No, I think you’re missing a key point: Mercy can’t multitask.
Lucio and Zen are off healers because they heal ON THE SIDE, for a small amount, and deal out damage while they are healing. A LOT of damage in Zen’s case.
Mercy JUST heals or JUST damage boosts. Zen orb has 40m range and no aim, no reload, no cooldown. It does 30 HPS. He can shoot and discord people while it’s out.
Mercy beam has 15m range, no aim no reload no cooldown, and it does 50 HPS. She can’t shoot or damage boost anyone while it’s out.
Mercy and Moira have the same healing range…
Please tell me you are trolling? She’s literally SUPPOSED to be a main healer and SUPPOSED to do the most healing in the game. Both Devs have said this multiple times.
Jeff in an Interview:
We want the top two things you notice about Mercy to be, “Oh my God, she’s an amazing throughput healer,” and “Wow, look at that mobility, she’s just flowing back and forth through the map.” And we don’t want her to be the resurrect bot that’s just erasing kills.
Jeff on the old forums:
"We think the direction she’s moving in is better for everyone – Mercy mains and non-Mercy players. Having a primary healer who was hiding under a bridge telling people to “die on the point” was not our idea of optimal. We think Valkyrie is a very engaging and dynamic ultimate and Mercy’s role as a primary healer is very clear now. But resurrect is too powerful and needs to be toned down. We’re not going to throw the baby out with the bath water on this one. We’re iterating until she’s in a good place. We appreciate your patience with us while we do that."
Also, Mercy had 60 HPS for the first 3 years of the game and wasn’t even considered good or meta until she had instant rezzes after the rework. Ana was always the better main healer. 60 HPS is not game breaking at all.
She is also AoE and has heal orb…not comparable to Single Target Mercy at all.