#ReworkReaper Ideas

Continuing the discussion from Rework REAPER PLEASE #ReworkReaper:

So overnight I thought of REALLY nice ideas that can be used to Rework lovely Hero… lets get started

I’m going to discuss and go through 3 Parts of Reaper’s Abilities & passives ;

  1. His Hell Fire Guns

  2. His Abilities

  3. His Ultimate

  4. there’s nothing wrong with his Damage or anything but I’d like him to have more Damage OutPut/Consistency AGAINST ARMOR SPECIFICALLY… because he is one of the Weakest heroes that can preform against Armor,

  5. His Abilities… nothing Wrong with his Life Steal… so lets get down to his other two abilities:

Shadow Step: this ability is too slow and makes him vulnerable more than he already is in this meta… I’d suggest to visually change it just like in his Highlight intro “Shadow Step” where he goes underneath the ground and re-appears by going up… of course you’d have to increase the speed too, Also Reducing the sound of him teleporting or remove it & Replace it with a Shadow Sound Effect!

Wraith Form: honestly there’s nothing major with this ability but it needs some visual change because it’s just too bland and predictable for a short range mid combat hero…

I’d suggest visually change it like Reaper’s Wraith in Sombra’s Infiltration Short Where Reaper Turned into black smoke …
(This is just a simple idea of mine but if they gave him the ability to jump on walls or high grounds while wraith forming in his black smoke it’d be nice!)

  1. His Ultimate (Death Blossom):
    His Ultimate Got buffed and messed around with ever since the beta numerous of times, but it didn’t quite fix it.,

The ultimate lacks of Damage output against Armor because of his Hell Fire CC against it but like I said if you buff his CC against Armor it’d Be great.

Also I’d like for his Ultimate to have a bigger Radius… his normal Ultimate is 8 Meters Radius that deals 510 Damage

Buffing it to 12 Meters would be great idea, also i had this idea of visually changing Blossom by adding Dark Smoke into it? Just like in the Museum Animated Short where Reaper Unleashed Even Bigger Dark Smoke around his Ultimate… adding that to the game would be nice

I know there is already a little smoke around his ult but try and make that smoke more visually bigger it’d be a nice touch.

Alright I finished my ideas on how to rework him, of course I did have done other things on top of all that like buffing the damage he has to 180 per headshot and 55 in body shot but I thought that’d be broken…

Anyway thanks for reading, have a nice week #ReworkReaper

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Reaper sucks, he is to binary compared to other DPS.
Every hero, who has the ability to get on the highground, can do it safer and faster.
And yeah, there is Reaper trapped in a slow animation.