Rigged. Yes, it's Rigged

I think he mistook game as in a match, instead of a videogame

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I still cant believe people think this game is rigged it actually makes me laugh how delusional some people are.


Do you think using a hidden rating to create teams is NOT rigged?

Then it’s just a matter of definition.

To me, anything other than 100% random games that go by your rank means the game is rigged.

If you joined a basketball game, and they said “wait a minute, you scored 50 points last game, do you mind playing with this guy who’s been really struggling lately? I mean, that’s only fair, right?” You might think “yeah!, that’s only fair!”
You don’t think it’s rigged.

But it is, if you’re trying to win as many games as you can in order to rank up and join the next skill level. Why should you be playing with forced even teams, instead of just being your current tier randomly and ranking up?

It’s rigged. You guys think that’s just how it is. No arguing. But if they got rid of MMR and just made matches by SR… the game would be MUCH different and people’s ranks would change drastically.

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Honestly if we changed the word “rigged” to “un enjoyable “ would we be able to have a more serious discussion?

The rigging that you refer to has a name: Matchmaking Rating

Yes but it would be a different discussion. If you said it was not enjoyable but then proceeded to say that the system is forcing you to lose games by matching you with bad players, the discussion would be exactly the same.

If you stop playing for a few days your first few matches are super easy. The game is super rigged.

I can get why some feel this is rigged. I stopped playing competitively around Season 11 and been playing nothing but quick play, arcade modes, and events since. It wasn’t 'til Season 22 I came back and I did decent moving back & forth between 2600-2700, it was an improvement to my last experience at least.

When Season 23 happened I got as high as 2863 and everything has gone to double hockey sticks since. Every match after I would keep losing Every. Single. One and as we speak I’m nearing 2400 now no matter how hard I try. It makes no sense being this unlucky.

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LMAO. This is the 5th “I cant climb, therefore its rigged” posts.

Each one as hilarious as the next

It’s still the same today, rigged af. This is also like the 500th, not 5th

Incorrect. Don’t need to give a long list again on why for the 49843557 time but you are wrong.

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take note of the details of each match and get some information of how the system works

Incorrect. Games are not rigged. Trust me, I would know

And why would we trust someone who only plays a few games on their diamond elo account a season, is not even on pc, and has a max dmg game of only 20k? Hmm… #riggedhiswaytodiamond

Are you really rank shaming me, platform shaming me, and stat shaming me?

Not to mention, the reason why I have so few games is because of what i do during the day.

Your confidence to bs is too high for me to compute. Beep Boop. I’m just saying you’re obviously boosted.

Ive been diamond for 6 seasons now. I can confidently say i belong here

We have very limited information about how the SR and MMR/handicapping systems work

Correct, althou I have recorded details of every comp match I have played. I record the Team SR rank (both teams), performance, medals, win loss or draw and how much my SR changed each time. After recording the details of 14,942 matches I have enough data to understand the system

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