Rework HealthPacks for Tanks

As if Sombra is the only source of damage, when the implied assumption is that the enemy team is almost literally sitting on the healthpack.

And if not, then we get into the realm of the hacked healthpacks not really making that big of an impact on the map as you’re implying.

And of course, again, this is only for the very very few positions where a healthpack is near enough to matter.

No, they are near it. Take Eichenwalde first point.

Enemy team set up by the choke, Sombra stealths and hack the health pack to the right.
The other Sombra hacks it back

Super interactive and fun

I listed you many areas where you could set up near a healthpack

So for the handful of points where a hacked pack would matter, most of them could easily be hacked back.

Handful? More like a bucke full of most areas.

Ooooo, that sounds super fun and interactive


Kinda depends. If Sombra isn’t a good choice for the followup sections of the map, then they just wasted a lot of UltCharge economy, for a chokepoint that can be avoided.

i.e. Swing a hammond up over the roof, then go sit on the point. And that whole fortification by the bridge isn’t useful.

No, no it doesn’t. Being a health pack hack bot does not sound fun and interactive in any way

You know that

It’s still so amazing how you think a Sombra nerf would be good for her and the game.

As I mentioned earlier, this change would not only affect Sombra, it would be a buff to Double Barrier and force Sombra mirror picks thus decreasing diversity even more.
How can you see that as a good thing?

are you trying to make a sombra and hammond meta?

I mean, I highly doubt Blizz would rework HP packs just for a single role, being Tanks. But, the idea is interesting, I’ll give you that at least.

(stupid links, can’t repost ur post properly cause of it. Apologies in advance)

I figure the devs are going to these extremes just to bribe people to play Tank more.

The Whats, Whys, and Hows of the Overwatch Priority Pass

So something like adjusting a few numbers on an HP pack and a few resulting balance adjustments, is excessively simple by comparison.

Like Basic Algebra vs Rocket Science.

How wouldn’t it? Your Orisa or Sigma is low HP, just grab a health pack it’s not like running back and forth will take that long. Tanks also have supports for that very reason of not worrying about health packs.

I just see this change adding so many other problems that would just be a cycle…

My worry is Ball would be beyond broken considering his shields can be used in ball form and give no ult charge. (On top of being able to swing on high areas forever to contest a zone in spots like Lijiang and Nepal)

They have recently slowed down a bit, and just recently started to pick it up a little bit more. But what they are doing was nothing like what they did back then. They did reworks. They outputted characters every 3-4 months. Maps, I don’t even know the pattern, it seems they spilt those maps fairly fast. So, I don’t think they’d take things that far. They just recently decided to rework Moira, but then we hit a “perfect” meta, or the meta where almost everything’s viable. They started to take things smaller than what your saying all cause of meta reasons. Right now, big change doesn’t look like the direction Blizz plans to go, not just yet.

easy, full heal but he keeps his original max hp but gets 50% damage reduction. Same Ehp but gets more out of healing from healers and feeds less ultcharge.

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they should just remove role lock cause it makes the game less fun and probably more toxic