Reworks and Lore

I don’t think the lore is suppose to match with gameplay mechanics since they have used some abilities in the comics that they can’t use in game.

It seems to be the other way around too. Isn’t Mercy a pacifist? Yet she wields a pistol in the game. I think it was also stated that Zenyatta doesn’t have harmony or discord orb in the lore but it was simply for gameplay mechanics.

I know I’m a butthole 99% of the time, but why don’t we hear about this kind of stuff? I know at Blizzard you have lots of talented writers working on OW lore, but we, the players never really hear of this stuff. That whole “ironclad” thing is a nice touch and I would love to hear more about all the heroes.

I have a question about Reaper, where does he pull his gun from. I’ve always had money on a pocket dimension in his cloak.

100% this i would love to know more about all the heroes specifically i want more junker lore but any lore is good at the moment

I was more thinking some sort of Vishkar tech to create his gun out of light. You know, how Sym creates her stuff.

I think I’d like it if they brought it in as a running joke between the characters, and left it open to speculation where they come from.

Possibly Torb’s rework could take some hints from his daughter & he decides to focus more on protecting people rather than creating weapons?

I do really enjoy the way a lot of characters were designed based on lore aspects. For example, it’s interesting that both Reaper and Moira have fade and drain (healing) abilities, given how Moira gave Reyes those abilities (is what I’m assuming).