Can someone who believe rigged matchmaking or players who are dropping from ranks which they were in for seasons and blame team mates explain to me how is it possible that I climbed in last two seasons on every role? Including Open Q?
I am just curious, lately I saw so many topics from players who basicly deranked over 800 SR. They are blaming team mates, other roles, Jeff, smurfs, matchmaker… basicly anything. And yet with all this I climbed to my elo. Well almost, still I am missing some SR but I will climb the rest too, but still I am climbing. How, when I should suffer under wrath of rigged matchmaker and handicapping?
u must not get very many games with pick phases that involve someone picking ball and then the ana announces they are throwing to bronze… bcus this is 7 out of ten what matchmaking gives me. its been almost a year and every soloQ game is insta locked w mcree ana hog… like it hasn’t been dive meta for 5 seasons… its truly obnoxious the games that are called in pick phase due to these few examples. not to mention anyone that dares to use comms just makes the big baddie have a real tantrum…
and there arent ranks where meta doesnt matter… dva still needs to switch when the enemy is showing sym echo zarya winston moria brig…
Explain to me how a lot of people in multiple discords, forum posts, reddits, streams, are fighting eachother’s alt accounts in low ranks. They’re barely climbing, going 50/50+change, and inadvertently wintrading each-other because the mmr keeps shipping them with/vs. eachothers alts. Meanwhile their mains are safely above the clouds.
Its not about story, its about facts. They dont play well enough to climb or even keep their elo, I play well enough to climb and keep my elo. Ladder is same for all of us. Only difference between players is skill.
Just because metas don’t matters doesn’t mean some heroes aren’t better than others.
Most bronzes don’t main any hero and play mystery heroes every game/round.
Some heroes are better for bad/new players (Junkrat, Reaper, Soldier, Soldier).
Lamp is high impact. Anti nade and sleep is high impact.
Arguably beat is high impact, but that’s an ult.
Zen get high impact if he can frag out.
But, lost count of the games where the highest healing card is on the losing team.
To carry you need to frag out or make big plays.
Just being a solid healer doesn’t cut the mustard anymore.
At least on tank you can easily secure massive damage and make big plays.
Just got stomped on Rialto. I’m gold support with 5 Silvers. Enemy has 2 gold tanks. We get ripped a new a hole.
At least if I was any good at Ana I might have been able to keep up our Rein, who either stood there doing nothing as his shield broke, or swung and died in 2 seconds.
Enemy tanks were Zarya plus Dva and Sigma plus Dva round 2. They are savvy enough to realise you just play tanks as fat dps with short range guns and frag out.
that’s the all difference between 99% and 1%, your post and their. But 1% make it to GM, congratulations with strong mindset and climbing! Leave pepegas and complainers behind, but don’t forget to comback on a smurf account to teach them a lesson.
facts nobody enjoys repeatedly being match vs 6 stacks with a bunch of allies that would rather tell people to die than help the team contest points.
*facts junkertown is currently disabled in ranked bcus it was forcing players to accept false leaver penalty queues which includes RANKED POINTS -thus forcing players into a torrent of abusive content as “punishment”.
facts nobody is complaining about climbing. just the current abusive state of your “there is no meta” metality/COMPLETELOACKOFTEAMWORK#SWHATISSPORTSMANSHIP
don’t listen to this kid with 4k posts, mm is rigged, it’s hard to solo q climb, best bet is to 6 man if you care about climbing. Anyone tells you otherwise is either way too good at the game or full of sh
The matchmaking system has it’s problems. I usually sit 800-1000 SR above you and have observed evenness and balance get conflagrated as the seasons have gone by.
Now there is by no doubt, many people who are unable to recognise their own mistakes and blame the system / others. This is a typicality in video games. No different to someone who shouts cheater each time they die to someone with better aim.
My gripe is the way games seem to pan out, an even win rate seems to be moderated by steam rolling -> getting steam rolled -> steam rolling -> getting steam rolled rather than more evenly matched games decided by corroborations of small factors in critical moments.
Also, I’ve been unable to explain it, but a mate I used to play with ( and cant now) hit 3700 in season 17 and now sits around 2400. Nothing seems to have changed on his end and his mains have actually moved up the meta since said time. I think some people are hit by unlucky streaks and might be a victim to the system, but I would agree that it isn’t the majority of people.
I think its impossible because of way how is game designed because stomps happens even when teams are perfectly balanced in skill.
You decide who is right or wrong based on number of posts?
I never said it isnt. I solo q most of the time.
No its not, because if you go as full stack you have less chance others will be improving like you. And you have bigger chance to face organized teams and smurfs
Your statement would be right only if you have stable 6 stack of same players eho are very serious about climbing who have coach helping them.
Present your evidence for that claim please.
Also when it is rigged, how I was able to climb then?
If you are where you belong, you skill is keeping you at 50% winrate, not the matchmaker.
Yes I play on EU server most of the time but had seasons where I did spend a lot of time on US server too where I was climbing too.
Usualy after work, at the weekends a lot or any time I want when i am not working.
I think EU has more players than US, but US has strangely more tank and support players based on my experience.
Also climbing is harder in Europe by my experience after sending a lot of time on both servers. EU has a lot less team work and players joining voice chat which complicated a lot of situations in game.
I’d rather stomp or be stomped for days knowing my SR label was correct. MMR asks people to do the CEOs job from the janitorial closet for the sake of “close matches”. No thanks.