Rigged competitive system is the reason for toxicity

The matchmaker doesn’t use SR for matchmaking. It doesn’t try to put you on equivalent SR teams. It does that based on MMR. MMR has no direct relation to your SR that’s why teams seem to look unbalanced if you look at the SR. But actually they are more balanced than they look like since SR isn’t really accurate.

Yeah people take the medals too serious.

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It defines the boundaries but I think only for queueing as a group because high SR (4.4+) players still somtimes have master players in their matches

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Like what rank?

How can you manipulate the matchmaking system? By dodging?

Well yes it sometimes is but it’s no obstacle to be bothered about… like I get it, it sucks to have throwers, leavers and otp but that is NOT the reason you can’t win more than 50% of your games. You still have a big impact and your impact will more often than not decide wether or not you win a game, thus climb or not

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This was absolutely awesome. It’s people like you that make me want to really learn math/statistics.

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This is not real, cause they allow as legit about 10 standard deviation of range, and premade queue merged with solo queue (you will never have numbers of your example, sadly for us). If you add smurfs in this scenario, system won’t filter them in the correct way (in elo system smurfs should not allowed). If the patent we are commenting in these forum (with the total silence of blizzard…) is real, the matchmaking won’t follow those rules.

So you think Blizzard is too ethical a company to create a system that artificially slows progress to boost engagement? Or that a multi-billion dollar company doesn’t have the resources to implement changes that even laypeople could identify as improvements? Come on now.


I didn’t win every match, therefore it is rigged


I really don’t understand why the system has to force a 50% win rate. All that does is keep bad players at a high rank and better players at a low rank, for longer than they should be. Maybe that’s the point. Good players play longer and bad players don’t give up so fast. But it’s not a fair system, and it doesn’t even work how they intended it either.

Surely all they would need to do to create fair matches is remove the hidden MMR, reduce SR range in a match to 50/100/250/500 depending on how many players are currently online. Take player role into account when forming the teams; So ideally each teams tank, DPS and supports should all be within 50-100 SR of each other.

Put this in place and the system shouldn’t have to worry about trying to force 50% WR. Everyone should be around the same skill level, so 50/50 odds and a 50% WR will come naturally, and you should get fair and balanced matches the majority of the time.

People need to realise that the matchmaker wasn’t designed to create fair matches. It’s there to keep people playing the game for longer, and maybe this was masked better when there were more players and no role queue.

It tries to force a 50% win rate not by making matches from evenly skilled players, but by giving you worse players if you play well and better players if you play like trash, resulting in wild swings in SR and incredibly unlikely win or loss streaks almost all of the time.

Games rarely feel fair. It’s either an easy win or you’re rolled. I’m low gold in support at the moment which is what I usually play. Last week I was 1800, the week before that I was 2250. This isn’t a new account and I regularly have 500SR swings for no apparent reason. I play at the same skill, I don’t get tilted often and when I do I go play something else. These are always the result of either loss or win streaks, and games which feel incredibly mis-matched either in my favour or the other teams.

At this point it’s obvious to me that the matchmaker doesn’t work. Maybe it used to, or it did a better job at least. But with the dwindling player base, increased influence of smurfs, and the introduction of role queue without significant changes to the matchmaker; It should be clear to anyone now that it’s not fit for purpose.

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The purposes are expressly indicated in the patent today disputed by many (in the total silence of blizzard), although they can be interpreted by the parameters they take into consideration: to prevent the player from abandoning the game due to negative experiences (excessive defeats). (abandoning the title, not the game in progress)

Negative experiences can be:

1) legitimate:

  • loss of performance
  • bad luck

2) Illeggitime:

  • supernumerary smurfs, not filtered by the system, could easily cause excessive defeats to the unfortunates they meet
  • cheating opponents (sometimes too many opponents in a row)
  • teammates throwing behaviors (sometimes too many in a row)

3) Legitimate by regulation but illegitimate by fair play

  • suffered defeats by soloqueuer to find themselves in matches with large premade groups (on overwatch the queues are mixed)
  • the large combined tail range (1000sr) equals approximately 10 standard deviations. Any scientist of psychometrics or statistics understands well that making this interval legitimate for an online competitive is a real madness, which produces a high degree of randomness in the results, especially when associated with the single / mixed party queue and a policy in favor of smurfs. Means chance to many defeats in a row (mostly if not in premade).

The system to overcome all this, as explicitly indicated by the patent, places the player in clearly favored matches to obtain a victory (in psychology it is called Skinner Box, a random reward mechanism used in slot machines)

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I get it, but it doesn’t explain the loss streaks. If they wanted to keep players from abandoning the game it should be win win loss win loss loss win etc. Not 10 losses in a row followed by 10 wins.

I guess that’s the broken part.

They need to add “feeling like the games are fixed and you have no control over the outcome” to their negative list.

This is a very good point, the explanation is easily accessible.

You have to imagine that the population of Overwatch is now reduced, if the system rigged the matches relying on 100 people, it had a way to better dilute the procedure in the entity and in the frequency so as not to let you notice.

With the population reduced to a fraction of it, the system will have the least choice of players, and it does what it can do with what it finds, the least bad. The least worst that produces matches that are either too easy or too difficult (or better easier to detect for player): if in 2017 the system could choose to fix the game by inserting a player of 3 standard deviations above yours (maybe you silver and he gold, obviously without balancing your team with an ally equal to that gold) so as to grant one of your opponents a more enjoyable experience, with the current population available at that moment may only have one of 4 or 5 standard deviations, or maybe 2 players of 4 standard deviations. The result would be the same, but you notice it more easily. If there are smurf in the middle, the omelette is served.

If you consider to this system (let’s remember “outlawed”) was created for 2017 population parameters and a much higher smurf rate; the least worst we talked about earlier could be a real mess.

The problem is not the losing streak, because it could happen for legitimate reasons, the problem is whether that losing streak has produced you some illegitimate defeats and others illegitimate victories; or if some of your victories are the result of as many illegitimate maneuvers conducted against other people who are not aware of the context. The real problem is Blizzard’s total silence in something so hot.

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Some of you guys are dumb dumbs. Of course it’s rigged. Bronze- Low Diamond is just a lottery system. The whole purpose is to get you to buy a copy of the game again in hopes of hitting the lottery into a higher rank…Not that it matters because 1200-3000 SR games are virtually indistinguishable. I have accounts across all the SR rankings - from bronze to diamond. They all average out to 43-56% seasons no matter how hard I try(or don’t).


I actually think the biggest factor to break the matchmaker was role que and getting rid of no limits as the default mode (something I still think was the best ideas for the game.) That was a perfect time for resets of ranks. Also a perfect time for a reset of ranks… at least on console …crossplay.

I’d bet you it would’ve have sort the player base better at these points. I would love to see the bell curve of the game right now. At least going by the posters on this board, everybody is in diamond and above, or silver and below. (but their alts are in Gold, and Plat, and Diamond)

I could easily turn those into +70% Winrate. You climb with skill, not luck


I quit in 2019 after brig was released. Just now learned about GOATs haha.

You should work on +70% reading comprehension rate first. Your winrate is 53%. That’s exactly within the range of win/losses that I described.

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Wait, now he’s going to tell you that he’s in GM! I wonder if his 38% win rate on on his most played tank was just unlucky or skill.

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Maybe you should checkout the last time I have played RQ Comp in. Around a month ago, and a few Open Queue a week ago.

I am taking a break from comp until my 33% Packet Loss is fixed.

Check out my last season stats and you will see


Personal experience, spent a lot of time in gold pre-role SR. got a feel for how gold players played ( id say roughly 75% of 2200 hours). I was just starting to pick up that communication and defensive “camera abusing” positing would be the key skill to climb. Plat i guessed would be hero mastery. Every time i fell into silver it was becuase i would play new role or play only 1 hero like mcree ( :roll_eyes: ) and try too master them. I wasted a lot of time playing on as many hero’s as i could to follow the “counter play” design intent of overwatch…that design concept was never strictly followed…even now…they still ensure that the royalty of dps always stay consistently relevant (genji, mcree, hanzo, soldier, anna, dva, zar,rein, lucio,mercy,zen) ie: the hero pool that is always relavant at the highest rank every season…i digress.

You could tell that each rank had a flavor. But now, none of the ranks have flavors. Its all over the place, especially within the Sr rank boundaries of say 1400-1600, 1900-2100, 2400-2600. where the rank at 1400-1600 is somehow harder than the next rank boundary :exploding_head:. And not just a little harder…a ton harder. i empathize with our silver and bronze ranks now, the skill hill they have to climb is a proverbial cliff compared to the ranks that follow. Do plat players even climb into diamond anymore or do they just smurf in bronze and silver?

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