What did you expect after people wasted time to give you review and you said that it was basicly joke and you dont need help or when you trashtalked ex pro coach for not having open profile?
Thats why i would not comment your gameplay, it would be just waste of time as you dont appreciate the help and look for excuses and trashtalk players or made fun of people who tried to help.
A story is evidence. It’s called a testimonial. And testimonials are used all the time in the US justice system, if they’ve got a place there, they’ve got a place on a gaming forum. Source: step dad is an attorney.
Homie, Temporal, a Contenders Coach, literally says you play like a Low Plat player, also your profile says you are 3006, so not really diamond ;]
Not if is made up, just like in the case here ;]
He’s not currently a contenders coach and hasn’t been for several years. Plus his achievements even then were not overly impressive.
You also twisted his words which I find to be quite dishonest.
So you’re not really GM then ;]
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand the game.
Quote the “twisted” words then =]
Currently, nope, but I was consistently 4100 Last season, I am just waiting for my packet loss issue to be fixed before I play comp =]
So currently I am High Masters and you are High Plat ;]
Doesn’t mean that he does either. Or that he has an up-to-date understanding of how the game currently plays.
Maybe you should directly quote him as you are the one talking about it.
It’s alright buddy. You don’t have to make excuses for me. I don’t really care about your rank as it’s quite meaningless in this context.
I have however seen you give advice to other players as if you are GM but if by your own standards you are not then perhaps you should discontinue this claim.
4100 SR is GM though nice try =]
Also I am not the one claiming to be “Top 500” in Open Queue while only 3000 SR ;]
4009* =]
Not GM. :]
Didn’t make that claim actually. I said I’ve reached Top 500 in previous seasons of Open Queue. =]
It’s not rigged. It just doesn’t work properly/pleasantly for short periods of time. It might even out with longer playtimes, but people often quit or tilt before that because they have a bad user experience.
Ok so if i say that my friend has pet dragon who killed a guy, will court take it as evidence if i swear its true?
Sorry but you need proper evidence for any claim. I can believe not significant claims. But for something extraordinary like silver players with better skill then plat not being able to climb? I need more than anecdotal story evidence.
It should be very easy to provide evidence, open profile + few replay codes to see if player play better than silver.
Because you do.
In a meme mode nobody takes seriously played by less than 10% of the player base. Not to mention you are playing the role none wants to play so in most games you are literally gaining sr for existing and barely functioning.
A made up story is still evidence. It’s just false evidence. If you claim the story is false, the burden of proof then shifts to you to prove that!
Ask your step-dad, if the US justice system is relevant on a multi-national forum in that case, the majority of the people I know here, are from Europe/Canada.
So in this case, no, it doesn’t have a place on a gaming forum.
In both open and role queue.
I can provide a screenshot if necessary but you can also check my profile if you click on my name and then click on view profile. It will take you to the Web Portal with my competitive stats.
I hear you. Just pointing out that testimony IS evidence… You said a story wasn’t evidence. It may not be convincing, but it IS evidence.
And yes, the court would enter your dragon story as evidence (when you make an assertion without providing proof, that’s a “claim”). But the court would consider it poor or meaningless evidence.
Usually the need for corroborating evidence, additional evidence that lends credibility to other evidence, ramps up as the claim gets harder and harder to believe. If I tell you I just purchased a dog, you have good reasons to believe that’s likely true. If I tell you I just purchased a unicorn, well, such an extraordinary claim would probably require extraordinary proof to be convincing. Claims without evidence aren’t false by default, they’re just unproven or unconvincing.
But the person you’re talking to did make the claim, so yes, the burden on proof is on them! If they refuse to corroborate their testimony (provide supporting evidence), they’ve given others no reason to believe them.
No need to ask him…it’s pretty straightforward. The standard for what qualifies as evidence in the US Judicial system or any other similar system is based on sound legal theory, not geography or geo-politics. I chose the US because I live here. I could’ve chosen any functional, sound legal system, and it would’ve also applied.
Explain why what qualifies as evidence on a gaming platform should be of a higher or different standard than the one found in the US Judicial system.
I was askin for silver player who is better than plats as you said. I am not interested to watch your games You are not silver ranked.
Wtf just take a break if its affecting you this much. I personally want the most information possible and dont want to bury my head in the sand.