Rework pharah i want to play Symmetra

Learn hitscan.

Play sym 23/7
Oh a wild phara appears.
Lets ruin pharas day and click her head.
She gives up, you killed her joy.
Phara swaps
You swap back to sym.




why should all the pharah players be punished for playing the hero they love.

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I’m sorry, what?

I’m sorry, what?

Pharah effectively hard counters like 5 heroes. And 3 of them (Sym/Doomfist/Reaper) are “hard countered” in the classic sense of having the ability to fight back, the other two (Rein/Brig) stand no actual chance.

In some cases hard countering goes way too far, in the case of Pharah and Sym it’s just enough. Sym does have the ability to fight back, escape, or bait Pharah.

Pharah wasn’t made to hard counter Sym, there’s just a little advantage over her. It’s healthy. It’s different when a hero is tuned in a way that is meant to have an advantage that it becomes a problem.

Also, when a Sym is fielded it doesn’t really matter who you’re running against her, I don’t know anyone who says “oh man they gotta Sym, someone go Pharah quickly!” Sym is kinda outclassed by everyone, not just Pharah.

Oh my heart…

Too real
too real


Bc he should be playing pharas counters to really tell them he doesn’t like them. :sweat_smile:

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Or you can just git gud

“Rework Bastion I want to play the game”

Not /s

We are far more than anyone else in the game.

This Sym Main cannot handle 1 single character?

I feel bad for you.

We go against 3~6 counters per game forcing us into being insignificant yet I refuse to swap cuz that is the whole spirit of the game.

Confronting & facing adversity + rising above. I dont nor ever complained about anyone except Dva once upon a time cuz Pharah was not capable of standing against a vastly superior character. No escape. No surviving but I learned to work around such.

New McCree means nothing to me. It just makes McCree more exciting to faceoff against.


No one hero should hardcounter another hero. You dont understand the diference of counters vs hardcounter.

If you play genji and the enemy have winston, you still can play genji and win the match. The winston just make the genji work harder… play symmetra when the enemy have pharah and especially pharahmercy is almost a insta lost or will create a very high toxicity on you team.

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i main dva and once you know her tricks there is no way she can kill you as pharah as she is now. dm bot dva was better at killing pharah.

As a Symmetra player, Pharah is kind of irrelevant. Sure she counters Sym but no one is playing Pharah, especially in the current meta.
In almost every game you’re going to have a sniper or any other sort of hitscan so she usually isn’t able to harass you much when you’re on Sym.(unless you’re hitscan can’t land their shots lol)

For everyone saying put turrets up high, that will work once at best. And even if you kill her, Mercy will Rez her.

Realistically she does need to be reworked if people want her to actually be playable while hitscans exist. People want her buffed so badly because of how hitscan demolishes her while conveniently forgetting that her design effectively does that to a number of heroes (like Sym/Reaper/Doom etc).

She can’t be buffed without buffing what she counters and Mercy. She can’t be nerfed because she’s so weak. So really the only option to make her better is a rework.

Not true at all.

Refund the Splash & remove Suicide Damage.

Replace Mercy Damage Boost w/ Shield Generation beam.

It makes 0 sense to touch Mercy, because Mercy isn’t the issue. Refunding the splash wouldn’t change her getting domed by Widow or the new McCree and removing the suicide damage would just make her unbearably annoying.

They would just ground Pharah and be a much more accurate Junkrat. Pharah needs the risk of self damage on her rockets because she isn’t meant to just barrel into someone point blank range and obliterate them. Junkrat was changed because he more or less has to be near his targets and therefor his grenades whereas Pharah has range and a projectile that flies straight.

If people don’t want her to be as weak as she is vs hitscans then she cannot be as strong vs what she counters. That would have to be the tradeoff and why she needs to be reworked, because if she were good enough to contest what counters her while simultaneously invalidating a number of heroes just by being picked, she’d be too strong.

Lord I know right - people act like Sym is powerless against Pharah and/or Mercy and nothing could be further from the truth. Most paths are very predictable, and you can counter them and force them where they don’t want to be. Sym acts like a tank in creating space more than she ever gets credit for.

Then adds Suicide tendencies to everyone else included as well. Why just stop w/ Pharah?

Sym occassionally jumps of cliffs uncontrollably or Portals are aimed purposely into such situations for everyone else.

McCree gun sometimes backfires & blows his good hand off.

Genji Dragonblade sometimes cuts Genji.

Even Tracer Pulse Bomb suicide is dumb but cannot be taken advantage of unlike Pharah Ult where Dva just flies into her.

If you’re on Symmetra, your other DPS should’ve gone hit scan in the first place, which means there’s your counter.

Also, this is an example of why Pharah doesn’t need buffs, and players that keep asking for them just don’t realize how oppressive to a lot of heroes she is. You need specific heroes to deal with Pharah, and if she has a Mercy pocket, it becomes harder to deal with her.

Finally, OWL players seems to be doing well with Pharah, so I don’t get all the people asking for buffs.

Wow! that’s a bit harsh isn’t it? Aren’t you used to do the same thing? Crying about Widow in forum because you can’t play Junk.

Well in OP’s defense, Flying as an ultimate is slightly better than Barrage.

Trust me, Pharah is not the biggest issue for Sym. Sym herself is the biggest issue for her ow success currently.