ever.

No damage, no mobility, no hp: healer or not, that hero is never going to work.

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We really need a blue/orange post here… there is really NO reason not to BUFF Ana atm.