Reworks and Lore

Or he’ll just whip out a cake and throw it at someone. “My enemies fall like, heh, colourful sprinkles.”

Personally, I actually like the fact it’s still in the hero select. Just makes Hanzo give you that Vietnam flashback when Scatter was still a thing.

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Writer =/= dev


Hste to be that guy but Bastion changes when?

Actually you’re lead writer, so you wouldn’t know, but could you ask one of the other devs please?


I could imagine a few. Maybe storm arrow was an ancient art Hanzo learned when the Shimada clan deemed he had become proficient enough with the bow to learn, maybe D.Va gained micro missiles after the giant omnic emerged with an immunity to pulse weaponry, maybe Symmetra learned how to cast the giant photon barrier in a last ditch attempt to protect Utopia from an Omnic attack.

So many cool ideas here


from a lore perspective can you possibly make roadhog’s hook out of wet paper or wet bread or something? just to explain why it breaks so often for no reason, at least the bug will be immortalised in the lore instead of just in gameplay forever

Cool! Thanks for the response.:grin:

…and a chill goes down the spine of every hero with less than 400hp.

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Oh like this?

DVa’s old Mech got towed when she was buying more gamer fuel. So she had to secretly buy a used Juncker one and painted it pink to avoid the embarrassment. It all makes sense now.

Hanzo is not the kind to waste food. His life is hard enough already without wasting sprinkled deliciousness =(

So what about Torb rework?

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Shh, don’t shatter my dreams!

His quiver is like Mary Poppins’ handbag. He has endless amounts of cake hidden in there; just like his arrows. So, he wouldn’t be wasting. The man knows what he’s doing. Trust him.

He hasn’t; people need to stop taking the limited in-game representations as a complete picture of the characters in lore.

Hanzo having access to his new ability doesn’t mean that Blizzard are retconning his scatter arrow out of existence, and pretending he never had it; the change was purely game balance related. He could still use the scatter arrow in a future comic or cinematic, and there’d be no inconsistency or contradiction at all in that.

The tiny handful of abilities the characters have in game don’t necessarily represent the actual limits or range of their skills, or even represent how they work canonically (Mercy, for example, can’t actually resurrect dead people, lore-wise).

A situation where Blizzard would seriously have to consider writing a justification would be if they revamped Pharah and entirely removed her ability to fly, given that that actually is a core part of her character.


I always thought Symmetra had great potential for this idea. Her reworks kinda make sense in the lore, she can do almost anything with hardlight constructs so it makes sense for her to not be limited to one kit

Well, yes. The development explanation for the change is that people weren’t happy dying to Hanzo spam.

But that explanation only makes sense in a universe (ours) where Hanzo is a character in a game that is controlled by a player. It doesn’t make sense in a universe (the OW universe) where Hanzo is an independent person and superhero.

Plus… it’s a pretty boring explanation, all things considered.

There’s an opportunity whenever a character is changed in game to explain that change in terms of the OW universe in a way that’s much more interesting than the development decisions of the real world.

Well on the hero select screen hanzo still poses with the scatter arrow.

Bow to the forum favorite that is michael chu.

Lore is a bit low but i have a feeling that something is planned in the future anyways because of new writers being hired so i’ll let it slide.

All that means is that the explanation needs to account for why Hanzo isn’t using an ability he still has.

I was exactly going to reference Bastion’s “Ironclad” ability lore before reading your second paragraph! That was really nice to see, and I had the same kind of hopes when Hanzo was receiving his rework to add Storm Arrow, like a comic where he learned this ability through meditation, or something. I hope you guys continue to do things like that in the future.

They have done this in LoL for their reworks.

Generally speaking, it works out really well and helps add to the character. So I’m for it.

Plus you know. I’ll take any lore I can get these days. I’m lore starved :frowning:

LMAO! Pretty much this!

Anyone can fill in the blanks with a bit of imagination.