Rigged competitive system is the reason for toxicity

I love Overwatch, but the obviously manipulated matchmaking system is the reason so many people despise the game and have quit, even if they don’t realise it themselves.

The system is completely demoralising and needs to be changed, it’s the biggest problem with the game.

  1. Toxicity is a player problem. Yes the devs can do things to help stop it, but ultimately its up to the players to not be toxic in the first place.

  2. People have been saying the system is rigged since it cam out, spoiler alert: ITS NOT. Why would a company rig a system so the players have no fun and stop playing? Answer: they wouldn’t.

The concept of a rigged system usually comes from people that start playing this game because they expect to be able to do whatever they want in games and win on their own mechanical skill alone. This just isn’t the case with a team based game like Overwatch.

Overwatch is a game that requires team coordination and good decision making more than mechanical skill. When the people that want to only play mechanically and never work with their team realize this, they start looking for other reasons for their own short-comings. And so they blame the company because they can’t accept that they spent money on a game that they don’t enjoy on a fundamental level.

Example: this post.


I’m aware you can achieve a higher rank through very skilled play, but progressing naturally is pretty rare, I’ve spent enough time on the forums, seen the many videos of people climbing, which are mainly grandmaster players, obviously they’re going to be able to climb, I’m just looking to have a consistent experience and it rarely happens…

I’m also a Rein and Zen main, i’m far more confident in gamesense than I am with mechanical skill, and I’m a zen main this season, I’ve been practising him a lot, so I can apply both. Why do you immediately assume I’m a dps main? Rein is my most played hero and I’ve spent a lot of time developing my gamesense.

The game has forced 50/50 winrate, which is literally a selling point of the gamemode, that ‘is’ a rigged system, and it was intended to be used as a fair system and a way of balancing, making it inclusive.

There are many people with exactly the same experience as me, is there any way you can explain how tonnes of people on these forums alone have all had the same thing happen to them, time and time again?


Toxicity comes from players obviously but the devs recieve this problem so unless they want their game to be known as toxic its a developer problem.

There is no way to proof that its rigged or not unless someone leaks information. In my opinion it is soft rigged and thats a smart move because you don’t want your players to get bored and whats the best way to make them play more? Let them struggle because addiction > fun.
Blizzard knows half the playerbase doesn’t play for fun but to climb and my bet is that those players make 70% of their income with new accounts and lootboxes since OW is most likely the only game they play unlike your average casual player.

It would be dumb of them to not rig the system and keep it a secret.

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I never once said that.

Its only rare because so many people would rather blame the system or their team than work on their own play. They assume that playing well guarantees wins. It doesn’t, you need to play well CONSISTENTLY and play very often to climb. The random nature of having other people in your games makes it a grind. In any competitive ladder you will never get a consistent good experience, that’s just the nature of competitive games. as you win more you play against better people until you loose, pretty simple.

That’s just not true, If your in the rank you should be, then this MIGHT happen.

At the end of the day there’s a lot of randomness to who you play with, but to say that blizzard is forcing you to lose or stay at you rank is just immature whining.


I don’t believe the system is rigged (the game isn’t entirely about you, after all, other people are playing it and climbing), but this, I can agree with.

I still think they should just hide the SR from the players, and only show the rank. I used to play a ton of CS:GO back in the day, and I never felt “completely demoralized” whenever we lost, and especially not after we won, because I always felt like I was making a net gain. I was never told that I was slowly falling during a single play session, which really helped shrug off losses with a “I can make it up next match”.

But Overwatch? With how things are now, no matter how good you feel about a win, that feeling is deleted when you realize you didn’t end up climbing anywhere. And the weight of a loss is doubled as you have to steadily watch your SR tank after every game and pray to god that you’ll perform well enough next game to make it up, as even if you win the next game, there’s a very real possibility that you’ll still end up disappointed because you can see the net loss given to you from PBSR.

Comp would probably be a lot healthier if they would just hide that info from the players and let them believe they’re doing well. But of course, at this stage of the game, people would get absolutely pissed if Blizzard were to do that because it’d be for “hiding the broken match maker instead of fixing it”.


Its true that they could do more, but to say that its their problem alone isn’t true. The reason that all competitive games have this problem is because there is no solution to it other than people just not being toxic. Toxic people will always find a way to troll and disrupt the ones that take the game seriously.

Some people just want to make others have a bad time, just look at social media, most people that actively comment on things are just trying to ruin someones day or get into an argument. These people are the ones that you see in ranked games.

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At this point it seems like most blizzard “fans” just want to see this game fail, and will keep looking for reasons to blame a company for them having a bad time.

I’m not having a bad time, I’m having a lot of fun with the game and I’m massively against toxicity. I don’t bring up this subject without thinking about it first, I have many hours in competitive, you seem to assume I don’t know anything you’re telling me, but I learnt all of what you’re saying a while ago and have been applying it for hundreds of hours already, but am still unable to hold a rank that I’ve already reached and still believe comp is manipulated, my peak is 3300 and I got there on main tank…

I find it interesting that you are aware of people talking about a rigged system since the game came out, but are so quick to disregard it, why?

What’s your rank if you don’t mind me asking, do you play comp regularly?

Bare in mind, I’m not trying to have an argument with you dude, I mean no disrespect toward your opinion, I respect it. For me though, the correlation in every game is too obvious to go ignored, I’m always quite dramatically pulled back down to an average rank as soon as I start to climb, despite the fact I have achieved much higher in the past, the higher I get over time the more viciously I get pulled back down.

I’m so quick to disregard it because like this post, there has been no proof of the system being rigged. Yet people still bring it up with only “I can’t stay in a high rank” as evidence.

Ive played comp starting in silver from launch, and I’ve peaked at 3400. I’m currently at mid 3200’s. I climbed here mostly playing dps, but have now switched to main tank due to the team I play for needing one.

The real reason I hate these kinds of post is that there are so many more likely reasons for you not being able to stay in a certain rank.

Maybe you got lucky with good teams and climbed higher than your actual skill level. Maybe you haven’t fully adjusted to the newest balance changes. Maybe your state of mind is different from the time you climbed to the time you fell. Maybe you play for too long in one sitting and don’t even realize that your performing worse due to mental of physical exhaustion.

I could go on for hours but my point remains the same: a rigged system is simply the least likely reason for someones SR fluctuating, or them not being able to maintain a new personal high. Without actual solid proof it just doesn’t make sense for a developer to purposefully hinder the efforts of their players. They gain absolutely nothing from what your suggesting, and this is coming from someone who works in the industry and knows generally how these companies think.

The competitive system is not rigged.

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Yes, the competitive system is rigged and it’s why everyone is so toxic (or at least a large reason).

Let me also point out that I have been keeping track of forum posts, and this did not show up on my feed until around 10 hours after you posted it, most likely because it talks poorly about the matchmaker (specifically calling it rigged) so they let it sink down to where more people can’t see it. Not a conspiracy it’s literally what happened and I’m just describing it. They are filtering *some (they haven’t filtered all) posts that talk negatively about the matchmaker.


And the whole random dc for no reason running at 19 ping getting me banned from rank perminitly or like that one time I just woke up hoped on and I was banned didn’t even play yet just banned or penalized

I agree with you. It’s incredibly demoralising to spend time and improve at the game and yet not see it reflected in a measured numerical way.There are many many people who are being held back in their rank by the system. For example silver players who are actually better than platinum players.

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Show the evidence for that. I would like to see silver player who is better than plat.


All games from Activision/Blizzard are rigged and they will never ever change that again.
My professional tip is quit the game and never buy any Activision product again.


When I started in Competitive I was a higher rank than my friends who had been playing the game long before I had. They were just as good as if not much better than me.

I asked for evidence, not for a story.

Show me few replay codes of silver player who is better than plat please.


I am commonly told here that I play like a Gold player. Yet I am in Diamond. I don’t have access to a Gold player so obviously I can’t prove that myself but some of your forum buddies might. But I can provide you with my gameplay. So either I’m in the wrong rank or the gold player is.

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Ok, I know some people commented your gameplay, Rhein and temporal right? Temporal give you advice what to improve.

He briefly talked about where you belong based on replay. He said plat i think? But also said something like you were diamond on profile and it was just one match. One match isnt usualy enough to say where exactly player belong.

Since you climbed into diamond, i cant say you dont have diamond skill. Since you did it, you had what it takes to get there. Unless you were boosted someone of course. You just probably fluctuates between high plat and low dia.

So i will not judge you where you belong.
I dont agree with many opinions you have but in this case, i cant tell you that you belong gto gold or plat. We have different performance in different games. Some people review my games on alt and woukd not guess my rank right at all. Because we are human smand dsometimes do dumb mistakes. Whole player skill set helped you to get to low diamond which I respect.

But i cant agree with your claim that silver player is better than plat. If that would be a case, they would climb. I consider myself high plat-low to mid diamond peak player and i climbed on basicly all heroes to plat on multiple accounts. From silver and gold or even bronze. Saying that silver is better than plat like me and cant do it is just wrong.

You might think that you gold or silver friends are good. But you most likely dont watch all their games. If you would, i am pretty sure that you would find reasons why they are in silver.