Rework pharah i want to play Symmetra

Without to worry for hard countering. Make only her ulti to fly. Tired of this hero to hard countering most of the roster and when is + mercy even harder…


They reworked Sym to be more effective against Pharah as is. Put your turrets up high.


It’s one of the greatest joys in the game, but heavily map dependent.


Pharah relies on cover going up so having turrets meeting her otw is very useful. In the open Hitscan are more than capable of taking Pharah out.

Sym should stay protected as much as possible from long range threats. Not just Pharah. Anyone w/ ranged DPS will eat Sym alive.

Also relies on pharah being a drooling bafoon


When you think about it though… Sentry turrets are a nightmare for slow RoF characters.

They first have to notice them, turn, aim, and hit them.

That’s a lot of work needing to be done and OW is a game where even a second wasted can mean a lot.

I’ve seen games where certain locations lead to a Pharah either swapping or being grounded for parts of a fight.

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That part of the roster needs reworking regardless of Pharah. She hasn’t even been viable for over a year.


“i want to play sym every game, rework pharah, one of the worst heroes in the game, because i suck and refuse to swap off sym to counter”


Why should i swap from the hero i love?I dont like hitscans i love to play Symmetra…

because this game is about switching to counter, get with the program


She doesn’t turn slowly and her aoe rockets take them out in one blast without aiming. That’s like the stupidest thing a pharah can die to

This philosophy creates the toxicity and bad players.

then thats your fault…

the game was being design with switching and countering… if you dont want to, dont ask for anything.


players like you create toxicity …


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No its not my fault i want to enjoy the hero i like. Why its my fault becouse some heroes makes other heroes miserable and almost unplayble. Heroes like Bastion and Pharah just forces your whole team to play and counter them.

You give us Sym mains a bad name. You cant play sym 24/7. You either switch or stay in bronze. Stop complaining about a problem that doesnt exist.


Just give Sym her small shield back.

You dont have to swap due to Pharah. That is rather ridiculous even claim such in Sym’s new current state.

Sym is way more effective vs Pharah than vs Hitscan or Hanzo.


I hate to break it to you, but no.

Also how Sym has do to anything with Prahah?

0 heroes on this current roster doesnt need single reworks. Devs also have said that theyre dont have any of 'em planned.

Wow thanks for the good laughs. You know theres plenty of counters for Prahah.
But complaining about someone countering your hero wont make you any better as a player.

But she doesnt need single reworks. Also how would you rework this hero that she doesnt end up like Mercy did when they needed to rework her more than 2x huh?

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