Dash can now be cancelled like doomfist punch.
Deflect can be cancelled 
fan now spreads in a vertical line.
Primary fire deals less dmg, but is now hitscan
Genji gets his old tripple jup back (double jump, wall climb, double jump)
Dragonblade deletes moira and brig from the game.
Im not very good at this i want to see how creative some people are.
Symmetra: Back to support
Ability 1 - Healing Turrets:
- Will now heal teammates (and Symmetra) instead of damaging enemies (40HP/S)
- Can heal while they’re flying/deploying on a wall
- Cooldown per turret reduced to 6
Ability 2: Photon Barrier:
- You can pick a teammate to use it on, similar to Brigitte’s Repair Packs or Zenyatta’s Harmony Orb
- Heals for 75 HP, and any leftover healing will be turned into temporary shields that will start disappearing after 8 seconds
- Creates a 225 HP Brigitte-like barrier in front of the target the size of that target
- The barrier will disappear after 4 seconds or when it is destroyed
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
Ultimate: Teleporter/Shield Generator
- Basically the 2.0 ultimate
- Can be destroyed by pressing the ultimate button
I’m not too good at it either, so feel free to give me feedback
Working Symmetra 3.0
Now uses the Orb. Orb can be held in front of Symmetra (4 meters) where it will pulse every second dealing continuous 70 DPS to all enemies that are in range. Releasing Orb will fire it forward with speeds similar to Lucio’s primary. Impacting enemies or surfaces makes it explode for an additional 70 damage in a 2 meter radius. 140 Damage total.
Symmetra casts a Barrier on one enemy that has 75 durability. Prevents enemy from dealing damage or healing unless said abilities can pierce Barriers. Enemy may still move around.
Will now have a 6 second cooldown if manually deconstructed. If destroyed or manually deconstructed while under fire, cooldown is 15 seconds.
Faster deployment and flight speeds. Enemy being damage by Turret will be tethered to it preventing them from moving outside the Turret’s range until the Turret is destroyed or the beam LoS is broken. If multiple Turrets attack the same enemy, all Turrets must be destroyed to free enemy.
Enemies that are touching the Barrier recieve 30 DPS and slow effects similar to being damaged by a Turret.
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Echo: Moved to Support Class
Primary Fire: Sticky Bombs
Echo’s new primary fire is sticky bombs. Echo generates one sticky bomb every 0.5s that stack up to 6 sticky bombs. Holding primary fire will shoot out these sticky bombs, the longer it is held, the more sticky bombs will be released. They function, damage wise, just like the ability. If they hit an ally, they will heal with AoE healing, too.
Ability 1: Flight (Same as current)
Ability 2: Cleansing Shield (6s)
Echo targets an ally and casts +50 shields onto the ally that lasts 3s. This ability also cleanses the target of any CC immediately and for the next 2s. (This stops them from being stunned, hooked, shattered etc)
Ultimate: Cloning Module
Echo copies all allies within her sight and stores them in her database for the next 10s, if any of these allies are killed, their souls will travel to her location and will be free to fight until their respawn timer is up. All damage and healing output is reduced by 25% for these cloned allies.
Obligatory not my main but:
- Photon Projecter charge up rate increased from 1.33 to 1
- Secondary fire damage decreased from 140 to 90
- Secondary fire no longer explodes
- Secondary fire penetrates players and barriers
- Secondary fire projectile speed increased from 25 to 35
- Secondary fire charge rate from 1 to 0.7
- Teleporter cooldown from 12 to 9 seconds, starts when teleporter is destroyed
- Teleporter duration to 4 seconds
- Teleporter range from 30 to 35
- Health increased from 100 to 150 (250 total hp)
- Turrets removed
- New ability, increase primary fire range from 12 to 22, generates shields at a rate of 25% damage. Lasts 4 seconds, cooldown 8 seconds after ability ends.
- Photon Barrier hp from 4000 to 2500
This returns Symmetra’s unique secondary fire, increases her close range combat effectiveness, and gives her an increased effective range. She retains her ability to quickly move her team across the map while removing the ability to permenantly reduce spawn return time. Her photon barrier is properly breakable, but the rest of her kit should compensate.
I’ve got a few more ideas. Let me know what y’all think.
primary fire:kill everyone from the enemy team
secondary fire:kill everyone from the enemy team
ability 1:kill everyone from the enemy team
ability 2:kill everyone from the enemy team
ultimate:instantly win the game
Revert Symmetra back to support and her 2.0 kit.
Then, after that disaster is undone, we:
- Nerf Shield Gen:
- Reduce shields granted to 50 from 75
- Make it’s duration non-permanent. Instead, it will drain 6,66% ult charge per second (roughly 15 seconds base duration).
- Symmetra will be able to keep earning ult charge while Shield Generator is active.
New passive: Photon Shield
- Global passive: Every teammate receive 25 shield HP while Symmetra is on their team.
- This is simply moving part of Shield Gen power into Symmetra base kit.
- Buff turrets:
- Turrets will have 15 shield HP each instead of 1
- Turret placement range is now equal to turret range (10m)
- Placing a turret will no longer slow Symmetra while doing the placement animation
- Any enemy being hit by at least 3 turrets at once will have all their mobility abilities locked down (like when stuck on a Graviton), until they are no longer being hit by 3 turrets. This will allow Sym to do her job better as an anti-flanker and anti-dive character.
- Slightly buff orbs:
- Orb speed is now inversely proportional to orb charge level. Fully charged orbs will stay slow, but quick-tap orbs will be fast like Genji shurikens.
- Teleporter gets a small QoL:
- Teleporter, unlike Shield Generator, stay as an permanent construct.
- Symmetra can self-destruct her Teleporter at any time to and recover ult charge proportional to how many charges it had left. This will give her more ult flexibility.
Bonus track: We get a new character, another Vishkar spy. They will be a DPS that use the same kit as Sym 3.0.
Bonus track 2: Sombra is moved to Support. No kit change.
Health and armor set to ∞ to match the ammo in her fusion canons.
Higher Ult charge rate as only killable outside of MEKA
Call MEKA 10 second cooldown after explosion to balance.
reduce reapers spread, boom new hero is born, or villain, depends on your perspective i suppose.
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Cancellable Barrage in exchange for reducing total damage by 25%
self harm per rocket reduced from 40 to 30
Horizontal dash midair if you crouch+direction, or if you RMB+direction
Oh by the way Taiga. I made a workshop on a pharah rework, want to try it out?
- Fading through ennemy now deals 25 dmg and heal moira for the same amount, but only 25 hp, no matter how many people she went through.
- when fading through at least an ennemy, fade cooldown is decreased by 2 seconds
biotic orb (this will allow for a more precision requiring)
- Damage orb speed increased to 35m/s
- the rest is left unchanged
biotic grasp
- Taking ray is now tightening, increasing also the rewards and damage dealt the longer you stay “connected” to the target
- Ray width varying from 0.4 to 0.2 over time of connexion (and ray width 0.2 at 20m asks for a lot more tracking than at 12m, the symm’s maximum lenght)
- Ray tightening in 2.5 seconds of contact, increasing every 0.25 sec of contact
- Damage range from 40 to 70
- Self healing from 15 to 25hps
- Energy refill from 15 to 22.4/sec
- Ray start to reversing if you disconnect more than 0.1 sec from the target
- Ray reset completly if you switch target
Biotic grasp
- healing spray lingering healing increased from a total 85 over 4 sec instead of 65 (leaving moira more time to second the team)
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i’ll do you one better, make pharah actually able to take no self damage from rockets or make the rockets have a lot greater knockback effect on pharah.
but in return increase her jet fuel consumption, no character should be able to stay in the air forever.
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That’s actually exactly what I did for this pharah rework on workshop (plus lots more)
You can try it if you want
i played quake so i’ve kinda done that.
i’m more comfortable rocket jumping than i am flying with pharahs weird pulse like jet pack that makes her float like a drunk bumble bee.
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How can you cancel a frame 1 thing?
A-Anyway uh
Duration is now 8secs
Can contest objectives
Speedboost increased from +50% to +75%
LoS checks reverted

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Lol I’m scared
Sombra being able to contest objectives for 8 seconds?