#ReworkMercy . Thoughts?

Hey guys! So I just want some opinions and such so I can properly address the #ReworkMercy drama going on right now on my next stream. I’ve heard a ton of different things, but i’d like to hear it straight from the community. I’m a Master Mercy main, and have been since season 2. I’m not going to give my opinion on the matter until I get all of the facts from you, the community :slight_smile: Any opinions would help a ton! Be constructive, no toxicity! Thanks :smiley:

I don’t support it, and think it’s pointless.


May I know exactly what aspects you think are pointless? Trying to understand everyone PoV ! Would be super appreciated. Thank you!

Well a lot of people said they like this one. What do you think?


I would be interested in seeing a rework.
unpopular opinion: I like Valkyrie, I wasn’t here for the holy rez but I would like to try it out although its sooo unlikely.

Valkyrie feels weak, rez is too slow, mercy doesn’t heal enough. these are my only BIG problems.
guardian angel is a tad bit too slow but Its not a big deal, right?


I personally like the idea, but alas what I like doesn’t matter, just trying to get as much based information I can on the subject before I say anything, there has been a TON of toxicity around the #reworkmercy outcry.
Thank you!

deep breath

I personally like where Mercy is at. I do not want mass resurrect back. I am the minority of Mercy players.


The #reworkMercy movement, from what I understand, isn’t “pls revert mass resurrect”, nor is it necessarily “pls rework Mercy” - the hashtag itself is meant to be a, “Let’s discuss!” instead of a “Let me push my idea down your throat”.

It’s meant to counteract the #DeleteBrigitte movement that was toxic as hell. instead, IIRC #reworkMercy is meant to produce productive discussions around the hero and not shut anyone out.


If you crouch and GA at the same time it at LEAST feels faster. As for the healing I can agree, but also I can go out of my way and disagree, I average around 2 deaths, and 24ish thousand healing per game! But I do agree Valk is a bit… stale. And rez is just way too slow, it’s almost never worth it to GA in and rez someone.

People want mercy to be one thing that she has no business being:

A super impactful, low skill ceiling, high healing, great ult, support.

Mercy is fine where she is and has a place with damage boost and in certain comps especially with Zen. She is fine where she as at and should literally never be as picked as much as she was in the high ranks. She is a simple hero that should really have a fairly basic impact on the game.

Her and Moira both are much lower skill ceiling hero’s than Zen, Lucio, and Ana. Zen, lucio, and Ana all have room to grow with the player as you rank up. Higher ranked mercy players have better decision making, but they do not have better mechanics in the same way that the other supports do as you move up the ladder.

Every other hero in this game has abilities that scale well with skill, mercy does not. She doesnt need reworked. She doesnt need reverted. This is where she should be.

What #reworkmercy actually is, is a lot of silver, gold, and platinum players that frankly have no interest in learning other hero’s nor do they have any interest in learning how to understand Overwatch. You should not listen to people like Aria Rose when it comes to balance because they literally have no idea how this game works.

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I believe that was the point, there are some pretty popular Youtubers getting into it on the platform. Making #ReworkMercy super toxic, which is a shame. Thank you for your Feedback love! I appreciate you.


guardian angel is really good, its not as fast as it was. that is my problem.
its still an amazing escape ability. one of the main reasons why I started playing her, not regretted!

(jeff don’t read this pls)

Let me ask you something! If both Mercy and Moira have a low skill ceiling, why is Moira much stronger than Mercy? Her healing output is amazing, and she can really REALLY carry in lower elos, with a super impactful ultimate as well. Thank you for your feed back! I appreciate you!

Yeah, unfortunately I don’t think their intent is to make it toxic but IMO people like Stylosa kind of participated in it - they’re discussing it withut saying “I’m right, you’re wrong, if you don’t want this for Mercy, you are wrong” - it’s just “here is our side of the discussion” and they made some pretty fair points.

I just…eh, you know. I’m not super into the discussion because I often find myself just repeating myself. But I will always encourage people to have this discussion with an open mind :smile:

How about a Valk idea like this:



  • When using Caduceus Staff you have the option of:
    1. Single beam heals at 100hps.
    2. 30% chain beam damage boost.
  • When using Blaster you have the option of:
    1. Blaster, can be used simultaneously with healing.
    2. 70hps chain beam healing.
  • Reduced weapon switch speed.
  • Mercy options setting of starting Valk with staff, with blaster, or to not change what you have equipped.

Agreed! I personally thing Mercy should receive a buff to Valk, I happen to LOVE Valk. Mercy 1.0 (Before the buff, then the nerf) was super boring to play. (Get’s ult, team purposefully die, you hide, mass rez) It was super boring. Valk is super engaging, but I think her healing output is by FAR really dull and lackluster.

I actually like Valk where it’s at, because I just feel like healing in general is just too much in the game…especially with heroes that can stack healing like Moira and Ana as well.

But, I can acknowledge I’m a major outlier :joy: I know that’s just me! but super cool that you like Valk, too. I have found its uses in sustaining a push, and I find that her entire kit overall has much subtler impact, but it happens much more often than her old kit.

Because lower elo players can’t aim and moira allows them to out aim the mechanically weak DPS players. There is a reason why moira isn’t played much outside of plat and that’s because once you have the mechanics, the other healers offer more in terms of utility.

Those players stay in lower elo’s because they dont heal enough and they dont know who to heal when. That’s probably the biggest difference between the lower and higher ranks. The healers just latch onto the tanks and have no idea who is going to heal when or who is about to take damage. They see a gold medal and amount of healing when really, that healing was just feeding or not healing the right person at the right time.

I think the ideal place for Mercy is as a tech option for higher rank players to empower a specific hero or as a consistent option for mid to lower rank players. She is in the perfect spot balance wise imo.

Mercy is super strong at empowering carry heroes like widow, phara, mccree, ashe, etc while also still being the best healer in the lower ranks where people have bad aim. They should just leaver her alone for a while.

One thing that I wanted a long time ago when she was first reworked was I wanted Mercy’s Rez to be dependent on her team. I wanted it to be a resource of maximum 100, a Rez costing 50 resource. Basically it would be like the positive version of Reapers soul orbs that he used to have except Mercy would also be able to get it from fallen allies as well. She would get 15 resource from dead enemies and 5 resource from fallen allies, and when she ulted she got double resources. It would not fill up automatically like Torbs used to for armor. You can only get it from dead heroes basically. I don’t know how relevant this would be now considering how much she has changed since she first got Valkyrie, but that’s what I wanted, and I still think it could work.

Playing at a high elo, and having my smurf in plat/diamond, I see where you’re coming from. But I think Mercy as a support should not only be looked at as a damage booster. I agree that she is decent where she is in terms of healing, I consistently outheal any other support in my group, but with that being said I think for people that don’t play Mercy at a Master,GM,top 500 level, they should be taken into consideration as well. But I think it’s just differing opinions! Thank you so much for your feedback! I appreciate you!