Rework Widowmaker

Insanely unfun to play against in high MMR, extremely unbalanced when placed in the right hands and extremely garbage when placed in the wrong hands, just rework her, she was balanced back when we had 2 tanks protecting the team, now she’s just been broken since OW2 launched, please rework her.


Widow can be fair if she have more snipers weakness… like long reload time, low ammo or big hitbox size


She definitely needs some spinal surgery.


Define high MMR? Please?


widow is nearly unplayable against her counters

dive her


The OP probably means high MMR as Gold, in which you start seeing some Widow players be able to hit shots.

Widow is extremely easy to counter. A team comp with a Winston, Genji, and Sombra absolutely dominates Widowmaker. Winston and Genji makes Widow have to play farther than usual from the fight and their team. Sombra makes Widow have to play close to her team. See the problem? Widow has no where to play that’s good. Neither close or far. It’d be best for her to play with her team in this situation, but then the supports would have to constantly peel for her to keep her alive which isn’t ideal. So really Widow would have to switch in this comp or she would be throwing the match.

Oh yeah, did I mention that Wrecking Ball is the ultimate counter to Widow? And what about Kiriko a support, being able to two tap her from a mile away while having a super small hitbox.


Unless its a sniper map (Cough Havana Cough) in which case even me being the most average Widow possible will end up 17-1 on her. You’re too far for divers to contest you on certain maps aside from maybe Sombra who can harass you decently.

Although it’s less of a Widow problem and more of garbage map design. Will admit though playing against high rank Widows is a chore and probably the most obnoxious thing in the game.


Havana. Side alley ways, cough cough, map knowledge cough cough

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When was the last time you saw someone survive a sniper bullet to the brain, hm? Cause that’s what you want, right? To remove her one shot capability?

Well, go on, tell me: When did you see someone survive a sniper bullet to the brain? I’ll wait.

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You know… if you were to try to play windowmaker for five minutes, you would know exactly why she doesn’t need to be reworked. Other players know how to screw her over, and she’s not particularly easy to play in the first place.

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Your saying her performance fluctuates based on the skill level of the person playing her? And that she’s terrible if you don’t have the skill required to get value?

That is literally the description of something that is perfectly balanced.


In this computer game with time manipulators, moon gorillas and gravity wizards? All the time. Realism’s not a concern.


Masters and above you need a better widow or a ball to counter a pocketed widow. Flankers (or winston) just won’t get it done.


Don’t forget that she’d need to have no mobility and no walls ability.

Fr, it just becomes an ego battle. Whichever team has the Widow that won the 1v1, wins the fight, and if they win one fight, it’s typically the same for every fight following it. Cringe design.


Issue is 1 shot uptime.

ult 1 shots are fine becasue they are low uptime.

Snipers need less uptime of said 1 shots.

widow specifically could have her power shuffled to rely on mroe than just aim.
make her kit have to work together for that extreme power (also increases skill ceiling by being more than aim and positioning which is not special to her as thats a thing for all heroes)

  • Remove crit multiplier (or lower it to 1.25-1.5) from scoped.
  • increase dmg of venom mine (so its a threat and not an afterthought)
  • enemies effected by venom mine & during her ult take the current 2.5 crit mod (returning her 1 shot while also giving enemy ways to play agaisnt her as you’ll know not to stick head out if ur venom’d)
  • optional: make her do more dmg to enemies with debuffs (slows/stuns/etc) not just her venom mine targets

even w/o 1 shots 100% of time she is a sniper with high dmg shots and this would keep her a threat just makes it less oppressive.


Don’t know if this would change anything, but having her one-shot charge up be slower like TF2’s sniper might change how she plays. (or not)

this and have her flinch when she is shot especially in the head.


I’ve seen a few of those in QP. On your best day, you might think you’re a decent widow, and they shoot you so fast you can hardly react. As fun as it can be to duel another widow, getting outmatched by one is just embarrassing. :disappointed:

with the difference that the sniper can already oneshot a large part of the opponent with a headshot at 0% and at 100% ALL heroes (including heavy) can be oneshoted with a headshot and the normal heroes are a oneshot with a bodyshot.
Translated into Overwatch this would mean:
200 crit dmg as base damage (0%) (ie every 0.5 sec)
and 700 crit dmg as 100% damage and 280 dmg bodyshot. (at 4 sec charge duration)

I strongly doubt that you want something like this.

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