Rework your main


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sym is back to 2.0 with the flying turrets

thats it


The flying gauge increased by 4 times the actual gauge.
Flying thrust force (jump) doubled
The booster is replaced by homing missile on a 10 sec cooldown, dealing 100dmg to a designated target. The homing missile has 75% of the normal missile speed


  • Stealth is no longer unlimited. It’s resource based and on a timer. Stealth cooldown reduced to 2 seconds. Movement speed pushed back to 75%
  • Casting EMP now reloads your weapon
  • Oppertunist change. In addition to detecting enemies under 50%, Sombra now deals 20% more damage to these enemies
  • Translocator reverted to a 20 second timer

Instead of fade and lmb/rmb Moira now throws 10 healing orbs and damage orbs at once. :smiling_imp:

totally not OP at all


I’ve always thought a dive bomb ability like her highlight intro would be a great kill-confirm skill

Burn some of your fuel to slam down on a target dealing 120 damage

High risk, high reward

I actually did that as well on workshop.
Except it doesn’t deal damage, It is more for being caught out in the air from hitscans.

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“Easy fix” D.Va changes:

Starting fix:

  • Dump Micomissiles
  • Restore Defense Matrix

Additional potential fixes, if needed, in no particular order:

  • Buff Fusion cannons to compensate for reduced damage output from the removal of Micromissiles. Reduce spread and/or increase falloff damage; maybe even increase pellet base damage
  • Restore boop damage
  • Add armor
  • Adjust critbox
  • Fix projectiles from certain other heroes not being properly deleted by Defense Matrix.
  • Tweak baby D.Va. Maybe give her an ability or some extra health or something, starting with additional emotes, of course.

Alternative “hard fix” solution: Adjust all tanks so that every tank can be paired with each other without creating throw comps, like all double off-tank combinations. Limit the power of double shields. Maybe allow projectiles to fly through them, warranting protection needed from D.Va, Sigma, and other future “Defense Matrix Tanks.”

He’s not my main, but here’s my Torb concept:

  1. The Bat-Hammer: Holding primary fire while using hammer causes Torb to channel his strength, increasing his hammer’s power for every second held up to 3 seconds, shortly after which (holdable for ~1 second) Torb releases a powerful blow dealing ~100 damage.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Torb can use a charged strike to reposition his turret. A lightly held charge will move it only slightly, whereas a fully charged strike can even change its elevation, shooting it about the the height of the defense’s ledge on Hanamura point A.

  1. Magnet Beam: If Torb can smack his turret around, it stands to reason he can return it to his gentle caress. Holding secondary fire while using hammer generates a magnetic beam that pulls Torb’s turret closer. The closer the beam is to the turret, the faster it moves toward Torb (think HL2’s gravity gun).

As a bonus, the magnet beam can also attract health packs.

  1. Turret Targeting: This one is self-explanatory; Torb can target an opponent with the interact command to have his turret target exclusively them while they remain within its LoS.

  2. Torb and Turret Teamwork: Now Torb and his turret synergize. Opponents having sustained ~50 damage from Torb’s turret get “burnt”, and take bonus damage from Torb’s rivet gun and hammer.

  3. Molten Core (of course): New Molten Core only keeps the name of Torb’s old ult as a theme; it is an entirely new ability. If Torb’s turret is within range, he swings his hammer like Thor and flies toward it. Upon reaching it, it enlarges to twice its normal size and spews steaming lava that damages everyone in its near vicinity.

If Torb is not near his turret, or he doesn’t have one constructed, one instantly spawns on him with the same enlarging/lava spewing effect.

Of course, the madness doesn’t end there. Upon reaching/constructing his enlarged turret, Torb hops into it and begins to pilot it like a mech. In this mode, Torb has ~500 health, can target foes for his beefed up turret to attack, can shoot lava puddles like in his second iteration of Molten Core, all the while walking freely about. The havoc lasts for ~10 seconds. Upon ending, Torb’s turret returns to its regular size ejects him slightly into the air.

There you have it, my zany take on new Torb. Idk if it’s enough to make him viable, but if he’s going to be a gimmicky hero, he might as well embrace the role :grin:

I don’t wanna do this, but

The LĂșcio Rework


The rework is built around making LĂșcio more of a team player and bringing him up to speed with his healing after slowly being phased out for stronger heals, with speed boost as his only saving grace. It enhances his displacement skills while turning Sound Barrier into an offensive ult called “Remix”.

PASSIVE : Wall Ride

  • Now allows LĂșcio to stick to ceilings (does not mess with camera). LĂșcio will not automatically attach to a ceiling; the player must press Jump once more while touching the ceiling.
    • This ability can get LĂșcio back to his team quickly as is; this change allows to him to take a mobile high ground at any time, provided a physical ceiling.


  • Projectile speed increased to 55 (from 50).
  • Projectile damage decreased to 15 (from 20).
  • Sonic Amplifier now shoots in bursts of 5 (up from 4).
  • Ammo decreased to 15 (down from 20).

SOUNDWAVE - Secondary Fire

  • Cooldown increased to 6 seconds (up from 4.)
  • Knockback power increased.
  • AoE radius increased to 9 meters (up from 8).

CROSSFADE - Ability 1

  • (Both auras) Radius increased to 15m (up from 12).
  • Speed boost increased to +30% (up from 25%).
  • Self heal increased to 15hps, ally heal decreased to 15hps. (Up from 12.3, down from 16).
  • LĂșcio now gets an extra 1hps per ally in his radius (max +3hps / 18hps).

AMP IT UP - Ability 2

  • Cooldown decreased to 10s (from 12s).
  • Effect lasts for 3.5s (up from 3s).
  • On cast, increases Crossfade radius to 25m.
  • HPS on Self increased to 45. (Up from 42).

REMIX - Ultimate (NEW)
LĂșcio revises his skills in the studio and takes them on the offense to make the tide of battle him and his team’s own. with a small callback to the old LĂșcio time slow ult :wink:

  • Uses the same animation as Sound Barrier.
  • Upon hitting the ground, all enemies in a 35m radius (ignores LOS for shields only) receive a -5.66% move speed and projectile speed reduction for 7s.
  • LĂșcio’s auras now negatively effect the enemies as well. (Shield LOS is accounted for here. Using amp has no extra effect on the enemy.)
    • Heal Aura : Enemies inside now receive 70% healing.
    • Speed Aura : Stacks an extra -3.667% onto the enemy’s move speed only.
  • Eliminating LĂșcio during this time will revert all effects.

Brig: Ultimate turns you into launch Brig for 15 seconds

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I will 100% t-bag my enemies while spamming the “IS THIS EZ MODE?!” voice line. :rage:


Ult- kill clip 6 bullet mag 40% damage bonus
E - Lasso works the same as flash bang but can be used to take high ground

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Rework my main? More like revert

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yo the flying turrets are lit.
i play symm a lot and every time someone wants a revert, i 90% agree. the only thing i wanna keep is the flying turrets, and tp on cooldown. (photon barrier remains e, tp would just be like em2 or something)
so much more fluid in combat.

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I wrote this before we knew what he would eventually get in the 1 - 3 - 2 experimental. While I like the experimental Take a Breather, it’s give or take thing with me. :man_shrugging:


Bodyguard (New Passive)

Roadhog takes a % less amount of DMG per teammate behind him. This would be a cone area effect, starting at his feet and gradually getting wider behind him in a V or cone like fashion.

~ Roadhog doesn’t have a barrier, most “main” tanks are ones with barriers and while that’s an okay mechanic. It’d be nice for some diversity. The idea behind this would be for Hog himself to act as a shield. More teammates behind him, the less DMG he takes and or soaks like a barrier.

Take a Breather

  • Duration increased from 1 to 3 seconds
  • Heals for 100HP per second
  • Total unchanged of 300HP.

~ In combination of that passive, I think it would be okay to utilize the % DMG reduction that Take a Breather gives him. Increasing the duration allows for more counter-ability as well as more utilization. In saying that, 50% is a lot and it may have to be lowered to 25 or 30% in order to not be absolutely busted.

  • Example: Let’s say the % of Bodyguard is 4% per teammate, this means if you have every teammate within that range behind you
 The range is hard to determine, but for an example let’s say 15meters.

So, starting at his feet going 15meters backwards in a cone or V shape. If all teammates are within that range for this example they give 4% DMG reduction. Meaning in total, you have a 20% DMG reduction. Combine that with Take a Breather and for 3 seconds, granted it still does 50%, Hog then takes 70% less DMG. These numbers are just examples of how I’m seeing it work.*

Those are the ones I’m more confident about, they don’t seem excessive and depending on the %'s they shouldn’t break him in any dumb way. The next one I’m going to suggest is a bit more out there and even I’m unsure of it.


  • Now has 2 Charges
  • DMG reduced from 30 to 15 per
  • Max Range decreased from 20 to 10 meters.

I’ll be honest I’m unsure on the CD for this idea. With DMG & range I chopped them in half. But, having 2 charges of hook on a 4s CD / recharge seems like a bit much / busted potentially. :man_shrugging:

~ Similar to what I said about Whole Hog, this idea drives from a more aggressive, in your face, Hog.

I’m not touching Scrap Gun, as I don’t think it really needs to be touched.

Whole Hog

  • Any ideas?

~ I feel something would need to be done to Whole Hog as well. IMHO it’s one of the weaker tank ultimates and if the goal of this concept is for him to be more of an aggressive tank having a knockback ult seems counter intuitive.

Sometimes you just need to send a message

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symmetra main, here.
Just some food for thought.

New passive- shield matrix. 50% of allied hp is replaced with shield hp. This only goes away when symmetra is swapped for another hero.
This also goes for other heroes with shield health, except Zenyatta. On symmetra herself, this means she has 50 hp and 150 shields.
E- teleporter- cooldown starts upon casting.
Shift m1- sentry turrets.
she has the current turrets, but the turrets deal 20dps with a 30% slow. Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds.
New ability- shift m2- sentry ward.
She has three wards stored at a time. They can be sent out to an ally like a Zenyatta orb. They heal for 15hps, and only one per allied hero.
New mode of fire- Shield projector-
press the scroll wheel to activate a new mode of her weapon. This mode locks on to an ally of your choice within 20 meters and gives them a temporary barrier, like LĂșcio’s sound barrier. It maxes out at 25 temp shields that regenerate after one second of not taking damage. As long as your ally is targeted, they also regain 20hp/s, and symmetra gains ammo.
Her weapon’s orbs also move at the same speed and with the same hit box as zenyatta’s orbs of destruction, but they only deal 120 damage at full charge.
Primary Ult-
photon barrier as it is now, but every ally gets a 100 hp photon bubble around them upon casting.
Secondary ultimate-
teleporter. Acts like all previous iterations of teleporters, but can be placed like her current teleporter.

Lastly, move this queen over to the support category where she belongs and give her a 3 star difficulty rating.
But most importantly, every time there’s a Junkrat on the enemy team when photon barrier is used, he will say “I have a feeling they have a shieeeeeeld generator”.

I made this a while ago, and i just felt like she needed every single iteration of her rolled into one giant, shield-based utilitarian support with ALL of the cooldowns to keep track of.

the cone thing would be rather difficult to use, since he’s rather large and allies would have difficulty seeing through him so they may move out the way of the cone.
maybe a better way to implement it would be to just have allies within 20 meters of him take like 15% less damage, and the more allies within this bodyguard aura, the less ult charge he gives. just so that hoggu and the allies have incentive to stay close to eachother, but hoggu doesn’t need to block los for allies.

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I’d say my main is either mercy or winston
I think Mercy could use some form of esuna ability to purge status affects from an ally (similar to a zarya bubble but without the shielding/charge aspect), not sure what a fair tradeoff would be though
Winston has always been in a good place. If they ever had to buff him, I think he may be better if the bubble had less HP but could be placed more often (maybe even on a resource meter like Sigma’s shield)