I think that mercy is fine where she is. I don’t think we need to #ReworkMercy I think we need #ReworkValkyrie. Valkyrie is so not impactful where it is right now. Her healing is pretty low as a main healer. I’m pretty sure Ana and Moira output more healing than her at this rate. I feel like people are looking at this #ReworkMercy thing too directly and not very specifically. As for someone has played mercy since Season 3. Mass rez shouldn’t come back. Well, It can come back but with tweaks. The feeling of using everything you got to get that objective and Mercy swooping in to Rez the whole team (In my opinion) was very unhealthly for OW. Valkyrie is a very boring ult. We can all agree. Honestly, it doesn’t feel impactful. Your literally a Lucio with extra healing to all people. (who can still die while ulting.) I usually always gets shutdown in the air by a Hanzo, Widowmaker, Solider Ult and McCree ult. Mercy isn’t fun to play anymore. (Again my opinion) That’s why I just play Lucio now.
I like the idea to #reworkmercy as a discussion of Mercy and her problems. I think a lot of problems with the game itself can be seen in mercy and her rework so I quite like the whole thing making itself known in a tight hashtag
I have two forms of a Mercy Rework around two ideas: One is to make mercy better with what the original design was supposed to be - Solo target, mobile healer. That’s it. Her rez in this design is to give mass rez a feel of autonomy on Mercy’s end:
Additionally, I made another polar opposite Mercy designed to point out flaws in the logic of Blizzard and the community with regards to Mercy. I think a high mechanical Mercy can be balanced and still play into a strong mobile healer, but I don’t think anyone WANTS this kind of Mercy. I made her to show that it’s not actually skill that the people who complain about her care about. DPS and tanks can rage so hard with current Mercy if she wins a one v one with them and she dps isn’t that great. If she were more in -line with Ana in terms of skill, I don’t think her hate would die off. I think the toxic attitude given to Mercy players is beyond just mechanical skill. And I don’t think players who don’t play Mercy acknowledge this. Moreover, I don’t think they appreciate the role of STEADY roles : Soldier, Rein, and Mercy. They all are the pure role for themselves and that’s great. But for some reason, Rein is beloved, Soldier is fine, but Mercy is burdened with the weight of hate for no reason. And I don’t think the dps in the game realize the impact of a steady support can be.
My Meme Mercy is balanced but unwanted. But I would rather have a streamlined hero that Blizzard STANDS BY than the hodgepodge Mercy we have now. I think her rework really hurt her and It makes me concerned because Mercy is a very popular hero. And Blizzard has managed to mess her up in every way. I have no hope for my own liked heroes (Symm and Sombra) when they are so much less beloved and popular compared to Mercy. Not just mine, but in general the roster of heroes not loved. Bastion =, junkrat, torb, these heroes are fallen to the wayside with no consideration or love and of course they wouldn’t. Even Mercy, the most popular hero can’t get properly addressed.
I agree completely, blizzards main problem when it come to OW is the fact that they focus on the league side of things much more. LoL has both the competitive side, as well as the more casual side, and they work it so well. I guess this is just a flaw in the small indie company. Lel
indeed but the majority are plat and below. Which is why I take pick rates to be a weird source of balance choice stats at a flat rate.
Mercy is supposed to be for people who haven’t mastered mechanical skill. If most people who are below diamond havent Mastered mechanical skill, and most people are in ranks below diamond, shouldn’t Mercy inherently have a higher pick rate by design? If someone can maximize Ana in bronze, they shouldn’t be in bronze because they have a skill level needed on a mechanically and game sense intensive hero.
I only said that because of this person’s comment. I’m fine with anything, really. A shorter more powerful Valk, Mass Res, a totally new rework. All I know is I love Mercy, love her kit, the super jump is just MMM, but I hate Valkyrie with a mad passion as it is. I would prefer it be removed entirely, but I’ll compromise with a change/rework to it.
I meant it in line with… game design and hero reworks. Competitive is a mess, but when I think of how that aligns with hero design and stuff it’s worse.
I have a lot of issues with the majority of reworks given by the Overwatch team. And whenever pickrates, winrates, and such are used to justify such changes, I just can’t understand why because nothing really affects them and I don’t see how it would even on paper.
For example, Why rework Sym for OWL? She isn’t liked by them, she isn’t useful to pros, and she didn’t gain sudden new surges in pick rates. So what was the purpose?
What was the purpose in Reworking Mercy for addressing hide n rez then force to her hide and rez for e, and then nerf said rez because of pick rates? It’s kinda tied to comp but I’m just more confused from a game and hero design element.
Mercy wasn’t picked in the pro scene anyway. Why rework her to …not be in the pro scene anyway? It doesn’t make sense.
Sym was picked for 13 seconds.
I meant a constant pick that would justify a rework based on the Pro opinions of the hero from gameplay and use.
Mercy was also not inherently picked for mass rez. She is picked for pocketing potential and dmg boost. That was not reworked. So her ult was reworked in favor of people who did not choose her for her ult and still do not choose her for the reworked ult.
Similarly, why rework torb in favor of pick rates? He hasn’t gained sudden use in OWL, his rates seem in line with before, and they nerfed Brig which his ult was supposed to counter. What was the purpose of his rework? Who was this rework supposed to appeal to? And why was a rework more viable than buffs, or minor changes like Hanzo and Lucio received?
I dont want to drag this topic off track, but on Torb - he was reworked (per an interview with G Goodman) with the intent of combating his perception as a troll pick. Given the number of Torbs I hear getting banned still due to false reports, and his continued low pick rate, I’d say that target was missed by a wide margin.