Reworks and Lore

amazing idea this is such a simple but great example of how it should be done. we’re lore starved so any idea for getting lore i’ll take but i hope more will be of this quality

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I mean, they basically did remove his turret with the remainder of the “fix”

Too bad it’s barely noticeable.

Well how would that make sense in some cases, in the cinematic you see Genji summon a dragon from his sword, but in the Doomfist release animation you see him cut a car in half with a green strike, the second one we see in-game but the first one is only lore-based since we don’t exactly see Genji calling a mini-dragonstrike.

Weird. i thought the comic came before the change.

I thought that too, but I checked it. Bastion received Ironclad on February 28, 2017, while comic Binary was premiered on March 8, 2017.

Great you respond to the forums man, but not at the right places. I thought this post would be about better reworks and lore but it’s instead something EXACTLY Blizzard devs would respond to. Please, respond more, but do it on actual megathreads or suggestion threads that will fix this broken game.


Why are we finding this out through a forum post? That’s just kinda sad. We have all this awesome lore but only people at Blizzard knows about it.


Honestly dude, yall are too slow with the lore to waste time giving lore to the reworks. You have enough trouble actually releasing lore that furthers the overall story of the game. If you had to make lore for every rework that happens we’d somehow get even less lore than we already do.

I think you’ve contributed more to the game’s lore via your posts on this forum and your twitter feed than literally any actual media releases this year.

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Well you can ult with Genji and then deflect Hanzo’s ult

Clever! I’m surprised I never caught onto that as a main for both of them. :stuck_out_tongue:

What story ?


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Hanzo: “Genji Shimada, You’ve failed our clan and this city!”

Ordinarily this would be a fine idea. There are two major problems I see, though.

  1. Blizzard’s lore production rate is already years behind where they should be.
  2. Reworks should be the absolute last resort. Tuning first, no more Hanzo fiascos.
    Also, no more symmetra fiascos. Also, no more Mercy fiascos.

Dont forget sombra , maybe torb

Suggestion 1: Continue to use Torb and Bastion lore. There was so much he could replace that heavy machine gun on his back.

Suggestion 2: Create a system called “echo heroes”, where it is possible to play with the first version of the hero, without modifications (buffs/nerfs). Who knows what can be used there …

You guys should totally add Scatter Arrow as an emote. Maybe Hanzo just shoots it at the ground in front of him, the little projectiles bounce around and he chuckles a bit, doesn’t actually have to deal damage or anything.

I mean, he does still hold one in his hand in the hero select screen, might as well add it back as a jokey reference.

Apologizes for Asking but do you think we’ll seen Zenyatta lore someday?

Well if that happened then they probably wouldn’t be allowed in Competitive

At this point, I’ll take any lore we can get.

At least give us a mini trailer or something showing them using their new moves👌