Rez has to go bye bye or be an ultiamte this is a joke at this point

There’s hot takes, and there are bad takes. This is the latter.


Damage and dying are vastly different.

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Yea what an advantage, pressed a button. Why don’t we just instant kill people by pressing a button won’t that make for fun gameplay?

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jesus thats a good mercy. your team is bad btw. if anything your throwing in that replay kid. go look at my guide on how to git gud lol


I agree with OP. Rez is a problematic ability to have on cooldown. It needs to be exclusive to Valk.

I’m all for giving her a different E ability as a replacement.

You can deny her the rez. Camp the corpse. Boop her, stun her blahblahblah


Up against any other two supports, one kill every 30 seconds is more than enough to keep team-winning momentum.

no it doesnt. thats like saying take a breather is a problematic ability to have on cooldown. It just isnt. Lets go over negatives: 1. shes ALMOST immobile 2. cant use any abilites 3. has no escape 4. LEGIT GLOWS 5. makes a very loud noise 5. uses a voice line 6. it takes a while to use. The positives are you get your teammate back. She would have no pick rate if rez was even slightly changed.

6 x 30 seconds = 180 seconds. 3 minutes is the average time of a koth round. Forgot to mention they respawn. git gud kid

Other supports have their own advantages.


Pointing out negatives doesn’t mean an ability isn’t problematic.

There are negatives to Widow scoping in, but her one-shot is definitely problematic.

My guy, you have a severe case of brainwormitis, the nerficusmercycus kind.


no it isnt lmao. its so avoidable if you use cover or hide behind a shield. and it isnt hard to flank her. and with that many negatives, it isnt an op ability. its one of the more well balanced abilities in the game.


Btw both of these are pretty common in shooter games and have been in this game since launch.

Widowmaker has been balanced. Rez is balanced.

Once you have the first kill, you have momentum. Subsequent kills become more likely.

Regardless, an ability having draw backs is not a remedy for being problematic.

ok dude. im just gonna leave you be because you just wanna troll. have a good day m8

I haven’t done anything troll-like. I’m merely contending against your points. If disagreement is seen as trolling in your mind, then wake the hell up. The world doesn’t revolve around just your thoughts.

ok fine ill say somethingback. im bored anyway might as well. Im in NO WAY saying you should be silenced for you opinion, if the general consensus is to the opposite of your ideology, then maybe its time to re think it.

She can only res people if you let her.