#Rework Mercy- Valkyrie Support

Tbh I just want to give a rework that started as a meme but… Tbh I’m liking it more and more.

“We hear that you want to be impactful and have more choice. So we are removing Mercy’s staff and instead will give her a flat 75 heals and 70 dmg in her pistol to use at her own will. She can guardian angel float but no longer has to be tied to her team. Instead she flies forward like brig for 8 meters in any direction. Her new ult is now valk which has no chain beams but instead we went back and put in the things from valk on release to make battle Mercy more viable. Mercy in valk does 90 dps, 90 healing , free flight, and ulimited ammo.
We really wanted to emphasize that Mercy isn’t one dimensional, and give her more dynamic plays in line with a combat medic.
To compensate for the lack of damage boost beam, Mercy has VALKYRIE CRY which inspires her team in an AOE for a 30% dmg boost and 10% speed increase for 5 seconds on a 20 second cooldown. This is to give her more choice in her utility and control over the impact she directly has on herself and her team. This new Mercy is designed with Mercy’s military like background and made to make her feel more in line with the FPS shooter we are designing.”

Mercy now requires ‘da skill’
She has a stronger midfight
She isn’t dependent on her team
Her ult is impactful but entirely on her
Her primary focus of healing isn’t harmed.

… I’m pretty proud of my combat Mercy.

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What if we made speed boost increase damage as well, almost as much as nano boost?

That is the single most busted ability I’ve ever heard of.

On a long cooldown , zen gives dmg boost constantly to anyone who chooses his target this an AOE limited to those in her range, Lucio has speed constantly for those in his aoe, moreover I meant it like a badge. Genji on a flank cannot be out of her battle cry and come back in those five sec it’s up and gain the buff. Plus grenade has a shorter cooldown and counters 3 support ults… But okay.
Busted. Not tweak able at all lmao

So… Ana.
But mobile?
I’d have to pass.
It’d leave most of PS4 (idk about the Xbone) with only Moira and the off heal gang as viable picks.

Ana …yeah. the beloved skill hero.
Ana for healing competition but mobility to utility trade off. Now Mercy mains need skill but the strength of grenade and sleep dart aren’t being incorporated here. Ana also has the ability to scope and be hitscan. Mercy is projectile and requires leading shots but can dps headshot.
Seems like there is still pros and cons to both of them but now Mercy is higher skill than current Mercy

Increasing a heroes skill requirement is good, but this idea is bad.

Moira and off healers would be the only one’s viable at lower ranks, and considering Blizz wants Mercy to be accessible making her function as effectively the hardest part of one of the most difficult heroes in game is a terrible idea.

Mercy being lower than ana in skill is what justifies her being untertuned now. Mercy was the lower rank queen forever before Moira was even made.
Moreover blizzard have a very weird vision of Mercy. At least mine is consistent.
Mass rez was removed to address hide n rez and mercy stopping healing to rez… But that’s what they’ve forced her to do now with rez on e.
They wanted her mobile but to use a basic ability she has to slow down her game play by 75%
They wanted her to be the strongest oire healer and then nerfed her healing that they had to buff with the introduction of ana.
Battle Mercy is the fastest way to farm valk. Pistol Mercy is the most autonomy Mercy has now .
At least with mine, that’s on purpose. And it allows Mercy to have time to shine as a skill hero.
Moira can be the accessible hero. She also is gentle for teaching things like tracking and resources. That’s in the middle of ana and Mercy which allows lower players to learn two things from two other healers in one.

Moira is actually picked a bit more than other supports on PS4 than on Xbox. That confused me a bit. I would have figured that pick rates would be similar across both consoles. At least that was the case when I checked last.
So it could be a bit different for sure.

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I don’t mind Mercy having been strong in her niche with mass rez. If she was picked higher than ana, it makes sense because most people aren’t ana Gods. They’re in plat and lower . But somehow pick rates just finished mercy being weak and middling.
And I don’t feel blizzard is doing any kind of reflection on this at all.
So i was inspired by an idea of just… Flat out changing Mercy entirely. Because Mercy players are seen as being unreasonable for wanting Mercy to have impact or mass rez back. So this idea stemmed from making absolutely no one happy while addressing her core issues and complaints. But I realized that in my memery , I actually came up with a direct design that Imo is balanced and tweak able.
Kind of a mistake but… I prefer my meme Mercy to this middling low skill floor and low skill cieling one on live :sweat_smile:

PS4 got the recent Pharah tweaks pushed out because she was super dominant here and they were designed to nerf her here.
Can’t vouch for it’s effectiveness, but I can vouch for Moira probably being the best healer here.

Xbox is historically pretty FPS rich in title selections, PS kinda isn’t. People have even gone into why the current Dualshock is a bad controller for FPS games. The system/playerbase differences show a bit in the stat differencials between the two consoles.

As such Mercy and Moira’s reliability tends to trump Ana’s utility up into higher ranks.
Probably why I’m so opposed to this design. Ana’s barely not a joke at my level, so making Mercy more inconsistent than her would leave me with Moira, sometimes Ana and the off healers. Not a great selection with certain… tendencies.

I play Xbox. I know the struggle. But I think the dominance of pharmercy isn’t inherently strong either but neither is widow boost, Ashe pockets etc. So it’s definitely meta changing… But so was valk on release.

I have 0 clue what this is referencing in my post, or what this has to do with my stance on your rework idea, or what it has to do with your rework idea.

I might just be a bit lost, but this response feels out of left field.

I’m not sure if that’s what they want exactly… Though I am sort of tired of people thinking that Mercy having impact is completely unreasonable because she was a must pick for so long. Using that as justification to leave a hero in a not so great state is just wrong.

Ah, that explains a lot. I’ve tried playing FPS on Xbox before, but not really PS. That’s kind of strange… What is it about the PS controllers makes them worse for FPS than Xbox controllers?

I’m not necessarily for this design, either. Mercy was always meant to be one of the most consistent healers in the game, and I doubt that the players or devs would like her to change so drastically. I’m all for more skill, and am kind of tired of being so limited when it comes to impact.

OT, but I like how we have PS, Xbox, and PC players all in the same post.

Honestly? I don’t really know.
Maybe Dualshocks have abnormally large deadzones?

To be fair I’ve never played an FPS on an Xbox before, so my only frame of reference is Ps4 compared to the 10 minutes I have on Half-life on my computer or my five minutes of Paladins on a Switch.
The Switch default controller were by far the worst if you were wondering. Felt like I was in molasses.

Though maybe it has something to do with button/stick spacing or responsiveness?
Hairpin trigger control or split second accuracy with flick shots would certainly be hinderd without that.

It is nice to see players from all three platforms discussing the same things though. Nice to see other perspectives.

I think this might be it. They don’t seem as responsive as Xbox controllers for the most part. I might be wrong, that’s just how I remember them feeling.

I bet. It doesn’t seem like a great console to play FPS on.

This is true… I didn’t see much of a difference with buttons before. But again, I haven’t really used either in a while. The last time I used an Xbox controller was for Okami HD, and I’m going to be playing Spyro on PS4 hahaa…

For sure! The only issue is that Mercy seems to be quite a bit more effective on console. I’ve been dying for changes, but I can also see how she could be strong on console. She feels horrible to play on PC, though… I almost feel like balance should be a bit different between the two, but at the same time… Not really.