Rework HealthPacks for Tanks

So I’ve been trying to think up ways to make playing Tank more enjoyable for a while now. Kinda surprised I didn’t think of this sooner.


  • Small Healthpack = 75HP
  • Large Healthpack = 250HP

So what if they did this instead:

  • Small Healthpack = 37.5% of HP (i.e. 75/200)
  • Large Healthpack = 100% of HP

With the results looking like this:

Alternatively, if they felt like smoothing that out, so that everything is divisible by 5, they could do:

This is what Team Fortress 2 does. And Overwatch shares a lot in common with TF2.


This is just a straight buff to Wrecking Ball LMAO :joy:


Put this in the game, but only on hacked health packs. Add a somewhat big radius from the health pack (depending on health pack size) that heals your team inside through walls (low Lucio like healing). Boom brand new support rework for sombra!


It helps Sombra, but I don’t want this to only be for Sombra.
I’m looking for “less intrusive” ways of making Tanking in general more popular.

And for a lot of skill tiers, (i.e. 70% of the playerbase in Gold through Quickplay).
Healers can be pretty neglectful sometimes.

And when that happens, Tank really sucks to play.

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It makes hacking healthpacks more impactful so I like.


seems like a good idea initially. i dont see anything wrong with it tbh.

edit: hammond is scary nvm i take it back :neutral_face:


experimental, make hammond meta :hamster:


A solid buff to Sombra that people actually love. Strange huh :stuck_out_tongue:

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Please use the correct term.

The Hamster Meta :hamster:


Sombra + Hog = ???

Sombra never struck me as a dps tbf. I’ve had this idea in my mind for a while now, so here you go blizzard…

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I mean, they are looking for ways to push DoubleBarrier down.

If anything when OW2 comes out, there’s gonna be a ton of balance adjustments.

Good thing for the edit :joy:

Was about to go biblical in terms of Wrecking Ball potential and how near unlikable he’d become.

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Sharing alot in common with TF2 doesn’t mean we should model our health around TF2. I have played an incredible amount of TF2 and their health system is far different for a good reason.

I think health packs are fine for tanks, the idea isn’t that tanks should be gobbling them up, they are meant for flankers and back-liners not for tanks. Tanks get their HP from healers. Besides, health packs aren’t supposed to be a reliable mechanic nor a game changer. I’d hate to fight a ball who camped a large health pack just so he can have what is essentially his own healer and an effective 1200hp (not including armor) that respawns itself. Not to mention ball is so incredibly mobile that he can dominate hp pack spawns and never die.


I want my sombra support tho… :frowning:


If Ball is too strong from this, they can always adjust him.

But that’s not a good reason to keep the millions of Tank players unhappy with the role in general.

My bet is that OW2 will come with no new barrier tank neither any new bunker tank.

They’re gonna be all like Dive, Hog or Zarya tanks.

And no new melee tank, maybe beam tanks, but mostly tanks with shooting weapons.

Yeah probably. Or they are gonna go through all the AnchorTanks and give them stronger barriers, better lethality, but less HP.

i.e. Rein from the OW2 PVE trailer:

So you try to solve a problem, create a solution to solve said problem, make a new problem then nerf said problem instead of the problem you had in the beginning? :thinking:

Seems like a lot of backwards steps and wasted work to a whole lot of nothing in the end.

The amount of health a tank gets from a health pack is the last thing tank players worry about.


If you’re in an ELO where the healer isn’t paying attention, it’s practically the only thing that matters.